Category Archives: Events

Research Seminar – Journal of Playwork Practice

Wrexham, Wales
November 2015

The seminar is open to anyone with an interest in playwork practice, and we welcome academics from any discipline as well as students and practitioners of playwork. This year’s theme is research and adventure playgrounds and places are free but limited – please book early here: Continue reading Research Seminar – Journal of Playwork Practice

Seminar – Implementing Needs and Interest of Adolescent Girls in Nicaragua into Sexuality Educational Programs

Presented by the Anthropology of Children and Youth Network
16 June 2015
1:30 – 3pm, Room Z-113, Metropolitan Building
VU University Amsterdam

Yoah Kerkvliet, Research Master Student of International Development Studies, UVA Amsterdam

The content of adolescent sexuality educational programs are based on theoretical models that each identify different factors that shape sexual behavior in order to change risk into non-risk sexual behavior. Hereby, aiming to reduce negative health outcomes, such as Sexual Transmitted Diseases or pregnancy. Previous literature has revealed that the content components in sexuality educational programs that are deemed necessary by program designers are not assessed in the same way by adolescents. Thereby, failing to meet the needs and interests of adolescents and being less effective. This research attempts to include the perceptions of adolescent girls in the barrio of the Pantanal in Granada (Nicaragua) to understand which factors they consider of importance in shaping sexual behavior and behavioral change, namely domestic workers and sex workers, and among parents and peers.

Continue reading Seminar – Implementing Needs and Interest of Adolescent Girls in Nicaragua into Sexuality Educational Programs

Workshop June 10 — After the Iron curtain: Poor parenting and state intervention in cross cultural perspective

A one-day workshop at the Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge

Wednesday, 10th June, 10-5pm

Across many contemporary societies, the quality of parenting is increasingly seen as imperative, not only for the well-being of individual children, but for the health of communities as a whole. This kind of parenting – increasingly endorsed by both parents and policy makers – has been termed ‘concerted’, ‘intensive’, or even ‘paranoid’ by researchers, pointing to the ‘more’ than the basic childcare that many mothers feel they should do for their children.
The opposite of this is ‘poor’ parenting or ‘unfit’ parents – defined not so much by an approach, as the absence of it. Poor parenting is most often tied to expectations of poor outcomes, where children are seen as being at risk of neglect or maltreatment. Intervention by the state is aimed at ensuring children be saved from such parents, either through training, or by placing children in settings that provide more appropriate care. Since much of the social science research on the topic has been done in what’s called ‘Euro-America’, however, the explanatory framework usually draws on elements of capitalist market economies and social stratifications, such as class, poverty, gender inequality and race. Continue reading Workshop June 10 — After the Iron curtain: Poor parenting and state intervention in cross cultural perspective

Roundtable – Young Children’s Rights in Wales and England: What Next After the Election?

Young Children’s Rights in Wales and England: What Next After the Election?

Round table discussion

Wednesday 24 June 2.00-4.00 pm
Seminar room, Social Science Research Unit SSRU,
18 Woburn Square
UCL Institute of Education London WC1H ONR

Contributors to include:

  • Dr Jacky Tyrie
  • Sian Sarwar (Cardiff)
  • Prof Berry Mayall (London)
  • Chair: Prof Priscilla Alderson

The aim is to bring together professionals (academics, policy makers, advocates, educators, students, and third sector organisations) from England and Wales to discuss the present state of young children’s rights and look to future developments in research, policy and practice. Continue reading Roundtable – Young Children’s Rights in Wales and England: What Next After the Election?

May 19 Seminar: Adolescent girls’ migration and development in Ethiopia

Anthropology of Children and Youth Seminar

The seminar is on Tuesday 19 May 10.30-12.00, room Z-009 (Metropolitan), VU University, Amsterdam

Time to look at girls: Adolescent girls’ migration and development in Ethiopia

Marina de Regt, Assistant Professor in Anthropology, VU University Amsterdam

In the past decade an increasing number of Ethiopian girls have migrated from villages and rural towns to Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa. In the literature the migration of adolescent girls is mainly described in the context of trafficking and exploitation. Little is known about the experiences, life choices and aspirations of these girls. This research project focuses on the life course and in particular on the way in which the decision to migrate intersects with other important choices, such as those related to education, marriage and having children. The research is part of a larger project which also includes studies in Bangladesh and Sudan. In Ethiopia data was collected among two groups of adolescent migrant girls in Addis Ababa, namely domestic workers and sex workers, and among parents and peers. Continue reading May 19 Seminar: Adolescent girls’ migration and development in Ethiopia

Upcoming Colloquium at the Center for the History of Childhood, Oxford

‘Juvenile Delinquency in the 19th and 20th Centuries: National and Transnational Perspectives’

a one-day interdisciplinary conference

Conference Organizers: Professor Laurence Brockliss and Dr Heather Ellis

The conference will discuss recent work on the national and transnational history of juvenile delinquency and youth justice in different parts of the world with a particular focus on how ideas and understandings of delinquency have travelled across regional and national borders and been accepted, rejected or adapted in new geographical and cultural contexts.

Venue: Summer Common Room, Magdalen College, High Street, Oxford

9:00 – 9:20: Registration in the Summer Common Room

9:20-9.30: Introduction and Welcome
Heather Ellis (Liverpool Hope)
Writing the History of Transnational Juvenile Delinquency

9.30-11.00: Session 1: Juvenile Delinquency and Colonial Systems
Helen Rogers (Liverpool John Moores): ‘Being Boys? Comparing the Behaviour of Convict Lads Before and After Transportation’
Stephanie Olsen (Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin): ‘Dangerous Boys in Britain and India, c. 1880-1914’

11.00-11.15: Coffee

11.15-12.45: Session 2: Delinquency and Nation Building
Catherine Cox and Susannah Riordan (UCD): ‘Towards a History of Juvenile Delinquency in Ireland’
Bryce Evans (Liverpool Hope): ‘“How will we kill the evening?” ‘Degeneracy’ and ‘Second Generation’ Male Adolescents in Independent Ireland’

12.45-2.00: Lunch

2.00-3.30: Session 3: Delinquency and National Identity
Nazan Cicek (Ankara): ‘Juvenile Justice Alla Turca: Perception and Treatment of Juvenile Delinquency in the Turkish Republic (1923-2005)’
Kate Bradley (Kent): ‘Making Sense of Delinquency in the Post-War Welfare State: England and Wales, 1945-1970’

3.30-5.00: Session 4: Reconstructing the Lives of Juvenile Delinquents
Pam Cox (Essex): ‘Young Criminal Lives: Life Courses and Life Chances from 1850’
Heather Shore (Leeds Beckett): ‘Beyond Bad Girls and Artful Dodgers? Revisiting Young Criminal Lives from 1850’

5.00 – 6.00: Concluding Session: Oxford and Juvenile Delinquency
Laurence Brockliss (Oxford) et al.

The cost of attendance will be £50 for those who wish to take lunch in the New Room, Magdalen. This will be a very ample buffet lunch with wine as in previous years. For those simply wishing to attend the colloquium, there will be a charge of £15 to cover administration costs and tea and coffee. Cheques should be made out to ‘Dr L W B Brockliss, History of University’ and sent to Laurence Brockliss at Magdalen College, Oxford, OX14AU.