Category Archives: Events

Can children contribute to decisions that affect their lives?

Wednesday 4 June

4-5.30pm, Greenbank Building, room 201

Can children contribute to decisions that affect their lives?  A sharing of the experience of using Action Research approaches with children, parents / guardians and community leaders in two communities in Uganda

Presenter: Hilda Nankunda, PhD student, School of Social Work, University of Central Lancashire

For more information, download the poster here: 4 June Hilda Nankunda POSTER

Seminar is free.  Refreshments provided.

To reserve a place go to EventBrite at:


AAA registration deadline – choose ACC (ACYIG) as second review section

Lots of great ACYIG sessions are coming together – you won’t want to miss this year’s meetings! So this is one last reminder that (A) when you submit your proposal, choose ACC as the second review section (the AAA hasn’t yet updated their system to reflect our name change…), and (B) Tuesday, April 15th at midnight EASTERN TIME is the last possible moment that you can register to get on the program. As per AAA rules, there is absolutely no recourse if you miss the deadline for registering. This year’s AAA program chairs explain:

“Anyone who has not registered will be automatically dropped from the system. Session proposals will go to Section reviewers without unregistered names attached to it. There are no exceptions to this rule (because we can’t add people to the system…they do it through the registration process). Session organizers need to hound listed participants for roundtables and panels to register or they’ll end up with a broken session that goes to Section Program Chairs for review and it will be weighed against proposals with a complete set of participants. AAA will reimburse anyone registered for a session that is not accepted to the program.”

Happy Spring,

from ACYIG


Atelier Epistemology of the sciences of childhood, 07/04 (Kinship and Parenthood) et 5/5 (Politics)‏ + website

We are glad to inform you that our group « Sciences de l’enfance, enfants des sciences » (SEES) is now officially on the net.

Our website, is now open! Please feel free to have a look at it and don’t hesitate to send us informations for the blog!


Meanwhile, SEES is pleased to invite you to the 2nd and 3rd workshops of the Ateliers Campus Condorcet, a cycle of seminars on “Epistemology, methods, and history of the sciences of childhood.”

The next workshops will be held on March 27 (“Feelings and Emotions“) and April 7 (“Kinship and Parenthood“), at theEHESS from 14h to 17h, at the bâtiment Le France, 190 av de France 75013, Paris, room 638.

Registration is required (

 7 April 2014, 14h – 17h

« Kinship and Parenthood »

Aurélie Fillod-Chabaud (Institut Universitaire Européen)  

« Enfance et séparation conjugales. La question des parents non gardiens et de leurs enfants »

Yann Favier (Université Rennes 2)

« Réflexions sur le dualisme parenté/parentalité et sa traduction juridique »

Francesca Nicola (Università di Milano Bicocca)

« Politics of parenting in a post-welfare era. The case of parents of kids with ADHD in the USA »

Discutantes : Natacha Collomb et Gladys Chicharro

 5 May 2014, 14h – 17h

« Politics »

Isabelle Konuma (Centre d’Etudes Japonaises)

« Comment définir l’ “intérêt de l’enfant” en droit japonais ? Les acteurs dans l’énoncé du bien-être de l’enfant. »

David Lancy (Utah State University)  

« Children as a Reserve Labor Force »

Damien Boone (Ceraps), « La politique racontée aux enfants : des apprentissages pris dans des dispositifs entre consensus et conflit. Une étude des sentiers de la (dé)politisation des enfants »

Discutante : Alice Sophie Sarcinelli (EHESS/Iris)





Presentation April 8, The Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation

Finding Our Way, What one Child-Led Research Program is doing for children, citizenship and service provision

Presented by Samia Michail, Principal Researcher
UnitingCare Children, Young People and Families, Australia

Greenbank Building, room 357
Tuesday 8 April

The seminar is free and refreshments are provided.  The seminar will be followed by an informal meeting of The Centre, at which all are welcome.  To reserve a place go to EventBrite at: this will assist with ordering refreshments and notifying you of late changes.

Victorian Childhood event at Ragged School Museum

The next Children’s Literature/Children’s Lives event will be on Friday April 4th, 5pm, at the Victorian Classroom, in the Ragged School Museum, just around the corner from Queen Mary.

Erica Davies, Oliver Gibson, “In Search of Fresh Air: Health, Environment and Child Welfare in Late Victorian Britain”

The director of the museum, Erica Davies, and Queen Mary PhD student Oliver Gibson will be talking about the work of the museum and how institutions like Barnardo’s charity responded to late Victorian ideas about environmental influences on health and well-being, especially the role afforded to green space or “nature” in promoting physical and moral health.

This is another great chance to combine attending an academic talk with exploring a children’s museum.

For more information about the research cluster, and a map, please see