Monthly Seminar – “Children and Land Grabs”

Children and Land Grabs:
Development, Social Reproduction and the Future in a Nature Park in Senegal

Davide Cirillo, University of Padova & VU University Amsterdam.

Since 2008, the sharp raise of commodity prices resulted in an energy and food crisis, and pressure on market supply chains. International organizations reacted by placing agriculture, both for energy and food production, at the centre of their political agendas. The resulting development model is one that insists on private capital investment to fuel production on ‘underexploited’ and ‘potential arable’ land. Continue reading Monthly Seminar – “Children and Land Grabs”

ACYIG’s NEW Collaborative Research Networks

The Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group (ACYIG) is excited to announce the launch of Collaborative Research Networks (CRNs). Modeled after Law and Society’s research networks, CRNs provide an opportunity for ACYIG members to develop and lead inter-disciplinary groups of scholars, practitioners, and students around specific thematic interests. Collaborative Research Networks may involve activities such as email groups, listservs, calls to action, op-eds, organizing conference panels, etc.  Continue reading ACYIG’s NEW Collaborative Research Networks

CFP: The Representation of Cruel Children in Popular Texts

Editors: Monica Flegel and Christopher Parkes

Much has been written about the subject of cruelty against children, but this volume of collected essays seeks to focus critical attention instead on the representation of the cruel child.  As a cultural sign, the cruel child lies at the nexus of many different and competing discourses that construct the child and childhood.  By examining the cruel child in many kinds of popular texts we can sharpen our understanding of the changing nature of the representation of the child. Continue reading CFP: The Representation of Cruel Children in Popular Texts

CFP – Special Issue of *Jeunesse* on Mobility

Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures invites essay submissions for a special issue addressing mobility in relation to youth texts and culture(s). We welcome essays that consider registers of race, class, gender, and disability. Essays should be between 6,000 and 9,000 words in length and prepared for blind peer-review. Continue reading CFP – Special Issue of *Jeunesse* on Mobility

New Book – Love’s Uncertainty: The Politics and Ethics of Child Rearing in Contemporary China

9780520283503by Teresa Kuan
2015 – University of California Press

Love’s Uncertainty explores the hopes and anxieties of urban, middle-class parents in contemporary China. Combining long-term ethnographic research with analyses of popular child-rearing manuals, television dramas, and government documents, Teresa Kuan bears witness to the dilemmas of ordinary Chinese parents, who struggle to reconcile new definitions of good parenting with the reality of limited resources.

Continue reading New Book – Love’s Uncertainty: The Politics and Ethics of Child Rearing in Contemporary China

AAA CFP – Strange Presents and Familiar Pasts: The Anthropology of Nostalgia

Call for Papers for volunteered session at the 2015 AAA Meetings —

Strange Presents and Familiar Pasts: The Anthropology of Nostalgia 

Dr. Anna Fournier, Associate Professor, University of Manitoba
Dr. Amber R. Reed, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania


How can ethnographic engagement make sense of nostalgic longings for the past?  While previous understandings of this phenomenon have relegated it to the interior realm of the psychological, anthropologists have theorized the social, political, economic, and cultural aspects of nostalgia. In their recent volume Anthropology and Nostalgia (2014), Olivia Angé and David Berliner posit that nostalgic discourses on the past can evidence perceived threats on longstanding social identities and fears of irreversible cultural loss in the face of political upheaval and revolution.

What do post-socialist nostalgias in Eastern Europe and Latin America, nostalgia for apartheid in South Africa, and for neoliberalism in post-neoliberal Venezuela tell us about the fragility of the present?  How does nostalgia as a practice manifest itself through rituals of remembrance, forms of critique or resistance, or violence and war (e.g. in Ukraine)?  And how is nostalgia, in the process, transmitted to younger generations with no firsthand experience of the memorialized past?

We also ask what unmoors nostalgia itself: how non-linear (cyclical, messianic, revolutionary) temporal regimes or chronotopes can reconfigure or refuse the notion of nostalgia.  In the register of everyday experiences, how does, for instance, the uncanny/“strangely familiar” play up and work against nostalgia?

We invite papers across the geographical spectrum that investigate nostalgia and memory as shared social experiences and raise important questions for our discipline on temporality, generation, cultural shifts, and political change. Please submit abstracts to: and no later than March 25, 2015.

Register now!

March 12-15, 2015 — Long Beach, CA
Hosted by California State University, Long Beach
Conference Hotel: Ayres Hotel Seal Beach

Keynote Speaker: Susan Terrio (Georgetown University)
Susan will speak about her widely touted research chronicling the experiences of undocumented children and youth in U.S. immigration custody, in advance of her new book Whose Child Am I? Unaccompanied, Undocumented Children in U.S. Immigration Custody, to be published by the University of California Press in May 2015.

See our Conferences page for more information about registration, lodging, paper & session submission, and special events!



Ebola Response & the Anthropology of Childhood

Eight Ways that Ebola Response Efforts can benefit from the Anthropology of Childhood

by Jean Hunleth

I peg myself as an anthropologist of childhood. I’m not trying to put myself in a box with this label. I like the label because it emphasizes my firm belief that we need to understand children’s perspectives to truly comprehend the problems in our world. I see value in paying attention to children’s perspectives on many social issues. Insert most news items and I’m thinking: How are children experiencing and responding to this issue? How would understanding children’s perspectives change our own perceptions and responses? In what ways can we best make sense of children’s experiences and talk with them about this issue? And so, when I receive my daily Google updates on “Ebola and children,” I can’t help but think that anthropologists of childhood should play a tremendous role in assisting organizations and funding agencies in their relief efforts aimed at children in the Ebola outbreak.

Population figures alone demand that we pay attention to children in the Ebola outbreak. Children under the age of 15 years old make up more than 40 percent of the population in each of the West African countries most heavily affected by Ebola- Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone (Population Reference Bureau). Children have borne direct effects of the outbreak. UNICEF estimated that 2,542 children had been infected with Ebola by December 2014. More than 10,000 children have lost one or both parents. Even children who haven’t been directly impacted by Ebola experience Ebola in other ways: through public health protocols, humanitarian efforts, school closures, stories and rumors, to name just a few.

Photo by Melissa Minor Peters
Photo by Melissa Minor Peters

The urgency of humanitarian efforts to address children’s needs in Ebola-affected areas is unmistakable. However, the best ways to support children are not always self-evident. Sometimes the most self-evident interventions can cause more harm than good. For this reason, I have made a quick list of eight reasons why anthropologists of childhood should be involved in Ebola response efforts. Some of these are very general, and most researchers in the anthropology of childhood subscribe to them. Others are more particular. They come out of my research with children living through the tuberculosis and HIV epidemics in southern Africa and my reading of the anthropological research with children in Africa. Of course, there are many specifics I am also leaving out because Ebola is not tuberculosis or HIV and West Africa is not southern Africa. …read more at Jean Hunleth’s blog.