NEW BOOK – Undocumented Latino Youth: Navigating Their Worlds

Layout 1by Marisol Clark-Ibáñez

July 2015
Lynne Rienner Publishers

Though often overlooked in heated debates, nearly 1.8 million undocumented immigrants are under the age of 18. How do immigration policies shape the lives of these young people? How do local and state laws that are seemingly unrelated to undocumented communities negatively affect them? Marisol Clark-Ibáñez delivers an intimate look at growing up as an undocumented Latino immigrant, analyzing the social and legal dynamics that shape everyday life in and out of school.

Continue reading NEW BOOK – Undocumented Latino Youth: Navigating Their Worlds

CFP- Child and Teen Consumption

Child and Teen Consumption 2016 Conference
Aalborg University (Denmark)
27-29th April 2016

You can submit your abstract at this address:

The strict deadline for abstract submission is 1 September 2015.

Submitted abstracts can be max 1000 words and must contain a brief abstract of 50-100 words. Continue reading CFP- Child and Teen Consumption

Black Bodies Seen: Meditations on Mobility, Betrayal, and American and Dominican Haitian Youth

By Dr. Cynthia Lubin Langtiw

In the past two years I have been jarred by disturbing images of assaults on young Black bodies in the American media.

In each tragedy, I am saddened and troubled that the representatives of the very system intended to protect Black youth instead violated these individuals’ corporal integrity. Our law enforcement system did not view them as children to be protected, but as the enemy from which society necessitated protecting.

As a clinical psychologist, I cannot help to think of the impact of these widely publicized events on the psyche of Black youth in America. How can they develop a sense of belonging and well-being as they move through the world knowing the dangers of living in their skin?

This week I was jarred by another image: Dominican born youth of Haitian ancestry protesting their impending “statelessness.” As a Haitian American woman, my heart resonated with the plight of my magnificent diasporic sisters and brothers. These Dominican Haitian youth are not hiding in the shadows. They are demanding to be seen.


Invitation for Book Reviews – Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal

For Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal (Berghahn Journals), we invite brief reviews (1,000-1,500 words) of the following three titles. Reviews are in principle eligible for publication in the Fall 2015 issue.

Shakespeare’s Boys: A Cultural History
by Katie Knowles (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014)

Continue reading Invitation for Book Reviews – Boyhood Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal

CFP – Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or foes?


First call for papers

Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or foes?

Workshop at UCL Institute of Education, London, UK, 16-17th November 2015

This workshop will bring together community- and university-based academics and activists to unpack perceived conflicts between children’s interests and women’s interests (which themselves are heterogeneous) and, more broadly, intersections and antagonisms between various forms of feminism and the politics of childhood. Continue reading CFP – Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or foes?

Disability and the Global South – Special Issue on Children – Open Access!

Disability and the Global South (DGS), 2015, Vol. 2 No. 2

Special issue:  Disabled children and disabling childhoods in the global South 

Edited by: Erica Burman (University of Manchester), Anat Greenstein (University of Manchester) & Manasi Kumar (University of Nairobi)


Frames and debates for disability, childhood and the global South: Introducing the Special Issue

Erica Burman, Anat Greenstein and Manasi Kumar

pp. 563-569
Download PDF


Using Postcolonial Perspectives to Consider Rehabilitation with Children with Disabilities: The Bamenda-Toronto Dialogue

Stephanie A. Nixon, Lynn Cockburn, Ruth Acheinegeh, Kim Bradley, Debra Cameron , Peter N. Mue , Nyingcho Samuel, Barbara E. Gibson

pp. 570-589
Download PDF

Vietnam’s children’s experiences of being visually or hearing impaired

Rachel Burr

pp. 590-602
Download PDF

Disabling streets or disabling education? Challenging a deficit model of street-connectedness

Su Lyn Corcoran

pp. 6013-619
Download PDF

Revolutionary entanglements: Transversal mappings of disability in the favela

Ashley Do Nascimento, Hans A. Skott-Myhre and Kathleen S. G. Skott-Myhre

pp. 620-631
Download PDF 

For Michael Charlie: Including girls and boys with disabilities in the global South/North

Deborah Stienstra

pp. 632-648
Download PDF

Childhood Sexual Abuse and Disability: A critical study of an invisibilized constituency in India

Shruti Vaidya

pp. 649-666
Download PDF

Interrogating the impact of scientific and technological development on disabled children in India and beyond 

Gregor Wolbring and Anita Ghai

pp. 667-685
Download PDF

Call for Authors – Family & Parent Leadership: A Reference Guide

We are inviting academic editorial contributors to Family & Parent
Leadership: A Reference Guide, a new 1-volume library reference to be published in 2016. This title examines in detail issues about family leadership, including topics such as the culture changing American families, concepts of marital leadership, the influence of economics, family stress, education, and health care among other topics.

Family & Parent Leadership: A Reference Guide includes approximately 125 articles organized A-Z in the following categories:

Sibling Leadership
Leadership in Ethnic Families
Leadership in Extended Families
Families and Social Institutions
Leadership in Childrearing
Leadership in Family Life
Leadership in Marital Relationship
Family Leadership: Family Problems, Stress and Crisis
Family Leadership and Economic Issues
Family Leadership and Religion
Family Leadership, Social Stratification and Social Class

Please also see the small sample of entries with word counts that are
relevant to your discipline:

Birth order 2200
Big brother 1800
Big sister 1800
Twins 1500
Half-siblings 1500
Adult siblings 2200
Sibling organ donation 1500
Stepmothers 200
Stepfathers 1500
Foster families 1200
Adoption 1500

Each 1,000 to 3,000-word article will include the name of the
contributor in the byline of the entry. This comprehensive project
will be published by Mission Bell Media (www.missionbellmedia,com).

The General Editor, who will be reviewing each submission to the
project, is Dr. Jenifer Kunz, West Texas A&M University. We are
currently making assignments with a deadline for submissions of
October 15, 2015.

If you are interested in contributing to this cutting-edge reference,
it is a unique opportunity to contribute to the contemporary
literature, redefining sociological issues in today’s terms. Moreover,
it can be a notable publication addition to your CV/resume and broaden your publishing credits. We offer an honorarium at 3 cents per word.

The list of available articles is already prepared, and as a next step
we will e-mail you the Article List (Excel file) from which you can
select topics that best fit your expertise and interests.
Additionally, Style and Submission Guidelines will be provided that
detail article specifications.

If you would like to contribute to building a truly outstanding
reference with Family & Parent Leadership: A Reference Guide, please contact me by the e-mail information below. Please provide your CV or a brief summary of your academic/publishing credentials in related disciplines.

Open Anthropology – current issue on youth

Open Anthropology, the digital journal of the American Anthropological Association, is offering a theme-issue on “Approaching Youth in Anthropology” for its June 2015 issue. It includes articles previously published in a variety of AAA journals.

“Approaching Youth in Anthropology” is open access for six months (it launches today, June 9). Continue reading Open Anthropology – current issue on youth