Category Archives: Calls for Papers: Conferences

CfP: Youth Studies @ EuroSEAS conference

Call for Papers – EuroSEAS conference, Vienna, 11-14 August, 2015

Panel title: What Role for Southeast Asia in the Field of Youth Studies?

Roy HUIJSMANS, International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), the Hague, The Netherlands;
Suzanne NAAFS, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia;

Panel description:
Whilst still predominated by research in the Global North, the field of youth studies is rapidly diversifying in geographical terms. One reason for this is the demographic presence of youth in the Global South due to a ‘youth bulge’ or demographic shift towards youth. Throughout the Global South, young people have taken on central and complex roles as political actors and media activists, as seen in their role in the Arab Spring and Occupy movement. In addition, the phenomenon of educated youth unemployment calls into question the links between education, employment and economic growth and challenges prominent theories about social reproduction and mobility. Finally, the apparent disinterest among youth in farming and rural futures raises questions about the place of the rural in the lives and aspirations for modernity among young Southeast Asians.

Southeast Asian research with/on youth stands out for its relative absence in any of these debates, despite it being a highly youthful region. Indeed, Southeast Asia is part of the Asia-Pacific region that is home to 60 per cent of the world’s youth population (aged 16-25). This panel invites contributions that address this apparent paradox and ultimately contribute to the question of what Southeast Asian research has to contribute to the wider and quickly evolving field of youth studies. Given the rapid socio-economic developments characterising much of Southeast Asia and the relative absence of large-scale youth protests the panel seeks to explore the unique contribution of Southeast Asian research on/with youth in a focus on everyday struggles of being young and growing up (instead of a focus on ‘spectacular youth’), rapidly changing inter-generational relations that reconfigure the social position of young people, social mobility through education and migration, and questions about gendered futures and desires for modernity among youth.

Those wishing to contribute a paper to the panel are invited to submit an abstract of 350 words maximum and a summarised CV (1 page maximum) by Feb 15th, 2015 to the convenors. Successful applicants will be notified in time for the early bird registration of the conference (which closes on Feb 28th). Full papers are due on July 1st, 2015. For further details on the 8th EuroSEAS Conference:

Children and Childhoods Conference – UK

Children and Childhoods Conference 2015

July 14-15, 2015
University Campus Suffolk, Ipswich, UK
Hosted by
Unit for the Study of Children and Childhoods, UCS

We are excited to announce that the call for papers for our biennial international Children and Childhoods Conference is open. We invite papers that theoretically and empirically engage with a broad range of disciplines reflecting the diverse nature of contemporary childhood studies. Continue reading Children and Childhoods Conference – UK

CFP: Learning, Education, Identities, and Musical Experiences: Ethnographic Approaches

Infancia_c Workshop #3  – April 17-18, 2015 – Madrid, Spain

This small two-day conference/workshop welcomes empirical and methodological papers that document and discuss the place of music and closely related expressive practices in the daily lives of people across the life-span and in a variety of institutional and socio-cultural settings. We are particularly interested in studies that can make a contribution to one or both of the following strands of discussion:
Continue reading CFP: Learning, Education, Identities, and Musical Experiences: Ethnographic Approaches

CFP: Children & Society Panel at ASA

ASA 2015 – Symbiotic anthropologies: theoretical commensalities and methodological mutualisms

CFP – Children and Society panel

Children are significant research subjects as they mirror social contexts where they belong and re-elaborate their experience to become agents of change. What can we learn about our discipline, our society and our future by engaging with children in different set ups?

Continue reading CFP: Children & Society Panel at ASA

CFP: The Child and Citizenship

A symposium to be held at Texas A&M University
27 March 2015
Sponsored by the Critical Childhood Studies Glasscock Humanities Seminar and the Texas A&M Department of English

Keynote Speaker:  Courtney Weikle-Mills, University of Pittsburgh

300-word proposals are invited for 15-minute papers to be presented at a one-day interdisciplinary symposium on “The Child and Citizenship.”  Papers may contemplate the child as future citizen (e.g., efforts within such forums as literature, pedagogy, public health, or character-building endeavors on the order of Scouting to shape the citizens of tomorrow) or as present citizen (e.g., children engaged in activities such as work, charitable endeavors, or social protest movements).  Proposals focusing on any culture or time period are welcome.

Sample approaches include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Children and national identity
  • Children and political rights/theory
  • Educating children for citizenship
  • Children and immigration
  • Historical and/or global understandings of children in society
  • Consumerism and the child citizen
  • The gendering of the child citizen
  • Childhood, citizenship, and race
  • Children’s literature (or other media) and citizenship

Please submit abstracts to organizers Lucia Hodgson ( and Claudia Nelson ( on or before 1 December 2014.

