Can children contribute to decisions that affect their lives?

Wednesday 4 June

4-5.30pm, Greenbank Building, room 201

Can children contribute to decisions that affect their lives?  A sharing of the experience of using Action Research approaches with children, parents / guardians and community leaders in two communities in Uganda

Presenter: Hilda Nankunda, PhD student, School of Social Work, University of Central Lancashire

For more information, download the poster here: 4 June Hilda Nankunda POSTER

Seminar is free.  Refreshments provided.

To reserve a place go to EventBrite at:


Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights

Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights: 

Inaugural Issue:  Call for Submissions

Looking Back, Moving Forward:  Reflecting on 25 Years of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The Canadian Journal of Children’s Rights is a peer-reviewed academic journal focusing on the topic of children’s rights. The Journal offers a forum for exchanging ideas and engaging in conversation regarding a range of issues relating to children’s rights. The Journal is international in scope and content and encourages diverse approaches to the subject.

We are currently accepting  manuscripts to be considered for the Journal’s inaugural issue that reflect a range of contributions including case-studies, comparative analyses, advocacy, and policy articles. We welcome manuscripts in English and French from academics, researchers, community partners and young people. Each manuscript submission will undergo a peer review process.  The editors will review youth submissions to verify their appropriateness to CJCR’s focus and scope.

The inaugural issue will commemorate the 25th anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).  For this Special Issue to be published in the fall 2014, we invite authors to consider the impact of the UNCRC for children’s lives in particular contexts from the past, in present circumstances, or to look ahead to how to envision the UNCRC in the future.

Proposals should consist of an abstract of 250 words and up to six keywords describing the article together with a short bio (300 words) and contact information for the author.

Original manuscripts should be approximately 8000 words plus references, double spaced, 12 point font, and using endnotes. We ask that manuscript submissions follow the American Psychological Association style guide. Consult the following link for details:

Please submit manuscripts to Virginia Caputo, CJCR managing editor ( ).  They will be accepted on an ongoing  basis.  For the inaugural issue, the  deadline is  June 15, 2014.   For upcoming issues, we  will maintin  a rolling deadline structure  in order to maximise the potential of our digital platform.

Feel free to contact either Virginia Caputo at  or Landon Pearson at with any questions. See journal page at:

Alberta Journal of Educational Research: Call for Reviewers


I am the book reviews editor for the Alberta Journal of Educational Research. “The Alberta Journal of Educational Research (AJER) is a quarterly journal, published in Canada, devoted to the dissemination, criticism, interpretation, and encouragement of all forms of systematic enquiry into education and fields related to or associated with education” (as cited at I am currently in search of book reviewers. If you are interested, please let me know. And, if you know of PhD students and candidates and colleagues able to review, please send along my request to them or send me their names. I ask that prospective reviewers send me their CV, a brief covering letter that lists affiliation (independent scholars welcomed!), regular mail address, contact information (especially e-mail address and telephone number), and book review interests. Please let me know if you have any questions and/or of anyone to whom I could send this call.

Thank you!
Best wishes,


AAA registration deadline – choose ACC (ACYIG) as second review section

Lots of great ACYIG sessions are coming together – you won’t want to miss this year’s meetings! So this is one last reminder that (A) when you submit your proposal, choose ACC as the second review section (the AAA hasn’t yet updated their system to reflect our name change…), and (B) Tuesday, April 15th at midnight EASTERN TIME is the last possible moment that you can register to get on the program. As per AAA rules, there is absolutely no recourse if you miss the deadline for registering. This year’s AAA program chairs explain:

“Anyone who has not registered will be automatically dropped from the system. Session proposals will go to Section reviewers without unregistered names attached to it. There are no exceptions to this rule (because we can’t add people to the system…they do it through the registration process). Session organizers need to hound listed participants for roundtables and panels to register or they’ll end up with a broken session that goes to Section Program Chairs for review and it will be weighed against proposals with a complete set of participants. AAA will reimburse anyone registered for a session that is not accepted to the program.”

Happy Spring,

from ACYIG


Childhood Studies and Popular Culture conference

The Children and Childhood Studies Area of the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association invites you to participate in the 25th annual MAPACA conference. Papers in this area examine the impact of popular culture on children and childhood, as well as the role of children and young adults as influencers and creators of popular and American culture.

We are interested in papers and presentations on any topic at the convergence of Popular Culture and American Childhood. In addition, in recognition of MAPACA’s 25 anniversary in 2014, we’d love to have papers or other presentations that deal with the concepts of “anniversaries” or “25” in relation to children and popular culture. These might include birthdays, aging or growing, “25 as the new 18,” contemplations on children’s pop culture over the past 25 years, thoughts on the academic field of the past 25 years, major anniversaries in children’s pop culture (child star birthdays, anniversaries of notable films, TV shows or toys…)

We will also be curating an online collection and pre-conference discussion titled “American Childhood in 25 Artifacts.” Keep an eye out for a separate Call for Contributions to this collection coming soon.

Single papers, panels, roundtables, and alternative formats are welcome. Proposals should take the form of 300-word abstracts. The deadline for submission is June 14, 2014. This year’s conference will be in Baltimore, MD, Nov. 6-8, 2014. For the complete call as well info on how to submit a proposal, please see Please direct any questions about the Children and Childhood Studies area to area co-chairs

MAPACA welcomes proposals on all aspects of popular and American Culture. For a list of MAPACA’s other areas and area chair contact information, visit Subject Areas General questions can be directed to

Thanks, and see you at the Harbor!

Patrick Cox and Brandi J. Venable

Area Co-Chairs, Children and Childhood Studies

Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association