Category Archives: Calls for Papers: Conferences

CFP: First Latin-American Biennial on Childhood and Youth, Manizales, Colombia

Call for Papers.

Child displacement, appropriation and circulation: management techniques aimed at children and their families in environments of inequality and violence

1ª Bienal Latinoamericana de Infancias y Juventudes

Manizales, Colombia

17th-21st November 2014

In Latin America, such as in other regions of the world, armed conflicts, dictatorships, political repression, the devastation produced by wars and the development of diverse mechanisms of reproductive government (Morgan & Roberts 2012) have resulted in the displacement and/or separation of numerous children from their birth families. Either through national or international adoption, foster care, and institutionalization or through the appropriation and substitution of their identities, many children have been placed in family, cultural and/or national environments that are different from those of their birth environment. Aiming at different objectives according to the diverse socio-historical and political contexts, such usually coactive practices, in some cases unprecedented, were combined with governmentalitytechniques (bureaucratic and judicial procedures) and long-standing “life policies” (Fassin 2007) (customary ways of thinking and social ideas on the “protection” and “salvation” of children and their families and/or communities). These were extended and widely accepted thanks to “truth systems” (Foucault, 1978), anchored to (disciplinary) morality standards through which private reproductive behaviors and their public expressions can be governed.

In many cases, these kinds of “critical” events (Das 1995) made visible the socio-cultural schemes that facilitated these practices of child displacement and the separation of children from their birth families. In other cases, it made it possible to get to know the historical depth of informal practices of “child circulation”, which families carried out in order to deal with the rearing of their children, as well as “vertical transfer” mechanisms, through which certain children were separated from their birth families to make them available for adoption.

In this context of analysis, this Workshop aims to:

– Contribute to the knowledge of the proceedings, explanations, moral values and legal procedures used in order to carry out and justify the separation and movement/displacement of children from their birth environments and their placement in alien filiations relationships and other socio-family realities, through diverse forms of violence (wars, practices of social engineering or reproductive governmentality).

– Deploy a comparative approach that combines theoretical discussions from the field of childhood, family and reproductivegovernmentality studies with ethnographic findings from diverse spatio-temporal contexts, in order to analyze the modalities that characterize the diverse practices of legal/illegal/coercive/voluntary/regulated circulation, as well as those of appropriation and child removal through identity substitution.

– Analyze the transnational dimension of such practices, since many children from populations devastated by to natural disasters, extreme poverty or wars are displaced to high-income countries. This practice both depends on and deepens the inequality between those who give and those who receive, a situation that, through international legislation on inter-country adoption (The Hague, 1993), has turned some countries into “providers” of children and youth to various destinations in order to fulfill different tasks.

– Analyze the diversity of actors, organizations and organisms that take part in one way or another in the deployment of these techniques, as well as deepening the analysis of notions of childhood, family, maternity, kinship, protection and rights, which function as the basis and support of such techniques.

– Deepen the processes of construction of demands of truth and justice that have been promoted in recent years by various social organizations and human rights bodies from a range of countries.

-Invigorate and expand knowledge on the modalities that have characterized the practices of child responsibility transfers, as well as deepen the debate with respect to the forms of current public policies aimed at protecting the right to personal intimacy, family living and child identity, and debates brought about the right to know one’s “

We encourage those who are interested in participating to send a title, abstract (of no more than 250 words) and a short cv until July 14 to:

Carla Villalta: or Diana Marre:


CFP: ‘Border crossings’: Transitions of children and youth in times of crisis

‘Border crossings’: Transitions of Children and Youth in Times of Crisis paper session

4th International Conference on Geographies of Children, Young People and Families, San Diego, California: January 12-15, 2015

Session organiser: Helena Pimlott-Wilson (Loughborough University)

Session Theme
Global transformations are rapidly altering young peoples’ experiences of growing up (Jeffrey, 2010).   The recent economic crisis has placed pressure on national economies and labour markets throughout the world; yet, the impacts of restructuring have been uneven within nations.  In particular, the impact on children and youth is noteworthy (see Edwards and Weller 2010) as young people navigate present challenges and look towards the future.  This session aims to raise questions about the way in which the current economic downturn affects both the current lived experiences of children and youth, and their transitions in education, employment, housing and relationships.  The session conceives the over-arching conference theme of ‘borders’ in a variety of ways; including those that are abstract, experiential, imagined and tangible. While the border might be a point in time such as leaving home or seeking paid work, it might also be events of economic change, or be existing or new kinds of borders that emerge or loom as a result of such change, such as borders of poverty, partnership dissolution and un/employment.

