CFA: Open Board Positions (2) – ACYIG

At the end of this year, two of our colleagues –Aviva Sinervo and Heather Rae Espinoza — will be finishing their terms on the ACYIG Board. This is part of the Board’s planned rotation schedule, and I would like to thank Aviva and Heather for their leadership in supporting ACYIG over the years.

With these departures, there are now two open board positions to be filled. Per tradition, ACYIG conducts open board appointments whenever possible. The ACYIG Board appoints new board members from among a pool of candidates who have submitted letters of interest for open positions. Board appointments are two-year positions (with a possibility to renew for a third) and typically require attendance at the annual meeting of the AAA and one biennial ACYIG conference during one’s tenure.

Continue reading CFA: Open Board Positions (2) – ACYIG


This is an update to a previous post from July.

The abstract submission deadline for the 6th Conference of the International Society for Child Indicators has been extended to October 15, 2016.  If you develop and use indicators to measure the status of child wellbeing at the local, national, regional, or international levels, we encourage you to join us in Montreal,
Canada on June 28-30, 2017!

This conference will bring together researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and child advocates from around the world to share and discuss innovations in research methods and the latest research findings on child indicators as well as implications for policy and practice. Learn more about the abstract submission process and to make an online submission.

Call for Volunteer: Neos Copy Editor

Neos seeks a Copy Editor to join our volunteer staff for the October 2016 issue. The Copy Editor works under the Neos Editor, is in charge of reviewing all materials and final proofs, and must be able to meet deadlines with quick turn-around. Expected time commitment is approximately 2 hrs/wk from mid-September to mid-October (Oct issue) and mid-January to mid-February (Feb issue).

Applicants must be able to meet the following deadlines for this issue:

  • Receive materials from Editor between Sept 12 and Sept 23. Return all copy edited materials by Sept 30.
  • Receive proofs from Layout Editor (via Neos Editor) between Oct 3 and Oct 7. Return final list of edits by Oct 12.

If you are interested and available, please submit a writing sample via email of 1 page or less to the Editor, along with a brief description of your interest, skills, and experience. Applications will be accepted through Monday, September 5. You will be notified by Friday, September 9.


Job Posting – Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Early Childhood/Elementary Education

The Department of Educational Theory and Practice at the University of Georgia is looking for a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Early Childhood/Elementary Education.  Please check out the website to know more about this position.

Continue reading Job Posting – Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in Early Childhood/Elementary Education


Engagement, Co-production, and Collaborative Meaning-Making: Collaboration in Qualitative Health Research
Hosted by the Qualitative Health Research Network (QHRN) with support from the Wellcome Trust
In recent years, there have been increasing calls for collaboration between academia and the wider healthcare community in health research. This is largely driven by efforts to engage the public in the “co-production” of evidence-based healthcare and healthcare decision-making, as well as penetrate borders between disciplines. Engaging all stakeholders in health care research is now a key requirement of funding bodies and the Research Excellence Framework.


The School for Advanced Research accepting nominations for the $10,000 J.I. Staley Prize

The School for Advanced Research (SAR) presents the J. I. Staley Prize to a living author for a book that exemplifies outstanding scholarship and writing in anthropology. The award recognizes innovative works that go beyond traditional frontiers and dominant schools of thought in anthropology and add new dimensions to our understanding of the human species. It honors books that cross subdisciplinary boundaries within anthropology and reach out in new and expanded interdisciplinary directions.

Continue reading The School for Advanced Research accepting nominations for the $10,000 J.I. Staley Prize