Category Archives: ACYIG Updates

New ACYIG Listserv

After years of using a listserv hosted by American University (ACIG-L@LISTSERV.AMERICAN.EDU), we have transitioned to a AAA-hosted listserv. Our new listserv email address is:

ACYIG Members:

If you are a AAA Member who has elected to join the Interest Group by selecting us during the membership enrollment process, you will be automatically added to our listserv within one month of enrollment. If you would like to enroll sooner manually, please visit and fill out the section Subscribing to AAA_ACYIG.

Please note that listserv membership is open to the public! Anyone may subscribe by visiting the link above, regardless of AAA membership status. You must be a listserv member to send and receive email through it.

Disable Your Account:

If you would prefer not to receive email from us, you need to disable your account by emailing with your request. Unsubscribing yourself is not a permanent solution because you will be automatically added again the following month if your membership in the Interest Group is still current. For this reason we do not recommend that users unsubscribe themselves. If, in the future, you change your email address with the AAA, you will need to repeat this process. You may also re-enable your account by contacting the List Administrator at the above email address.

We hope that members will choose to stay on the listserv, as this is our main platform for sharing information with you.

Subscription Options:

If you would like to change your subscription options (switch to/from digest mode, change your password, etc), or have your password emailed to you, you can login to your subscription page also using the link:

Please feel free to contact us at with any questions.

Warm regards,
Lauren Heidbrink

AAA Meetings – how to indicate your ACYIG allegiance

The deadline for submitting proposals for the 114th AAA Annual Meeting is coming soon. The meetings will be held Nov. 18-22, in Denver, CO.  We are looking forward to a STELLAR line-up of ACYIG-relevant sessions and individual presentations/posters!As an Interest Group, ACYIG does not  (cannot) ‘review’ sessions. So you wouldn’t want to selct ACYIG as your primary or secondary reviewer. However, there IS a way to indicate your affiliation as you submit your paper/poster or session. Simply select ACYIG from the THIRD drop-down menu (you can’t miss it – it will be obvious – it is in a gray box in the middle of the page where you enter ‘title’ etc.).

Continue reading AAA Meetings – how to indicate your ACYIG allegiance

Winning Title for the ACYIG Newsletter!

In response to member feedback, we held a competition in March for a new title for the ACYIG Newsletter. Our intent was to professionalize the publication with a title that better reflects the peer-reviewed nature and high caliber of our authors’ work. We sought a new name would embody the spirit and future direction of ACYIG, be indicative of our membership’s common goals, and provide name-recognition. We were pleased to have numerous excellent suggestions from which to choose, and we extend our sincerest thanks to all those who participated in the competition. Continue reading Winning Title for the ACYIG Newsletter!

ACYIG’s ‘invited’ session for the Annual Meetings: Will it be yours?

Reminder to ACYIG Members!The deadline for submitting proposals for the 114th AAA Annual Meeting is coming soon. The meetings will be held Nov. 18-22, in Denver, CO.This year, ACYIG may INVITE one session. This session will receive the “Invited by ACYIG” tagline in the AAA program. Continue reading ACYIG’s ‘invited’ session for the Annual Meetings: Will it be yours?

ACYIG Newsletter highlights—Taking your children to the field

Check out the column “Accompanied Fieldwork with an Exceptional Child” in our newest ACYIG Newsletter (p. 9-10) for suggestions on how to do fieldwork with a son or daughter who has autism:

Interested in sharing your own experience? You can find the submission guidelines at and contact Editor Kate Grim-Feinberg at with any questions.

ACYIG’s NEW Collaborative Research Networks

The Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group (ACYIG) is excited to announce the launch of Collaborative Research Networks (CRNs). Modeled after Law and Society’s research networks, CRNs provide an opportunity for ACYIG members to develop and lead inter-disciplinary groups of scholars, practitioners, and students around specific thematic interests. Collaborative Research Networks may involve activities such as email groups, listservs, calls to action, op-eds, organizing conference panels, etc.  Continue reading ACYIG’s NEW Collaborative Research Networks

Register now!

March 12-15, 2015 — Long Beach, CA
Hosted by California State University, Long Beach
Conference Hotel: Ayres Hotel Seal Beach

Keynote Speaker: Susan Terrio (Georgetown University)
Susan will speak about her widely touted research chronicling the experiences of undocumented children and youth in U.S. immigration custody, in advance of her new book Whose Child Am I? Unaccompanied, Undocumented Children in U.S. Immigration Custody, to be published by the University of California Press in May 2015.

See our Conferences page for more information about registration, lodging, paper & session submission, and special events!