Category Archives: Events

2015 ACYIG Conference in Long Beach, CA

Enjoying the summer sunshine?  Wish you could be in the Sunshine State for a conference at California State University, Long Beach during March 1215? Imagine basking in the warmth of your colleagues interested in the anthropology of children and youth.
Stay tuned for the call for papers for the 2015 ACYIG conference, coming soon!
Heather Rae-Espinoza and Cindy Dell Clark
Chairs of ACYIG Conference 2015

UNCRC wants kids’ input for discussion of digital media

2014 Day of General Discussion: Digital Media and Children’s rights

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child is holding its Day of General Discussion (DGD) in Geneva on 12 September 2014. The topic for this year’s discussion will be “Digital media and children’s rights”. The Committee is inviting children and teens (under 18 years old) to share their opinions and experiences before the day (they can also participate via Facebook and Twitter during the event).

Before the DGD children can: write to the Committee, send a report, make a short film or create a Storify page. The two main themes will be: Access to digital media and ICT, and Children’s participation and education online.

All opinions should be sent to by 5 September 2014. Find out more in this link.


Oxford Ethnography Conference 2014

Registration is now open for the 2014 Oxford Ethnography Conference from Monday 15th at 13.30 to Wednesday 17th September 2014 at 17.00
Registration closes at the end of July.
Go to the following address for registration forms and conference information

We look forward to over 50 international discussion papers that focus on educational contexts and issues through ethnography and ethnographic methods including empirical fieldwork as well as methodological papers focusing on research activity. This year’s conference, as usual will be held again at New College Oxford, founded in 1379 by William of Wykeham, and is located on an historic site in the centre of the city.

 We always have a large representation from outside the UK – over 50%. As many of you know, we publish a journal, Ethnography and Education, for which papers from the Oxford Ethnography Conference provide a rich resource.
The registration fee for the two and a half day conference will be £180 (plus accommodation). This includes:
Tea, coffee for the three days and lunches on Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th
A year’s subscription to the Ethnography and Education Journal
A choice of any available book from our Ethnography and Education Book Series
Conference Culture
We aim to create a positive and collegial atmosphere, and there will be ample opportunity for people to meet, talk and socialize.
As previously, all papers will be circulated before the conference, via the conference website, to enable 40 minute sessions to be developed almost entirely to a discussion of the research findings, methods and wider issues attached to each paper.
Please feel free to pass this information onto other interested parties.