New release – Growing Up In Poverty: Findings from Young Lives

9781137404022Edited by Michael Bourdillon and Jo Boyden
Palgrave MacMillan, 2014

This new book brings together the latest findings from Young Lives on how poverty affects children’s development and how children and their families respond to poverty in their daily decisions and daily lives. The book shows how, amid general economic growth, many poor children are being left behind despite, the promises of the Millennium Development Goals. While the universalisaton of education now means that most children attend school, at least for a while, children from disadvantaged backgrounds often experience poor-quality education and learn least in school, creating inequality of opportunity.

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ACYIG blog needs you!

We welcome submissions from ACYIG members for our blog!

The blog is a less formal venue for budding ideas, thoughts on critical issues that might not fit elsewhere, and a time-sensitive way to engage with a broader community of scholars and the public.

The topics are open, but here are a few ideas and possible themes:
  • children/youth in the news — Experts on topics that are coming up a lot in the current news write about their take on current events, parse out the news coverage or what isn’t being addressed, give deeper ethnographic insight into what is at stake, perhaps provide historical perspective, etc.
  • important issues related to children/youth that are NOT in the news — Things we know about as researchers that we wish had media coverage, and why.
  • photography from the field / brief photo essays
  • questions of ethics and the IRB — specifically in relation to research with minors and protected populations
  • the “anthropology of childhood and youth” outside of typical anthropology departments
  • status and future of being an “anthropologist of childhood/youth” in the U.S.; job advice & related
  • “why study children?” – novel perspectives and creative applications for thinking about the relevance of our discipline
  • notes from the field — open-ended reflections on research w/ kids
  • kids’ perspectives on participating in research
  • childhood and youth in popular culture, etc.
  • summaries of discussions that occur on our listserv (or other such community resources)

Please note that submissions are screened internally and decisions about posting pieces are made quickly, so this is of course not a formal academic publication nor is it to be considered peer reviewed. It is, however, a great way to get more people to view your ideas and publicize your work, and to help publicize the anthropology of childhood and youth!

For more information on submitting to our blog, please contact Bonnie Richard at



Seminar @ UCLan: Intersectionality in Young Men’s Accounts of Domestic Violence

Connect Centre for International Research on Interpersonal Violence and Harm
University of Central Lancashire – School of Social Work
4 November 2014, 4-5.45pm, Brook Building room 8

Intersectionality in Young Men’s Accounts of Domestic Violence

Professor David Gadd

Director of the Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice Manchester University Law School

This paper argues for approaches to explaining domestic violence that are sufficiently nuanced enough for most men to be able to see both similarities and differences between themselves and other men who have described perpetrating assaults on women. It begins by outlining the instrumentalist assumptions that continue to inform key feminist approaches to explaining perpetrator behaviour. It then elaborates on how conceptual developments in the study of masculinities have challenged instrumentalist explanations without fully transcending the social determinism implicit in them. Using three young men’s narrative accounts the paper shows how domestic violence can be both instrumental and expressive at the same time – controlling and defensive – and that the meaning of such behaviours can often only be grasped by being alive to the gendered nature of social discourses, many of which are easily infused with racialized, disablist and class-based assumptions.

Professor David Gadd is Director of the Centre for Criminology and Criminal Justice at Manchester University Law School. David has 15 years of experience of conducting and analyzing in-depth interview research with offenders, and has written extensively on the subjects of domestic abuse, masculinities and crime, racial harassment, offender motivation and desistance from crime. His first book, Psychosocial Criminology (co-written with Tony Jefferson) was published by Sage in 2007. His second book, Losing the Race (co-written with Bill Dixon) was published by Karnac in 2011. David is lead editor of the (2012) SAGE Handbook of Criminological Research Methods (co-edited with Susanne Karstedt and Steven Messner).

Seminar is free. All welcome. Brook Building room 8. Refreshments provided.
To reserve a place go to EventBrite at: