CFP: Representations of Childhood in Comics

Childhood is now widely recognized as a social construct (Fass, Jenks, Mintz). As the artifice behind the construction of childhood has been revealed, there has been a marked increase in the analysis of children and childhood in contemporary culture (Demarr and Bakermann, Edelman, Latham, McLennan, Renner, Stockton). Despite the increase in scholarly attention, depictions of childhood in comics and other forms of comic art are ripe for further study. The forthcoming issue of the Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics, focusing on comics, picturebooks, and childhood, should provide interesting insights into these depictions. Yet there remains plenty of room for consideration regarding how different comics construct childhood. This is an especially interesting area of inquiry given the somewhat vexed association comic books have traditionally maintained with childhood. In an attempt to continue developing the scholarly focus on childhood, as well as comics, we seek proposals for scholarly articles that analyze, explore and interrogate depictions of childhood in comics or comic art for inclusion in a book-length anthology.

We welcome all proposals, although, based on responses so far, we are particularly interested in more submissions regarding depictions of childhood in comics aimed at adults.

Potential topics include:

What do comics teach us about current constructions of childhood?

How do comics resist or undermine contemporary constructions of childhood?

How can comics help us better understand the role of children in a given societal context?

How do comics shed light on the relationship between children and adults? Between adults and their own childhood?

How can depictions of childhood be understood as metaphors for specific cultural phenomena, values, disruptions or evolutions?

What anxieties regarding culture, politics, education, etc. do comics reveal?

How have ideas regarding childhood affected comics?

Please submit an abstract of 300 words and a short CV to Mark Heimermann, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and Brittany Tullis, St. Ambrose University, at by January 1st, 2014 for consideration. Full papers will be due by June 1st, 2014.

Family Troubles? video resources update

Video links are now available for the Symposium Family Troubles?, including the following presentations:


Professor David Morgan (Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Morgan Centre, University of Manchester), Family troubles, troubling families and family practices

Professor Jo Boyden (Director of Young Lives, University of Oxford), Changing expectations of children and childhood in four developing countries: challenges for intergenerational relations


Dr Jonathan Dickens and Dr Georgia Philip (School of Social Work, University of East Anglia), Challenging meetings and talking about troubles: families and professionals in statutory meetings about children

Professor Ann Phoenix (Co-Director of the Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London) Situating children’s family troubles: Resources, relationality and social context

All the information, including the new videos and a podcast about the book, is available at, or linked from this page:



The Call for Papers is now open for IUAES2014, an IUAES inter-congress, taking place in Chiba City, Japan, 15th to 18th May 2014.

Please visit the website to view the list of accepted panels and propose your abstracts directly to specific panels:

Please note that panels may be either closed or open: closed panels will not receive proposals from the general public, but are composed of previously agreed presentations, that will need entering online via a specific link given to the panel convenors, who will send it on to their contributors.

Open panels will have a link on the panel page allowing visitors to the website to propose their papers directly to the panel.

Please keep in mind also that delegates may only make one presentation. Delegates may also convene one panel, plenary session, or roundtable; or be discussant in one panel, plenary session, or roundtable.

The deadline for paper submissions is January 9th, 2014.

REMINDER: Deadline for applications for consideration for open Board member positions is Sunday, December 15th

Hello ACYIG Members,

This is just a reminder that the ACYIG Board is currently conducting open appointments for two Board Member positions, and that the deadline to submit an application for consideration is Sunday, December 15th.

Board appointments are considered to be two-year positions and typically require attendance at the annual meeting of the AAA and the annual ACYIG joint conference during one’s tenure.

ACYIG Board member duties include: maintaining official interest group status with AAA; optimizing professional opportunities for members available via AAA; overseeing and growing professional presence within and outside AAA; and organizing the annual ACYIG joint conference.If you would like to be considered for one of the two open positions on the ACYIG Board, please email one to two paragraphs to Dr. Rachael Stryker stating why you would like to become a Board member and what you feel you can bring to ACYIG. Please be sure to include your name, title, affiliation (academic or otherwise) and email/phone number so that we can respond to you.

The ACYIG Board will make decisions by January 15, 2014, and notify you soon after. Your duties as an ACYIG Board Member begin on February 1, 2014, and your appointment will be confirmed at the ACYIG business meeting in Charleston, SC late that month when you are formally introduced to the membership.

If you have any questions about ACYIG Board member duties or this open Board appointment process, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am happy to answer them.


Rachael Stryker

CFP: Pain, Illness, Trauma and Death in Childhood

CFP: Pain, Illness, Trauma and Death in Childhood

University of Greenwich, Centre for the Study of Play and Recreation, with
the Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past and the London Network
for the History of Children

1st February 2014, Maritime Greenwich Campus, London SE10 9LS, Queen Anne
075, Queen Anne 063.

Call for Papers

Pain, illness, trauma and death are intrinsic to the shaping of childhood
and to the experience of being a child. In the past, pain could be perceived
as beneficial, either in forming character or bringing the subject closer to
God. In the present, the enormous popularity of łmisery memoirs˛ raises
questions as to why the theme of abuse has such resonance in the twentieth
and twenty-first century western world.
Topics include, but are not restricted to:
–Contributions from history, sociology, anthropology, archaeology, literary
studies, psychology, philosophy, geography or health studies;
–Pain, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, including that inflicted
by children
–Discipline and punishment
–Analysis of the ways changing patterns of illness shaped the experience of
–Methodological approaches (such as the history of the emotions) or
different sources (such as visual or material culture)  for analysing the
experiences of children and their carers
–Childrenąs experiences of war, including the First World War
Please e-mail abstracts of 250-300 words to The
conference is free, but registration (via this e-mail address) is required.
Deadline 31st December 2013.
Dr Mary Clare Martin, Centre for the Study of Play and Recreation, Faculty
of Education and Health, University of Greenwich

Centre for the Study of Play and Recreation
School of Education
University of Greenwich
Avery Hill Campus

University of Greenwich, a charity and company limited by guarantee,
registered in England (reg no. 986729).  Registered Office: Old Royal Naval
College, Park Row, Greenwich SE10 9LS

Final Reminder – Abstracts for ACYIG Annual Conference Due TODAY 12/2/2013

2014 ACYIG Conference Will be Held in Charleston, South Carolina, February 12th-15th

Deadline for Abstract Submission: TODAY Monday, Dec. 2, 2013

The ACYIG Board cordially invites ACYIG members to join scholars from the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group (ACYIG) of the American Anthropological Association (AAA), the Division of International Psychology (Division 52) of the American Psychological Association (APA), and the Society for Cross-Cultural Research (SCCR) at next year’s Fifth Annual Meeting of ACYIG.

The conference will be held from February 12 to February 15, 2014 at the historic Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston, SC. Some may remember that ACYIG held its joint meetings with SCCR in Charleston in 2011—it was an extremely popular conference, and we look forward to returning to this wonderful venue.

Submitting Abstracts:

Anyone who would like to have work considered for inclusion within an ACYIG poster session, paper session, symposium, panel discussion, or conversation hour at the conference may submit an abstract of the work (200 words maximum) by Monday, December 2, 2013.

A link to descriptions of the five possible presentation formats as well as submission forms are available at the SCCR 2014 conference page:

Registration Information:

Conference registration rates are:

Members: $130 by 13 January 2014, $140 after 13 January 2014
Non-members: $140 by 13 January 2014, $150 after 13 January 2014
Retirees: $80 by 13 January 2014, $85 after 13 January 2014
Students: $50 by 13 January 2014, $60 after 13 January 2014

Banquet (all are invited): $55

The conference hotel, which is conveniently located within walking distance of boutiques, eateries, and historic landmarks, has a block of rooms for conference attendees at the rate of $154/night that you may access online via:

You should not need a login code but may use “SCCR” without quotation marks if necessary. You may also call (843) 722-0600 or (877) 756-2121 and mention “SCCR” if you prefer.

Please feel free to share information about the 2014 conference with interested others and to contact Elisa Sobo ( or Rachael Stryker ( if you have any questions. You may also direct inquiries to

We look forward to seeing many of you in Charleston!

Call for Contributions for the February 2014 Newsletter

Dear ACYIG Members,

Happy holidays! ACYIG is now soliciting contributions for the February 2014issue. Please note that we have changed the submission deadline dates. We will now accept submissions on a rolling basis between Monday, December 16, 2013 and Monday, January 6, 2014. The final deadline for submission isMonday, January 6th, 2014. If possible, please notify me of your intent to submit by the start of the rolling period (i.e. December 16th). It is our hope that this modified timeline will facilitate an enhanced review and revision process.

All material should be sent to me at Please consider the following types of submissions:

Columns (1000 words or less, including references)

“Methods & Ethics in the Anthropology of Childhood,” in which members explore the methods and ethics associated with doing research on, or with, children

A “Childhood & _____________” column (you fill in the blank!), in which members discuss a topic of interest to their research

”My Favorite Ethnography of Childhood,” in which members discuss their favorite classic or contemporary ethnography of children or childhood and why

”My Experiences/Intersections with Interdisciplinary Research on Children,” in which members investigate the value, pitfalls, and lessons associated with combining anthropological research with that of other disciplines to study children


Letters to the Editor (200 words or less)

New Book Announcements

Professional Opportunities

  • Job announcements
  • Research Opportunities
  • Grants/Prizes Available
  • Calls for Papers/Abstracts
  • Conference Announcements

Member News/Professional Updates

  • Recent Appointments
  • Grants Received
  • Prizes Awarded
  • Any other achievements or publications that members would like to announce

Photos from Fieldwork (with caption of 30 words or less)

I welcome your inquiries and expressions of interest, and look forward to receiving your submissions. Specific formatting guidelines are available on our website at

Aviva Sinervo

Doctoral studentship, Colonial Childhoods, University of Hull

Funded PhD Studentship: Producing the Geographies of Childhood in Colonial Africa: Children’s Lives in Twentieth-Century Nyasaland

University of Hull , U. K.

Orthodox histories of European imperialism in Africa often celebrate formal institutions, high politics and the roles of ‘Great White Men’ in the constitution of colonial territory and society. Key figures such as Rhodes and Livingstone were significant, but they are not the whole story and these approaches neglect other marginalised social groups who also constituted the European presence in Africa. Feminist critiques have retrieved some women’s experiences in Africa as explorers, travel writers, colonial officer’s wives, teachers, nurses and missionaries.

These accounts have enriched understandings of everyday life in the colonies and offer alternative perspectives on issues of race, gender and authority. However, European colonial children remain a group routinely, and almost entirely, overlooked. This doctoral studentship will uncover and retell the stories of European children in Nyasaland whose colonial childhoods were distinct and deserve academic attention.

Children were a highly significant and distinctive presence within European colonial society. Their lives were framed by the racial hierarchies that striated colonial society: being white meant they were instantly privileged, although gender and class also inflected their status and opportunities. Likewise, illness and stark levels of child mortality also marked their lives. Many died in the colonies which shaped how families understood their ‘colonial service’ abroad. Distance also shaped these lives – with many children leading dislocated lives: being born and raised abroad and always distant from ‘home’.

This study is informed by historical children’s geographies and will develop work on the geographies of European colonial children by retrieving and retelling the stories of European children in Nyasaland 1889-1964. The studentship will examine colonial children’s life worlds and uncover their voices through autobiographies and memoirs, diaries, letters and photographs. Through archival work (in Britain and Malawi – funds available) and interviews with former colonial children this study will address research questions such as: How were the historical geographies of European settlement in Africa experienced differently by generational groups (parents and children)? How did colonial hierarchies of age and generation intersect with gender, class and racial hierarchies? What do the micro-historical geographies of families from the period of Empire look like?

In order to qualify for this scholarship you will require at least a 2.1, but preferably a Masters degree, in a relevant subject.

Full-time UK/EU PhD Scholarship will include fees at the‘home/EU’ student rate and maintenance (£13,726 in 2014/15) for three years, depending on satisfactory progress. Full-time International Fee PhD Studentships will include full fees at the International student rate for three years, dependent on satisfactory progress.

PhD students at the University of Hull follow modules for research and transferable skills development and gain a Masters level Certificate, or Diploma, in Research Training, in addition to their research degree.

Closing date: 3rd February 2014.

Application Form and details at

Interested applicants are encouraged to direct informal enquiries to: Dr Elsbeth Robson , Dr Rosemary Wall , Prof David Atkinson