New Book: Violence Against Children in Kenya

Screen Shot 2014-12-06 at 1.58.18 PMby Alphonce C. L. Omolo

2015, Waxmann Publishers
Details and pre-order here

Children in Kenya continue to suffer diverse types of violence against them despite the fact that Kenyan laws are prohibiting violence and various prevention measures exist. In order to achieve effective prevention of violence, adequate knowledge of risk factors is imperative. In Kenya, such knowledge is lacking and there is limited attention given to the multifaceted nature of the social environment in which children grow up and how such environments aggravate violence against children as well as hinder prevention measures.

This qualitative research applied the ecological model of socialisation of Urie Bronfenbrenner as its theoretical and analytical framework in examining risk factors and consequences, responses and projects. In assessing what is being done to prevent violence against children in Kenya, the author reviews existing projects and policies that shape prevention measures including the possible influence of international conventions. He also analyses diverse sets of ideas, attitudes, philosophies and practices that explain the similar and the different notions of childhood in African and in Western settings. Exploring the social construction of violence, the author examines ideas and discourses that explain the heterogeneous characteristics of violence and how their understanding, occurrence and severity vary from culture to culture.

CFP – Extending Play: The Sequel

Are we the species that plays—or are we better understood as the species that repeats?

Walter Benjamin suggests that, “For a child repetition is the soul of play.” Is play always at its core a form of re-play, an iteration of an earlier moment that resists a complete recurrence, yet is found in a series or sequence? We accept replication as a matter of course: Successful games and films always already have a sequel in the works, fashion is fueled by a recycling of its past, and images are increasingly manipulated to mimic the earlier eras of photographic technique. But what is the impact of these repeats, echoes, and continuations? And how do we understand the experience of play as a chain of sequels in the age of digital surrogates, cybernetic archives and networks of distributed storage?  Continue reading CFP – Extending Play: The Sequel

ACYIG Business Mtg & Social Hour – Sat 12/6, 6:30pm

Dear ACYIG Members,

We look forward to seeing you this Saturday, December 6th from 6:30-8:15pm for the ACYIG Organization Meeting held at the AAA’s in the Marriott Ballroom Salon 2.

The first hour is devoted to important interest group business and the second hour will include the social hour and book fair with a number of new and exciting publications.

We hope to see you! (Suggested donation: $5.)

Safe travels,

The ACYIG Board

CfP: Youth Studies @ EuroSEAS conference

Call for Papers – EuroSEAS conference, Vienna, 11-14 August, 2015

Panel title: What Role for Southeast Asia in the Field of Youth Studies?

Roy HUIJSMANS, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), the Hague, The Netherlands;
Suzanne NAAFS, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia;

Panel description:
Whilst still predominated by research in the Global North, the field of youth studies is rapidly diversifying in geographical terms. One reason for this is the demographic presence of youth in the Global South due to a ‘youth bulge’ or demographic shift towards youth. Throughout the Global South, young people have taken on central and complex roles as political actors and media activists, as seen in their role in the Arab Spring and Occupy movement. In addition, the phenomenon of educated youth unemployment calls into question the links between education, employment and economic growth and challenges prominent theories about social reproduction and mobility. Finally, the apparent disinterest among youth in farming and rural futures raises questions about the place of the rural in the lives and aspirations for modernity among young Southeast Asians.

Southeast Asian research with/on youth stands out for its relative absence in any of these debates, despite it being a highly youthful region. Indeed, Southeast Asia is part of the Asia-Pacific region that is home to 60 per cent of the world’s youth population (aged 16-25). This panel invites contributions that address this apparent paradox and ultimately contribute to the question of what Southeast Asian research has to contribute to the wider and quickly evolving field of youth studies. Given the rapid socio-economic developments characterising much of Southeast Asia and the relative absence of large-scale youth protests the panel seeks to explore the unique contribution of Southeast Asian research on/with youth in a focus on everyday struggles of being young and growing up (instead of a focus on ‘spectacular youth’), rapidly changing inter-generational relations that reconfigure the social position of young people, social mobility through education and migration, and questions about gendered futures and desires for modernity among youth.

Those wishing to contribute a paper to the panel are invited to submit an abstract of 350 words maximum and a summarised CV (1 page maximum) by Feb 15th, 2015 to the convenors. Successful applicants will be notified in time for the early bird registration of the conference (which closes on Feb 28th). Full papers are due on July 1st, 2015. For further details on the 8th EuroSEAS Conference:

Applications now accepted for UMass Child and Family program

Study children, families and schools in beautiful New England!

Applications are now being sought for Doctoral, EdS and MEd programs.
Application deadline: January 15, 2015
 Funding available.

The Children, Families and Schools Concentration in the Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst College of Education is now accepting applications for graduate study in the areas of human development, child and family and early schooling. Located in the beautiful Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts, we are surrounded by both ample opportunities for outdoor recreation and picturesque vistas, as well as the bustling, high-energy urban landscapes of Northampton, Holyoke and Springfield.

The Children, Families, and Schools (CFS) graduate program is designed to address the growing concern for meeting the educational and developmental needs of children across the varied settings in which learning and development occur. Our program of study addresses the philosophical, historical, social, and cultural foundations of childhood, with a focus on families, learning and development.  It offers future researchers and practitioners an excellent foundation in child development, childhood studies, and learning, and examines how these relate to educational practice from birth through the early childhood and elementary school years.

To learn more about our program of study, faculty research profiles, program blog and other information, please visit our webpage:

Our multidisciplinary program offers a range of graduate study opportunities for professionals at all stages of their careers. Applications are now being accepted for the Fall 2015 entering doctoral and master’s cohorts; Funding is available on a competitive basis for qualified applicants.

