by Jenny Huberman Continue reading “Time is no longer a River”: Reflections on Life, Death, and Youth in the Digital Age
Category Archives: ACYIG Blog
Growing old and growing up: Teaching and learning about death
Want to Liven Up Your Teaching and Scholarship Related to Children and Youth?
The ACYIG website provides access to a vast amount of resources to facilitate
teaching and research.
By Bonnie Richard (Website Manager & Blog Editor) & Sara Thiam (Content Coordinator for Blog & Social Media)
Our interest group has developed a very useful (and always growing) repository of resources for teaching and research related to the anthropology of children, youth, and related topics. Continue reading Want to Liven Up Your Teaching and Scholarship Related to Children and Youth?
Child Protection or Security Agendas? NGOs address the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon
by Estella Carpi and Chiara Diana
In the wake of the massive influx of refugees from Syria to Lebanon (2011-2014), some international NGOs have intervened in specific regions of Lebanon to prevent Lebanese and Syrian youth from “radicalizing” themselves and joining armed groups. Continue reading Child Protection or Security Agendas? NGOs address the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Lebanon
What is entailed in creating a life-course oriented ethnography?
Life Course As Method: Age Imaginaries in School Ethnography
by Patrick Alexander Continue reading Life Course As Method: Age Imaginaries in School Ethnography
“The Stress Along the Way”: Medicalization and Transit Migration
by Kristin Yarris and Heide Castañeda
This month, Youth Circulations features a series of conversations between two migration scholars, Heide Castañeda (University of South Florida) and Kristin Yarris (University of Oregon). In this series, Drs. Castañeda and Yarris creatively and critically examine representations of the circulation of Central American and Mexican migrants through what they describe as “a zone of transit” in Western Mexico. Their research is funded by The Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, and is a collaboration with Dr. Juan Manuel Mendoza of the Universidad Autonoma de Sinaloa. Continue reading “The Stress Along the Way”: Medicalization and Transit Migration
The Legacies of Age: Some thoughts on Categories, Change and Continuity
by Jason Danely, PhD
Oxford Brookes University Continue reading The Legacies of Age: Some thoughts on Categories, Change and Continuity