All posts by ACYIG Web Manager

CfP: Global Responsibility in Youth Research

XV Annual Conference of Youth Studies
Global Responsibility in Youth Research
Helsinki 7–8 November 2016

The Finnish Youth Research Network (FYRN) invites proposals for the Annual Conference of Youth Studies 2016: Global Responsibility in Youth Research.

There are more young people than ever before in the world. According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNPF) there are 1.8 billion young people aged 10 to 24 years, and the figure is expected to reach 2 billion by 2050. Approximately 85 per cent of young people live in the developing countries of the Global South. Societies of the Global South as well as the relations between the South and the North have gained only minor attention in the Western media, and in its politics and youth studies. However, global migration has highlighted the uneven demographic structure and the unequal opportunities of young people in a drastic way. Particularly children and young people are on the move.

In the XV Annual Conference of Finnish Youth Studies: Global Responsibility in Youth Research, global migration and movement will be addressed from the perspective of young people and youth studies. The conference aims at critical discussion about the global responsibility of youth research. The focus of youth studies will be challenged by questioning the geographical emphasis and methodological premises of Western youth studies. The key issues addressed in the conference will include youth radicalization, issues related to the young asylum seekers in Europe, as well as the everyday life and the future opportunities of young people living in conflict- and crisis-affected regions. In the globalized world both ideas and people move across borders. The conference will also pay attention to the effects of global dynamics in Europe.

According to the United Nations Security Council resolution of December 2015, young people should be should be actively engaged in decision-making at the local, national, regional and international levels. Throughout the world young people should have opportunities for a meaningful life, for building their capabilities and for employment.  In the forthcoming conference we wish to encourage youth researchers to explore young people’s agency and participation under challenging circumstances.

Keynote speakers 

The keynote speakers include Alcinda Honwana, visiting professor of Development Policy and Practice, the Open University, UK. Specialized in the impact of political conflict on young people, Professor Honwana has previously worked as the Director of the ‘Africa and the Children and Armed Conflict Programmes’ at the Social Science Research Council in New York, and at the United Nations in the Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict. Her work has given particular attention to the reconciliation and social reintegration of war-affected children and young people, especially child soldiers and abused girls. Lecturer, Dr Maria Pisani (Youth & Community Studies, Faculty for Social Wellbeing, University of Malta) has specialized in forced migration and young asylum seekers with a special focus on gendered migration. Professor Fadma Aït Mous (Faculté Des Lettres Et Des Sciences Humaines De Ain Chock à Casablanca / Ecole de Gouvernance et d’Economie de Rabat EGE) has specialized in the emergence of Moroccan nationalism from local to national networks, with a special focus on issues related to youth social movements, socio-political transformations, citizenship and migration.

Working groups

The conference includes a wide range of working groups. We welcome contributions related to the conference’s theme as well as other current themes in youth studies. Proposal are invited for:

  • Self-organized sessions: groups may propose to organize a full session of 90 minutes including presentations (3–4 individual papers and discussion), or round table discussion).
  • Individual paper presentations: 20–30 minutes including discussion.
  • Poster presentations: sessions will be set up for conference participants to interact with poster presenters.

Please see the list of working group themes, and submit abstracts for presentations by 11 September electronically through the conference website:

Important dates

  • 11 September 2016: Deadline for submission of abstracts
  • 9 October: Notification of acceptance of papers
  • 24 October: Final date for registration
  • 7-8 November: The Conference

The Conference

The Annual Conference of Youth Studies is the leading multidisciplinary conference for youth studies in Finland. It brings together researchers from various disciplines as well as professionals interested in youth studies. The conference has been held annually since 2002.

Further information, please visit:

CFP: Reimagining Beauty and the Beast

One-day Interdisciplinary Conference
University of Bristol – 7th September 2016

Keynote speakers: 

  • Dr. Amy Davis, University of Hull
  • Prof. James Williams, Royal Holloway University of London

Since myths can be made to mean an indefinite number of things, it is more fruitful to study what in fact myths have been made to mean.” Northrop Frye (1957) Continue reading CFP: Reimagining Beauty and the Beast

CFP – Symposium: Any Signs of Childness?

Peter Hollindale’s Signs of Childness in Children’s Books (1997), 20 years on.
Day Symposium, 05/05/2017
Department of Education, University of York (UK)
H/G21, The Eynns Room 

I wish to argue here that childness is the distinguishing property of a text in children’s literature, setting it apart from other literature as a genre, and it is also the property that the child brings to the reading of a text.  Continue reading CFP – Symposium: Any Signs of Childness?

Seeking Student Contributions for the ACYIG Blog

Hi ACYIG members!  Have you been looking for a creative new course assignment to get students excited about the anthropology of children and youth?  Or have you felt like your anthropology students’ written submissions could benefit from a broader audience? How about asking students to write and comment on blog posts?  The ACYIG blog can publish your students’ work in a special student blog series. Continue reading Seeking Student Contributions for the ACYIG Blog

CFP: Special issue of Children & Society 2018

Children’s and teenagers’ food practices in contexts of poverty and inequality

Guest Editors: Wendy Wills (University of Hertfordshire) & Rebecca O’Connell (Thomas Coram Research Unit, UCL)

Contemporary concern with food security and nutritional diets indicates that food and eating are particularly important for children and young people. Children’s and young people’s consumption of food is materialised and made manifest in their physical, emotional and mental health, and intersects with self-esteem and body image, both of which become more salient as they mature. Continue reading CFP: Special issue of Children & Society 2018