Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives on Childhood, Youth and Adolescence:
troubling the global/local nexus
Special Issue of Global Studies of Childhood
Guest Editors:
DAVID W. KUPFERMAN, University of Hawaiʻi-West Oʻahu SOPHIA RODRIGUEZ, College of Charleston
MAREK TESAR, University of Auckland
Childhood, youth and adolescence are contested notions. What do we mean by these terms and how do we employ them? How do/did we come to know these categories? Who or what invented them? The concern of this special issue is with the ontological and epistemological knowledges in play with regard to the categories of childhood, youth and adolescence, what they do and how they perform, what they represent and how these categories and brackets are perceived by all actors, both those that are inside and those who are out-side of them. This special issue calls for a re-thinking of these concepts. The disciplines of philosophy and sociology are elevated in this call for papers, with the expectation that these perspectives will allow authors to theorize these concerns in unexpected, innovative and cutting edge ways, in relation to the complicated globalized contexts of local experiences and lives. Continue reading CFP: Global Studies of Childhood