CFP: African Youth and Development, Urban Space, and Human Rights

The University of Texas Africa Conference
Development, Urban Space, and Human Rights

Venue: The University of Texas at Austin
April 3-5, 2015

We are now inviting scholars to submit conference papers and full panel proposals for the 2015 conference on Development, Urban Space, and Human Rights. The social, political, and cultural landscapes envisioned and created under the context of development highlight the historic and ongoing challenges that frame efforts to transform Africa’s development trajectory. The goal of this year’s conference is to generate interdisciplinary insights that can interrogate development paradigms and intervention practices as they relate to urban space and human rights in Africa.

What does development mean in the context of indigenous strategies of self-determination and global intervention? How do notions of development shape urban space and urban policies in Africa? In what ways have development strategies affected human rights? How do indigenous collectives and global activists define human rights and urban rights, and how can these definitions shift notions of development?

Some potential topics may include:

–        Development Debates

–        Narratives of development

–        Concepts of Under-Development, Urban Space, and Human Rights

–        African Development Strategies

–        Sustainable Development, Gender and Development

–        Entrepreneurship and Development, Insurgent Development Practices

–        Development and the aid industry

–        Human Rights Debates

–        Intervention in Human Rights, Border Issues

–        Rhetoric and culture of international human rights

–        Dependency and Human Rights Issues

–        Development, Intellectual Property and Struggle over Resources

–        Urban Space and Development Practices

–        Urban Planning and Development Strategies

–        Urban Rights, Rights to the City

–        Urban Informalization/Informality and Citizenship

–        Social Exclusion, Displacement, and Urban Marginalization

–        Africom and Intervention

–        NGO’s and MCC’s and Prospects for Development

–        Sanctions for Better or Worse (Zimbabwe, Sudan, etc.)

–        Education for Development

–        Children and Youth: development strategies for/impacts, rights and life prospects

As with all our previous conferences, participants will be drawn from different parts of the world. Submitted papers will be assigned to particular panels according to similarities in theme, topic, discipline, or geographical location. Papers can also be submitted together as a panel. Additionally, selected papers will be published in book form.

This conference also has a commitment to professional development which will be fostered through workshops in writing, publishing, and conference presentation. The conference will also provide ample time for professionals from various disciplines and geographical locations to interact, exchange ideas, and receive feedback. Graduate students are especially encouraged to attend and present papers and will be partnered with a senior scholar to encourage their own growth as scholars.

The deadline for submitting paper proposals is November 30, 2014. Proposals should include a 250-word abstract and title, as well as the author’s name, address, telephone number, email address, and institutional affiliation.

Please submit all abstracts to and Toyin Falola:


A mandatory non-refundable registration fee of $150 for scholars and $100 for graduate students must be paid immediately upon the acceptance of the abstract. This conference fee includes admission to the panels, workshops, and special events, as well as transportation to and from the conference from the hotel, breakfast for three days, dinner on Friday night, lunch on Saturday, and a banquet on Saturday evening.

It is expected that all participants will raise the funding to attend the conference. The University of Texas at Austin does not provide participants with any form of funding support, travel expenses, or boarding expenses. If the conference obtains outside funding this will be used to help subsidize graduate students’ accommodations on a competitive basis but it is not guaranteed.

Convened by: Professor Toyin Falola,

Coordinated by: Bisola Falola and Ben Weiss,


Conference Website:

CFP: Queer Friendship, ChLA 2015 Panel

CFP: Queer Friendship in Children’s and YA Literature (panel proposal)
Organizers: Sarah Sahn (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Kristen Proehl (SUNY-Brockport)

Children’s Literature Association Annual Convention
Richmond, VA, June 18-20, 2015
In response to the 2015 ChLA conference theme, “the high stakes of children’s literature,” we are looking for one or two additional paper proposals that explore the role of queer friendship in children’s and/or YA literature for a proposed panel. We are open to a diverse array of approaches to this topic, as well as a wide range of different texts and genres. Possible topics include friendships between gender non-conforming children; friendships between LGBTQ adolescents and youth; race, sexuality, and same-sex friendships; friendships that complicate or defy categories of romantic and platonic love; friendships across differences in age and generation; the politics of queer friendship; and other topics. Please send 100-150 word abstracts and short bios to Kristen Proehl ( and Sarah Sahn ( by November 20, 2014.