Upcoming Colloquium at the Center for the History of Childhood, Oxford

‘Juvenile Delinquency in the 19th and 20th Centuries: National and Transnational Perspectives’

a one-day interdisciplinary conference

Conference Organizers: Professor Laurence Brockliss and Dr Heather Ellis

The conference will discuss recent work on the national and transnational history of juvenile delinquency and youth justice in different parts of the world with a particular focus on how ideas and understandings of delinquency have travelled across regional and national borders and been accepted, rejected or adapted in new geographical and cultural contexts.

Venue: Summer Common Room, Magdalen College, High Street, Oxford

9:00 – 9:20: Registration in the Summer Common Room

9:20-9.30: Introduction and Welcome
Heather Ellis (Liverpool Hope)
Writing the History of Transnational Juvenile Delinquency

9.30-11.00: Session 1: Juvenile Delinquency and Colonial Systems
Helen Rogers (Liverpool John Moores): ‘Being Boys? Comparing the Behaviour of Convict Lads Before and After Transportation’
Stephanie Olsen (Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin): ‘Dangerous Boys in Britain and India, c. 1880-1914’

11.00-11.15: Coffee

11.15-12.45: Session 2: Delinquency and Nation Building
Catherine Cox and Susannah Riordan (UCD): ‘Towards a History of Juvenile Delinquency in Ireland’
Bryce Evans (Liverpool Hope): ‘“How will we kill the evening?” ‘Degeneracy’ and ‘Second Generation’ Male Adolescents in Independent Ireland’

12.45-2.00: Lunch

2.00-3.30: Session 3: Delinquency and National Identity
Nazan Cicek (Ankara): ‘Juvenile Justice Alla Turca: Perception and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency in the Turkish Republic (1923-2005)’
Kate Bradley (Kent): ‘Making Sense of Delinquency in the Post-War Welfare State: England and Wales, 1945-1970’

3.30-5.00: Session 4: Reconstructing the Lives of Juvenile Delinquents
Pam Cox (Essex): ‘Young Criminal Lives: Life Courses and Life Chances from 1850’
Heather Shore (Leeds Beckett): ‘Beyond Bad Girls and Artful Dodgers? Revisiting Young Criminal Lives from 1850’

5.00 – 6.00: Concluding Session: Oxford and Juvenile Delinquency
Laurence Brockliss (Oxford) et al.

The cost of attendance will be £50 for those who wish to take lunch in the New Room, Magdalen. This will be a very ample buffet lunch with wine as in previous years. For those simply wishing to attend the colloquium, there will be a charge of £15 to cover administration costs and tea and coffee. Cheques should be made out to ‘Dr L W B Brockliss, History of University’ and sent to Laurence Brockliss at Magdalen College, Oxford, OX14AU.

PhD scholarship – HyperConnecting Youth: Virtual Pedagogy & Global Issue

The University of Roehampton in London offers a scholarship for a PhD student to undertake PhD studies and research under the supervision of Dr. M. Kontopodis in the context of  project “HyperConnecting Youth: Virtual Pedagogy & Global Issues”. Broadly speaking, this project aims to further develop critical and socio-cultural approaches to education in the context of today’s virtual era within the broader frame of the Paulo Freire Institute/ RISE at the University of Roehampton: http://roehampton.ac.uk/Research-Centres/Paulo-Freire-Institute-RISE/

Continue reading PhD scholarship – HyperConnecting Youth: Virtual Pedagogy & Global Issue

AAA Meetings – how to indicate your ACYIG allegiance

The deadline for submitting proposals for the 114th AAA Annual Meeting is coming soon. The meetings will be held Nov. 18-22, in Denver, CO.  We are looking forward to a STELLAR line-up of ACYIG-relevant sessions and individual presentations/posters!As an Interest Group, ACYIG does not  (cannot) ‘review’ sessions. So you wouldn’t want to selct ACYIG as your primary or secondary reviewer. However, there IS a way to indicate your affiliation as you submit your paper/poster or session. Simply select ACYIG from the THIRD drop-down menu (you can’t miss it – it will be obvious – it is in a gray box in the middle of the page where you enter ‘title’ etc.).

Continue reading AAA Meetings – how to indicate your ACYIG allegiance

CFP for AAA 2015: The politics of deviance among children and youth

Call for Papers: American Anthropological Association Meetings
Denver, CO, USA November 18-22nd 2015

Session: “Breaking the rules?” The politics of deviance among children and youth

Organizers: Laura Sikstrom, Sarah Gould and Lauren Classen, University of Toronto

Discussant: Deborah Durham

Children and youth have been represented in both popular and scholarly discourse as being in crisis. Both victims and harbingers of violence and disorder, they emerge variably as “in danger” and “dangerous” (Brooks 2003: 3) and are frequently cast as disruptive, violent and deviant (Cheney 2007; Cohen 1972). Yet, our research with children and youth reveals that they are ‘breaking the rules’ in creative and often unexpected ways. This panel explores the slipperiness between deviance and agency (Bordonaro 2012) as children and youth respond to recent social and political changes in their lives, navigating shifting social norms and moral boundaries.

