All posts by ACYIG Web Manager

CFP: Jeunesse – Young People, Texts, Cultures

Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures invites essay submissions for a special issue addressing mobility in relation to youth texts and culture(s). We welcome essays that consider registers of race, class, gender, and disability. Essays should be between 6,000 and 9,000 words in length and prepared for blind peer-review.
Continue reading CFP: Jeunesse – Young People, Texts, Cultures

2015 ACYIG Conference in Long Beach, CA

Enjoying the summer sunshine?  Wish you could be in the Sunshine State for a conference at California State University, Long Beach during March 1215? Imagine basking in the warmth of your colleagues interested in the anthropology of children and youth.
Stay tuned for the call for papers for the 2015 ACYIG conference, coming soon!
Heather Rae-Espinoza and Cindy Dell Clark
Chairs of ACYIG Conference 2015

CFP: Children’s Rights & Children’s Literature

Special Issue of The Lion and the Unicorn

We are seeking papers that investigate the intersections between the histories, theories, and practices of children’s rights and children’s literature. In response to the ratification of the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN-CRC) in 1989, advocates and scholars have debated the necessity and revealed the complexity of defining and implementing children’s rights across the globe. Critical discourse on children’s rights, however, has not yet fully examined the role that children’s literature plays in shaping, promoting, implementing and interrogating children’s rights. This special issue invites scholars to explore the connections between the institutions of children’s rights and children’s literature. Continue reading CFP: Children’s Rights & Children’s Literature

REMINDER: Call for Contributions for the October 2014 ACYIG Newsletter

ACYIG is now soliciting contributions for theOctober 2014 issue. Please note that we have changed the submission deadline dates. We will now accept submissions on a rolling basis between Friday, August 15, 2014 and Friday, September 5, 2014. The final deadline for submission is Friday, September 5th, 2014.

Continue reading REMINDER: Call for Contributions for the October 2014 ACYIG Newsletter