Category Archives: Events

Intellectual Forum Seminare at the V&A Museum of Childhood (London, UK): The use of objects in workshops with children: Perspectives from museum practice and academic research

Intellectual Forum Seminar
The use of objects in workshops with children: Perspectives from museum practice and academic research
Thursday 26th March
5pm – 6.30pm
The Summerly Room at The V&A Museum of Childhood
Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9PA, United Kingdom
– Dr Tessa Whitehouse (QMUL School of English& Drama) will talk about the use of objects in her current Creativeworks funded research project ‘Making Friends’. The project is in partnership with Codasign and Stoke Newington School. Tessa’s workshops include the use of creative technologies in object-exploration and object-making with children in participatory research.
– Dr Carolyn Bloore (Formal Learning Officer, V&A Museum of Childhood) and Madeleine Hoare (Schools Officer, V&A Museum of Childhood) will talk about their use of objects in the primary school teaching sessions that are offered to school groups visiting the museum. They will focus on puppetry.
Do join us to consider these practices and perhaps to share your own experiences of using objects in workshops with children. Please rsvp to: 

​The museum is hosting this discussion as part of its AHRC funded ‘Child in the World’ programme in collaboration with The School of Geography at Queen Mary, The University of London. The evening will be chaired by Lamees Al Mubarak, Collaborative Doctoral Award Researcher.

More information:

Monthly Seminar – “Children and Land Grabs”

Children and Land Grabs:
Development, Social Reproduction and the Future in a Nature Park in Senegal

Davide Cirillo, University of Padova & VU University Amsterdam.

Since 2008, the sharp raise of commodity prices resulted in an energy and food crisis, and pressure on market supply chains. International organizations reacted by placing agriculture, both for energy and food production, at the centre of their political agendas. The resulting development model is one that insists on private capital investment to fuel production on ‘underexploited’ and ‘potential arable’ land. Continue reading Monthly Seminar – “Children and Land Grabs”

Register now!

March 12-15, 2015 — Long Beach, CA
Hosted by California State University, Long Beach
Conference Hotel: Ayres Hotel Seal Beach

Keynote Speaker: Susan Terrio (Georgetown University)
Susan will speak about her widely touted research chronicling the experiences of undocumented children and youth in U.S. immigration custody, in advance of her new book Whose Child Am I? Unaccompanied, Undocumented Children in U.S. Immigration Custody, to be published by the University of California Press in May 2015.

See our Conferences page for more information about registration, lodging, paper & session submission, and special events!



Refugee children as political and moral subjects – now and then

Information from Sweden – an upcoming workshop in March!

Refugee children as political and moral subjects – now and then:
Interdisciplinary crossings in studies of childhood, migration, and forced evacuations 

Tuesday March 3, 2015
9.00 AM – 4.30 PM
Linköping University, Sweden

The aim of the workshop is to address how contemporary research contribute to the historical study of refugee children and vice versa; how can historical research invigorate critical analysis of the contemporary study of refugee children. The workshop program includes presentations by researchers with both disciplinary backgrounds, such as history, sociology, geography, and interdisciplinary backgrounds, such as health studies and child studies. The majority of the speakers study refugee children and young people in a Nordic context. An important theme at the workshop is to approach children and youth as moral and political subjects, either in terms of agency (actions) or in terms of representations of children and youth (media, political documents, etc), or both. Continue reading Refugee children as political and moral subjects – now and then

National Collection of Children’s Books (Ireland) One Day Symposium

National Collection of Children’s Books (Ireland) One-Day Symposium

10am – 4:45pm
Friday 17th April 2015
Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College Dublin

Registration is now open and there is no fee. Places are limited; so, early registration is advised. Register at

The National Collection of Children’s Books (NCCB) is a major two-year interdisciplinary and inter-institutional project (Church of Ireland College of Education and Trinity College Dublin), funded by the Irish Research Council, which will examine children’s books collections in five libraries in Dublin: the Church of Ireland College of Education, the National Library, Pearse Street Library, St Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, and Trinity College Dublin. The research team comprises two principal investigators, Pádraic Whyte (TCD) and Keith O’Sullivan (CICE); two postdoctoral researchers, Ciara Boylan and Ciara Gallagher; and a catalogue and database developer, Paolo Defant.

For more information please visit or follow us:

Keynote Speakers

Jill Shefrin, Senior Research Associate in Arts, Trinity College, University of Toronto
“Sometimes he thought…, “Why?” and sometimes he thought, “Wherefore?” and sometimes he thought, “Inasmuch as which?”: Context and the Study of Children’s Books

Prof Peter Hunt, Professor Emeritus, Cardiff University
Revolutionaries in the Library Vaults: Children’s Books Collections and the Re-Writing of Children’s Literature Studies

NCCB Research Team Speakers
Dr Keith O’Sullivan: Co-Principal Investigator, CICE
Dr Pádraic Whyte: Co-Principal Investigator, TCD
Dr Ciara Boylan: Postdoctoral Researcher, Education
Dr Ciara Gallagher: Postdoctoral Researcher, Literature
Mr Paolo Defant: Catalogue and Database Development

Dr Jarlath Killeen, Trinity College Dublin (Chair)
Dr Valerie Coghlan, Independent Scholar
Dr Lydia Ferguson, Trinity College Dublin
Dr Máire Kennedy, Pearse Street Library
Susan Parkes, Church of Ireland College of Education

Wine Reception: Long Room, Old Library, TCD

REMINDER: Time to register for the 2015 ACYIG Conference/Reduced hotel rates end after Feb. 2nd

We are really pleased with the groundswell of interest in the 2015 ACYIG Conference to be held March 12-15 at California State University, Long Beach! With over 60 presenters on topics as varied as child/youth architectures of play to the value of using child- and youth-centered ethnography to train teachers, the conference is shaping up to be one of our very best. Conference organizers are hard at work; Please look for an email posting the Preliminary Program for the conference around February 15th.

In the meantime, this is a reminder to please book your room(s) soon at the designated conference hotel, the Ayres Seal Beach Hotel. block of rooms has been held for our participants for the special price of $139 per night until February 2nd. To receive this reduced rate, call (562) 596-8330 and mention the conference code ACYIG before then.

Staying at the Ayres Seal Beach hotel is advantageous, because a free shuttle bus will leave this hotel each morning and head back to the hotel in the evening, providing you with transportation to our conference location on the California State University campus (about an 8 or 9 minute shuttle ride away).

And registering for the 2015 conference is also a snap at:

Thank you for registering for the Conference soon; the sooner folks register, the sooner we know how many will attend, and the better we can ensure space, food, and programming for all.

We look forward to seeing you soon,

Rachael Stryker
Convener, ACYIG