There is a tension between longstanding ideas about the need to protect or “save” children and youth, and the current agency-centred paradigm of childhood studies (Amith-Talai and Wulff 1995; Cole and Durham 2008; Honwana and DeBoeck 2008). Many scholars seek to describe children and youth as cultural agents and dynamic contributors to social life (Durham 2008), while in the contexts of our work these same forms of agency are stigmatised as deviant (Kovats-Bernat 2006). Many interventions tend to downplay children and youth’s agency, reflexivity and capacity for resistance, preferring to deal with them as mere victims (Valentin and Meinert 2009) or seek to correct “deviant” behavior. Thus, in this panel we ask, how do young people navigate these contradictions and what are the consequences for themselves, their families, communities and wider society? We consider how human rights campaigns, shifts in livelihood strategies, migration, the HIV/AIDS epidemic, and neoliberal policies affect agency/deviancy in different ethnographic contexts.

Please send a title and abstract to sarah.gould@utoronto.ca by Monday, April 13.

CFP: Child/hood and Trauma – Edited volume

by Kristin Williams

This is a CFP for a co-edited book focussing on child as victim of violence during ethnic violence, war or acts of terror. It is being co-edited by: Dr. Angelie Multani, Associate Professor Department of HUSS, IIT Delhi and Dr. Kamayani Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of English , MAC University of Delhi. Scholars working on literary texts, films which correspond to the theme are welcome to submit papers on the following tropes:
Continue reading CFP: Child/hood and Trauma – Edited volume

CFP: Special Issue of Gender Studies devoted to Girls’ Studies

unnamed-3Special Issue

Gender Issues

Call for Papers: Girls’ Studies

 A special issue of Gender Issues is now open for submission of articles by those conducting original applied research to the field of girls’ studies. We seek articles that unravel the constructions of girlhood and invite a critical discussion of issues including but not limited to: health, social justice, and well being; sites of social, political, and community action; trans and gender non-conforming girls; educating girls; sexuality and representations of girls; girls around the globe. Authors should including abstracts and brief bios. We would also welcome short book reviews that cover the field of girls’ studies. A general description of what the journal seeks to publish follows:

Gender Issues is multidisciplinary and cross-national in scope focusing on gender and gender equity. The journal publishes basic and applied research examining gender relationships as well as the impact of economic, legal, political, and social forces on those relationships across four domains:

  1. Understanding gender socialization, personality, and behavior in a gendered context.
  2. Exploring the wide range of relationships within the gender spectrum, such as acquaintances, friendships, romantic, and professional relationships.
  3. Assessing the impact of economic, legal, political, and social changes on gender identity, expression, and gender relations.
  4. Interpreting the impact of economic, legal, political, and social changes on the aspirations, status and roles of people internationally.

Date for Submissions: October 1, 2015

Publication Date: June 2016

Inquires and submissions: https://www.editorialmanager.com/geis/default.aspx

Authors should submit through the Editorial Manager system and note that this article should be saved for the “Girls Studies special issue”.

Gender Studies is published in print and online by Springer Publishing Company. From 1932-1980, Gender Studieswas published under the title Feminist Issues. Please visit http://link.springer.com/journal/12147 for further details. Special Attention should be paid to the “For Authors and Editors” section, which includes information about preparing the manuscript for submission. Past articles are also available to read online.

Guest Editor: Elaine J. O’Quinn is a Professor of English and affiliate faculty in Gender, Women’s and Sexuality Studies at Appalachian State University in Boone, NC where she helped develop a minor in Girls’ Studies. Her interests include girls and literacy, and her most recent publication on this topic is Girl’s Literacy Experiences In and Out of School: Learning and Composing Gendered Identities (Routledge 2013).


Just Published: Guidance for Researchers of Adolescent Sexual Health

Of interest for researchers:
A new commentary in the Journal of Adolescent Health that provides guidance on improving research methodology in adolescent sexual health research, with particular focus on how to identify and avoid assumptions about genders, bodies, sexuality, relating styles, and cultural norms commonly made by researchers.

This is a brief (only 2 journal pages) but informative piece that would be useful in research methods courses to give students a broad overview of critical thinking in research design or as a reference for researchers who wish to justify making methodological decisions that challenge problematic norms in research design, including quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research.

The paper can be downloaded from: