Category Archives: Announcements



Conference information is now available! Click here to visit the conference website, access registration, and view details.

Anthropology of Childhood and Youth Interest Group (ACYIG) Biennial Conference

March 7-9, 2019 

Rutgers University—Camden, NJ

Co-Sponsored by: AAA Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group, Department of Childhood Studies (Rutgers-Camden), Department of Sociology, Anthropology and Criminal Justice (Rutgers-Camden), and The Graduate School (Rutgers-Camden) 

Here are some other exciting conference highlights:

  • Three professional development sessions: Publishing in an academic journal, Publishing a book manuscript; Navigating the job market
  • Youth-led panels: Camden and Philadelphia activism, LGBTQ+ narratives and experiences, visual and multi-media arts, social entrepreneurism, youth Radio & creative writing
  • Community experiences: Youth-led discussion of Camden-based documentary at Hopeworks, & Stedman Gallery exhibit tour: Camden: Past, Present and Future, which features artwork from children & youth (sign-up onsite at conference)
  • Optional “Taste of Camden” conference dinner Friday evening ($45)

Call for NEOS Submissions – February 2019

Call for Submissions – February 2019 Issue (for Call as a PDF click here)

Dear ACYIG Members,

ACYIG is now soliciting submissions for the February 2019 issue of Neos. We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis between Monday, December 17, and Monday, January 7. The final deadline for submission is Monday, January 7, 2019. If possible, please notify me of your intent to submit by the start of the rolling period (December 17), so that I can identify peer reviewers in a timely manner.

New Submission Process: To submit an article or feature, please use this form. For any questions about the submission process or about the form, please email the Neos Editor at

We accept two types of submission: Peer-Reviewed Articles and Features. Details for each can be found in the following.

Please refer to the General Submission Guidelines (in particular the section on How to Prepare a Submission) and Author Agreement for Publication on our website for more detailed information. All material should be sent to

I welcome your inquiries and expressions of interest, and look forward to receiving your submissions!

Thank you,

Victoria Holec, Editor

Neos: A Publication of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group

Submission Details

Continue reading Call for NEOS Submissions – February 2019

Become a Neos Reviewer!

Neos is looking for volunteers to peer-review article submissions! We are currently in the process revamping our database of reviewers and require you to opt in!

Neos is a bi-annual publication of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group (ACYIG) of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). This publication consists of peer-reviewed short articles as well as editor-reviewed feature pieces.

Neos relies on the work of many volunteers, including the editor, assistant editors (copy editor, layout editor, and more), the ACYIG communication team, and a multitude of advisory board members for both Neos and ACYIG, and, importantly, article reviewers!

If you are interested in the peer-review process, willing and able to review one or two short articles (~1000 words!), have great attention to detail, and can respond within a short turnaround, you would be a great asset to Neos!

Please sign up to become a reviewer here:

View the current issue of Neos here:


  • The October 2018 issue of Neos is now available for your reading pleasure at

    Some highlights:

    • New! Special topic section: Child and Youth Displacement
      • The Securitization of Refugee Youth: Ethnographies of Political Violence and Displacement (Marisa Ensor (Georgetown U))
      • Education for the Nambian Jul’hoansi – At What Cost? (Velina Ninkova (U of Tromsø))
      • Urban Conflict Violence and the Health of Young People in Northern Ireland: A Call for Perspectives in Cooperative Dialogue (Rosellen Roche (Ohio U))
      • And many more!
    • Childhood and Empathy “Training”: After-School Programs’ Contribution (Scarlett Eisenhauer (UCLA))
    • Taking Sides: Reflections on Activist Research with Brazilian Rural Youth (Melinda Gurr (Syracuse U))
    • New board member introductions
    • NEW BOOK AND FILM ANNOUNCEMENTS Let us know what you think! Share your reactions in a Letter to the Editor at


Call for Neos Submissions – Special Section on Child and Youth Displacement

ACYIG is now soliciting submissions for the October 2018 issue of Neos. We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis between Monday, August 13 and Friday, September 7. The final deadline for submission is Friday, September 7. If possible, please notify me of your intent to submit by the start of the rolling period (August 13), so that I can identify peer reviewers in a timely manner. You will be able to find this call on our blog site shortly. In the meantime, you can also refer to it here. All material should be sent to me at

Continue reading Call for Neos Submissions – Special Section on Child and Youth Displacement


Victoria Holec is currently working on her PhD in Cultural, Social, and Political Thought in the departments of Anthropology and Sociology at the University of Lethbridge (Canada). Her dissertation titled “Who are the Millennials? Exploring the constructions and performances of ‘Millennial’ as categories of analysis and practice” investigates Millennial identities as both other-constructed and self-performed through discourse and lived experience. Here, she examines the usefulness of the generation as category of analysis, theories of post-identity, and conceptualizations of youth. Her methodologies involve microblog discourse analysis and design studios (cf. Rabinow & Marcus, 2008). Currently, Victoria is developing a course on “Conceptualizing Youth,” which reviews deterministic and constructivist conceptualizations of youth, major theories and methodologies used to study youth, and applies these to current issues and media representations concerning youth ranging from Neuroscience, Psychology, Anthropology, and History to Media and Cultural Studies.


New ACYIG YouTube Channel

Dear ACYIG community,

We are excited to announce that we’ve recently launched a New YouTube Channel.

The channel includes content from our previous channel as well as new content more recently provided by our members.

The purpose of this channel is simply to consolidate all audiovisual material that can be useful for teaching about different topics related to children and youth. For example, we currently have sub-sections that include material on “Children and the Media,” “Children and Race,” and “Children and Gender.”

We invite you to 1) subscribe to our channel and 2) share any relevant materials with us. What are some of the videos that you turn to when teaching about children and youth?  Materials could include videos on: race, gender, sexuality, migration, education, development, cultural psychology, play, consumption, the state, globalization, you name it!

Suggestions can be sent via FacebookTwitter, or E-mail. We look forward to collaborating with you to further the resources available to our ACYIG community!

CfA: Youth on the Move: Reframing and Representing Youth Migration, South Africa, April 2018

The Anthropology of Children and Youth is thrilled to co-sponsor Youth on the Move: Reframing and Representing Youth Migration, an interdisciplinary conference at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa. On April 11, 2018, we will hold a workshop for emerging scholars and on April 13, 2018, we will hold an international conference. Please see the CFP for additional details. The application deadline is January 31st.