This session aims to bring together research exploring the transitions of children and youth in austere times from a variety of (inter)national contexts.  The session aims to consider the breadth and depth of such economic change as experienced by children and youth in relation to the frontiers of the past, present and future. It will focus on how children and youth cope during such turbulent times, and how they draw on the past, present and future to do so.  It will examine how experiences, perceptions and understandings of the future and futurity according to children and youth have been shaped by recent economic changes, and likewise how they feel about the future in relation to past and on-going events.

This session will explore all aspects of transition for children and youth in the context of economic crisis.
Topics prospective contributors might wish to address include, but are not limited to:

• dimensions of the education-to-work transition including earnings, job security, occupational attainment and working conditions;

• housing and domestic transitions;

• critical approaches to aspirations;

• employment, unemployment and job insecurity (past, present and future)

• coping strategies during, and experiences of, economic change;

• changing understandings of the markers of adulthood;

Being Involved
Please send your title and abstract of a maximum of 250 words by Friday 17th July 2014 to Helena Pimlott-Wilson ( Thank you

CFP: Young People, Borders & Well-being

4th International Conference on Geographies of Children, Young People and Families

Young People, Borders & Well-Being

San Diego, California

January 12-15, 2015 

Call for Sessions, Papers and Posters:

Located on the US/Mexico border, the conference has a theme of young people, borders and well-being. We encourage delegates to explore the bordered contexts of children and young people — childhood, adulthood, intergenerational relations, politics, mobility/staying put, ethnicities, citizenship, education, labor, play, engagement and activism, etc. – in terms of the ways that they promote well-being and geographies of hope.

The conference is also open to innovative sessions that focus on experimental themes, methodologies, presentations and performances.

In addition to plenaries, special events, receptions and a banquet, the conference will comprise two and a half days of paper and poster sessions in three separate meeting rooms.

The deadline for submission to the conference program (organized sessions, papers or posters) is Friday, August 1 2014. Submissions should be received by this date.

Proposals and enquiries can be submitted to Stuart C. Aitken ( or Thomas Herman ( For sessions, papers or posters, please send abstracts of no more than 250 words. Include your affiliation and contact information. If you are organizing a session, please send the names and affiliations of participants. Each session is 100 minutes (1 hour 40 minutes), which can be divided into a variety of different formats (4 papers with discussion is suggested).

Conference Registration:

Fees for ‘early-bird’ bookings received by Friday, September 26, 2014:
$250 standard rate
$125 student rate

Fees for bookings received after Friday, September 26, 2014:
$275 standard rate
$140 student rate

The delegate registration fee includes access to all conference sessions, evening receptions and the conference banquet. The fee does not include accommodation or any pre-conference workshops/symposia. Bookings for this event are non-refundable.

Conference Hotel Rooms:

$119 special conference rate (mention the International Children’s Geographies Conference to get the special rate)

Conference Venue and Hotel: Wyndham San Diego Bayside

Further details of the conference are available via the following web link:


CFP: Childhood and Popular Culture, live and online!

The Children and Childhood Studies Area of the Mid-Atlantic Popular and American Culture Association is accepting submissions for our 25th Annual Conference until June 15. We are seeking papers, panels, roundtables and other formats on any topic at the convergence of childhood and popular culture. Please see our full CFP for more info.

Can’t make it to Baltimore in November? You can still participate via our online collaboration with H-PCAACA, “American Childhood in 25 Artifacts.” Let’s do a little digital scholarship! Please submit your artifact for this collection by Oct 10.

CFP: Research Initiative on Young Children in Refugee Families

Call for Papers: Research Initiative on Young Children in Refugee Families

Submission deadline: May 30, 2014

The Migration Policy Institute’s (MPI) National Center on Immigrant Integration Policy is launching an interdisciplinary research initiative to examine the circumstances and well-being of young children in refugee families. While young children account for about one-fifth of U.S. refugee arrivals each year and many U.S.-born children live with refugee parents, research on refugees in the United States has largely focused on adults and their access to employment and social services. Less is known about the children of refugees and the risk and protective factors that promote their healthy development and academic success. The goal of the MPI research initiative is to encourage and support research on young children (birth to age 10) who are themselves refugees or who are the U.S.-born children of resettled refugee parents (i.e., the second generation).