Questions? Please contact Concentration Coordinator, Professor Sally Campbell Galman, at

Two vacancies for doctoral researchers

In the framework of an interdisciplinary research project on child labour and working children’s rights, financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the Centre for Children’s Rights Studies of the University of Geneva (which starts on 1 January 2015) is seeking to recruit two persons who are motivated to work as PhD researcher in the field of children’s rights studies. The project’s major focus is on how opinions of working children on their rights circulate in the space between local and international understandings of children’s rights. Two complementary empirical studies will be undertaken by two PhD researchers.

  1. The first study is about the opinions of working children and their organizations, and implies field work with working children in Senegal and in other West African countries. To conduct this study, we are looking to recruit a person who is motivated to complete a doctoral thesis in anthropology/sociology. Additional information as well as requirements for this position and details about the application procedure can be found via the Employment webpages of the University of Geneva (announcement in French and English).

  2. The second study concerns the discourses around claims made by working children to recognize their right to work in dignity, and involves a detailed analysis of policy and legal documents on child labour. To conduct this study, we are looking to recruit a person who is motivated to complete a doctoral thesis in law. Additional information as well as requirements for this position and details about the application procedure can be found via the Employment webpages of the University of Geneva: (announcement in French and English).


New Book: Children and Borders

9781137326300Edited by Spyros Spyrou & Miranda Christou
Palgrave Macmillan 2014

This edited collection brings together scholars whose work explores the entangled relationship between children and borders with richly-documented ethnographic studies from around the world. The book provides a penetrating account of how borders affect children’s lives and how in turn children play a constitutive role in the social life of borders. Providing situated accounts which offer critical perspectives on children’s engagements with borders, contributors explore both the institutional power of borders as well as children’s ability to impact borders through their own activity and agency. They show how borders and the borderlands surrounding them are active zones of engagement where notions of identity, citizenship and belonging are negotiated in ways that empower or disempower children, offer them possibilities and hope or alternatively deprive them of both. With innovative cross-fertilization between Border Studies and Childhood Studies, this volume illustrates the value of bringing children and borders together.


1. Experiencing the State and Negotiating Belonging in Zomia: Pa Koh and Bru-Van Kieu Ethnic Minority Youth in a Lao-Vietnamese Borderland; Trần Thị Hà Lan and Roy Huijsmans
2. ‘Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf is welcoming me’: A Case Study on Residential Child and Youth Care in the Mexican-American Border Zone; Sylvia Meichsner
3. Growing up in a Portuguese Borderland; Sofia Marques da Silva

4. Arrested in Place: Palestinian Children and Families at the Border; Bree Akesson
5. Destination Europe: Afghan Unaccompanied Minors Crossing Borders; Barla Buil and Melissa Siegel
6. Crossing Borders of Geography and Self: South Sudanese Refugee Youth Gangs in Egypt; Marisa O. Ensor

7. What is a Border? Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Children’s Understanding of a Contested Territorial Division; Miranda Christou and Spyros Spyrou
8. Palestinian ‘Children of the Junction’: Contested Borders and Representations; Omri Grinberg
9. Bordering in Transition: Young People’s Experiences in ‘Post Conflict’ Belfast; Martina McKnight and Madeleine Leonard

10. Criminals in our Land! Border Movement and Apprehension of Children from Bangladesh within the Juvenile Justice System in India; Chandni Basu
11. Crossing Borders and Borderlands: Childhood’s Secret Undergrounds; Sonja Arndt and Marek Tesar
12. Unaccompanied Migrant Children and Youth: Navigating Relational Borderlands; Stuart C. Aitken, Kate Swanson and Elizabeth G. Kennedy

13. When the Border Becomes a Threshold: Children’s Visits to Relatives in Santo Domingo; Livia Jiménez Sedano
14. Borders Separating Families: Children’s Perspectives of Labour Migration in Estonia; Dagmar Kutsar, Merike Darmody and Leana Lahesoo
15. ‘Everything is a Spectrum’: Korean Migrant Youth Identity Work in the Transnational Borderland; Sujin Kim and Lisa Dorner

Submit to the Next ACYIG Newsletter

ACYIG is now soliciting contributions for the February 2015 issue of our newsletter. We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis between Monday, December 15, 2014 and Monday, January 5, 2015. The final deadline for submission is Monday, January 5th, 2015. If possible, please notify me of your intent to submit by the start of the rolling period (i.e. December 15th). It is our hope that this timeline will facilitate an enhanced review and revision process.

All material should be sent to me at Please consider the following types of submissions:
Columns (1000 words or less, including references)

“Methods & Ethics in the Anthropology of Childhood,” in which members explore the methods and ethics associated with doing research on, or with, children

A “Childhood & _____________” column (you fill in the blank!), in which members discuss a topic of interest to their research

”My Favorite Ethnography of Childhood,” in which members discuss their favorite classic or contemporary ethnography of children or childhood and why

”My Experiences/Intersections with Interdisciplinary Research on Children,” in which members investigate the value, pitfalls, and lessons associated with combining anthropological research with that of other disciplines to study children


Letters to the Editor (200 words or less)

New Book Announcements

Professional Opportunities
*Job announcements
*Research Opportunities
*Grants/Prizes Available
*Calls for Papers/Abstracts
*Conference Announcements

Member News/Professional Updates
*Recent Appointments
*Grants Received
*Prizes Awarded
*Any other achievements or publications that members would like to announce

Photos from Fieldwork (with caption of 30 words or less)