Category Archives: Announcements

Registration now open: Horrible Histories? Children’s Lives in Historical Context

General registration is now open for the inaugural conference of the Children’s History Society. Hosted at King’s College London from 16-18 June inclusive, the theme is ‘Horrible Histories? Children’s Lives in Historical Contexts’.With keynotes from David Pomfret and the schoolchildren of Bethnal Green and Pimlico Academies, the conference features over 100 speakers from across the globe. Continue reading Registration now open: Horrible Histories? Children’s Lives in Historical Context

Neos highlights – Discovering the Kid Researcher

Have you considered how prior relationships with your research participants influence their experience in the research process? Or how friendships between participants influence the research process? See how researcher Cynthia Maurer dealt with these issues in “Discovering the Kid Researcher,” pp. 8-9 of the February 2016 issue of Neos (

Conference – Juvenile Justice in Europe: Past, Present and Future?

Juvenile Justice in Europe: Past, Present and Future?
26-27 May 2016
Liverpool, UK

The conference/symposium is being organized and hosted by the International Criminological Research Unit (ICRU) at the University of Liverpool in association with the British Society of Criminology (Youth Criminology/Youth Justice Network – BSC YC/YJN) and the European Society of Criminology (Thematic Working Group on Juvenile Justice – ESC TWGJJ). Continue reading Conference – Juvenile Justice in Europe: Past, Present and Future?

Youth Circulations – New Blog is pleased to share “Rethinking Home: A Powerful Look at Return Migration via Film” a blog by Tatyana Kleyn about her new documentary film. Una Vida, Dos Países: Children and Youth (Back) in Mexico explores the experiences of US-born or raised students who have spent all or most of their lives in the US and returned with their family to Oaxaca, Mexico.

ACYIG Invited Session at AAA Annual Meeting: Apply Now!

The deadline for submitting proposals for the 115th AAA Annual Meeting is coming soon. The meeting will be held November 16-20, in Minneapolis, MN.

This year, ACYIG may INVITE one session. This session will receive the “Invited by ACYIG” tagline in the AAA program.

We are now soliciting proposed sessions for ACYIG invited status.

For consideration, please submit your session proposal to both Heather Rae-Espinoza and Jaymelee Kim ( and by Friday, April 8, 2015.

Session proposals must include the following information:

  • Session title
  • Name, affiliation, and email of Session Organizer
  • Session abstract (no more than 500 words)
  • Names, affiliations, emails, and paper titles for all session members
  • Name(s) and affiliation(s) of discussant(s), if applicable

The AAA’s call for papers follows:

The 115th Annual Meeting theme, ‘Evidence, Accident, Discovery’, raises issues central to debates within both anthropology and politics in a neoliberal, climate-changing, social media-networked era: What counts as evidence? What does evidence count for? What are the underlying causes and foreseeability of violence and catastrophes? How is misfortune interpreted, and causality, attributed in cases of humanly-preventable harm? And in the give and take of relationships on which anthropological evidence typically depends, Who gets to claim that they discovered something? We welcome proposals that debate these and other questions stimulated by the conference theme, in the opportunity that our annual meeting provides for “big tent” debate.