As part of this work, MPI is soliciting papers by both established and young scholars working in forced migration, child development, education, public health, demography, sociology, psychology, psychiatry, anthropology, economics, public policy, and other relevant fields. Papers documenting how these children are faring in the United States are welcomed, as are those offering comparisons between young children of refugees in the United States and other countries of resettlement, and those that shed light on the pre-resettlement experiences of first-generation refugee children resettled in the United States.

Support for this project has been provided by the Foundation for Child Development (FCD).

Paper Topics

The project’s broad areas of inquiry include, but are not limited to, the topics below. Suggestions for other topics are welcomed and encouraged.

  • The living circumstances and well-being of young children of refugees, including family structure, housing conditions, caretaker human capital and employment, family income and poverty, and food security.
  • Geographic patterns of resettlement, including geographic isolation/concentration, residential segregation, secondary migration from initial resettlement locations, quality of early care and education as well as elementary education in receiving communities, and availability of health and social services.
  • Physical, mental, and behavioral health outcomes for young children in refugee families, refugees’ children with disabilities, physical and mental health of parents and other members of the extended family as they relate to caretaking, child health insurance coverage, health-care utilization, and utilization of mental health services.
  • Cognitive and socioemotional development of young children of refugees, their experiences in early care and education, preparation for school, and early experiences as well as achievement in school.
  • Educational progress and, for English Language Learners (ELLs), language acquisition and maintenance of home language.
  • Examination of the capacity, effectiveness, and changing roles of refugee resettlement agencies and other public and private institutions that integrate refugees and their children.
  • Climate of reception for refugee families, including discrimination, perceived discrimination, and their effects on identify formation and child/family well-being.
  • Evaluations of programs and interventions for young children of refugees, including programs specifically for refugees and their children and programs serving children of refugees as well as other children.
  • Studies of children in refugee families in the United States as compared to other countries of resettlement.
  • Predeparture living circumstances and experiences of refugee children later resettled in the United States, including access to formal education, health services, refugee camp experiences, and trauma exposure.

In all topic areas, papers that draw on data obtained through quantitative or qualitative methods with a national, local, or international comparative focus are welcomed.

Research Symposium and Publication

Selected papers will be presented at an interdisciplinary research symposium for scholars of this topic, hosted by MPI and FCD in November or December 2014, and subsequently widely disseminated as MPI publications. Authors will be expected to work with MPI staff both before and after the symposium to edit and finalize papers for publication.

Timeframe for Paper Proposals

All submissions must be made by May 30, 2014, with final drafts of selected papers due in September 2014.

Submission Guidelines

Please submit the following:

  • Preliminary title
  • Abstract up to 500 words
  • Brief description of data sources (qualitative or quantitative)
  • Brief description of population studied (age range, country of origin, and receiving country) and, if applicable, any comparison populations
  • Current CV or brief biography indicating any current affiliations for each author*

*Papers with multiple authors will be considered.

Honorarium: An honorarium of $2,000 will be offered for completed papers presented at the symposium.

Submit paper proposals and any questions electronically to:
Kristen McCabe
Migration Policy Institute

AAA registration deadline – choose ACC (ACYIG) as second review section

Lots of great ACYIG sessions are coming together – you won’t want to miss this year’s meetings! So this is one last reminder that (A) when you submit your proposal, choose ACC as the second review section (the AAA hasn’t yet updated their system to reflect our name change…), and (B) Tuesday, April 15th at midnight EASTERN TIME is the last possible moment that you can register to get on the program. As per AAA rules, there is absolutely no recourse if you miss the deadline for registering. This year’s AAA program chairs explain:

“Anyone who has not registered will be automatically dropped from the system. Session proposals will go to Section reviewers without unregistered names attached to it. There are no exceptions to this rule (because we can’t add people to the system…they do it through the registration process). Session organizers need to hound listed participants for roundtables and panels to register or they’ll end up with a broken session that goes to Section Program Chairs for review and it will be weighed against proposals with a complete set of participants. AAA will reimburse anyone registered for a session that is not accepted to the program.”

Happy Spring,

from ACYIG