VERY SHORT DEADLINE: Fully Funded PhD Studentship

Fully Funded PhD Studentship: Families and Food in Hard Times research project

Ref: 1483875 

UCL Institute of Education, Department Social Science 

Duration of Studentship: 3 years
Stipend: £17,493 per year, inclusive of London Allowance plus course fees of £5,445 per year

Vacancy Information

Thomas Coram Research Unit is a multidisciplinary research unit which carries out policy-relevant research focussed on children and young people within and outside their families. The studentship will be located at the Thomas Coram Research Unit (TCRU), UCL Institute of Education and will be available from October 2015. It is attached to a five year research project ‘Families and Food in Hard Times’ funded by the European Research Council.   Continue reading VERY SHORT DEADLINE: Fully Funded PhD Studentship

CFP – Deadline approaching – Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or foes?

Call for papers

Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or foes?

Seminar at UCL Institute of Education, London, UK,

16-17th November 2015

This seminar will bring together community- and university-based academics and activists to unpack perceived conflicts between children’s interests and women’s interests (which themselves are heterogeneous) and, more broadly, intersections and antagonisms between various forms of feminism and the politics of childhood.

We invite you to submit an abstract to present or an application to participate. Deadline for abstract submission: 15th August 2015. Continue reading CFP – Deadline approaching – Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or foes?

ACYIG Call for Submissions: October 2015 issue of Neos

ACYIG is now soliciting contributions for the October 2015 issue of our publication, newly titled Neos. We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis between Friday, August 14, 2014 and Friday, September 4, 2015. The final deadline for submission is Friday, September 4th, 2015. If possible, please notify me of your intent to submit by the start of the rolling period (i.e. August 14th), so that I can identify peer reviewers in a timely manner.

All material should be sent to Kate Grim-Feinberg at Please consider the following types of submissions:

ARTICLES (1000 words or less, including references)

Methods & Ethics in the Anthropology of Children and Youth, in which members explore the methods and ethics of doing research with children or youth.

Childhood and _______ (you fill in the blank!), in which members discuss a topic of interest to their research. 

My Experiences/Intersections with Interdisciplinary Research on Children and Youth, in which members investigate the value, pitfalls, and lessons associated with combining anthropological research with that of other disciplines to study children and youth.

An Ethnography of Children or Youth that has Impacted My Work, in which members discuss their favorite classic or contemporary ethnography of children or youth. Note that this should NOT be written as a book review, but rather as an account of how a particular ethnography has impacted your theoretical or methodological approach, or how it might be used in your teaching.

Children and Youth in Our Lives and Our Work, in which members discuss the challenges and triumphs of balancing their own lives with their research, focusing particularly on the field work stage.


Letters to the Editor (250 words or less), in which members comment on Neos and/or its contents.

Photos from the Field, which should be accompanied by a caption of 30 words or less explaining the context of the photo.

New Book Announcements (250 words or less), which must include the title, author, publisher (and the book series, if applicable), date of publication, and listing price of the book, in addition to a description of the contents. If possible, please send, as a separate attachment, a digital image of the book cover.

Member News (200 words or less), in which members may submit job announcements and research opportunities; grants/prizes available; calls for papers and conference announcements; recent appointments; grants received and/or prizes awarded; publication announcements; and other professional achievements.

Correction Notices may be submitted to the editor if Neos has printed an error in a previous issue.

Please refer to the General Submission Guidelines on our website at for more detailed information.

CFP: Children’s and young people’s rights in the digital age

Call for papers for a special issue of NEW MEDIA & SOCIETY

Editors: Sonia Livingstone and Amanda Third

Abstracts due (400-500 words): 15th September 2015

In 1989, Sir Tim Berners Lee released the code that would form the foundation of the World Wide Web, which now boasts an audience of three billion users worldwide. The same year, the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), the most widely ratified human rights treaty in the history of the UN. The trajectories thereby set in motion have recently become explicitly intertwined, with growing momentum behind calls for the recognition of the potential of online and networked media for promoting children’s rights. At the same time, researchers, child rights’ advocates and internet governance experts, among others, are concerned that children’s rights are being newly infringed rather than enhanced in the digital age.

While the past quarter of a century has seen the emergence of a significant literature examining the broad issue of children’s rights and, in parallel, a burgeoning field of research on children’s new media and digital practices in a variety of national and international contexts, the question of children’s rights in the digital age has yet to receive sustained scholarly attention, especially compared with the attention paid to adult rights online. Within popular discourse, children and young people are frequently configured as riding at the forefront of the ‘digital revolution’. Nonetheless, as high level debates about global internet provision and governance extend their geographic, political and economic scope, the position of children and young people is barely acknowledged. Further, in the twists and turns of often heated policy debates, children’s own experiences, voices and interests are vastly under-considered. This special issue thus seeks to contribute to the definition, empirical evidence base, and theorisation of the field internationally.

Not only are children’s needs and experiences in the digital age often treated as merely a minority interest but they are also often seen as essentially problematic, as demanding exceptional treatment from adult society or causing unwarranted restrictions on adult freedoms. It is important to recognise the fundamental nature of the challenges – this is not just a matter of ‘digital rights’ but of all children’s rights as they may be being transformed in a ‘digital age’. Nor is it just a matter of the exceptional circumstances that apply to children, for addressing the rights of children and young people also has implications for adult rights in a digital age. How does a consideration of children compel a wider re-examination of the concepts both of the digital and of human rights?

If children’s rights in the digital age have yet to receive attention in the global North, this is even more acute in the global South. The tipping point has already passed, with two thirds of the world’s nearly three billion internet users living in developing countries, many of them children. At present, the evidence regarding their online activities is very patchy, too often drawing on anecdote, practitioners’ observations and institutional reports or media accounts. There is thus an urgent need for a scholarly focus on the rights of children and young people within this larger picture of expanding connectivity in the global South. This is vital to foster debates about children’s rights informed by dialogues among diverse epistemologies, experiences and normative frameworks.

This special issue seeks to unpack the ways digital media are impacting – both positively and negatively – children’s rights today and, in doing so, to reflect on the ways that children’s rights might provide a meaningful counterpoint from which to consider the role of ‘the digital’ in advancing human rights more broadly. Assembling contributions from leading scholars and practitioners in the field internationally, this special issue seeks to bring fully into view the ways in which children’s rights – indeed rights generally – may be being reconfigured by the appropriation of digital networked technologies around the world. Submissions will critically examine the normative and socio-technological assumptions embedded in conceptual, policy and practitioner perspectives. To catalyse the debates, we now call for reflective papers of 6000-7000 words analysing key dilemmas or tensions shaping children’s rights in the digital age, as well as shorter empirical or practitioner pieces (3000-4000 words each).

Papers on key dilemmas or tensions that respondents to the call might address include:

  • The tension between universal or fundamental human rights and the specific rights demanded by the digital age
  • The tensions between ‘adult rights’ and ‘children’s rights’
  • The relationship between children’s rights and their citizenship
  • Collective rights versus individual rights
  • The tension between ‘adult power’ and ‘children’s rights’
  • The tension between the universal (‘the child’, ‘rights’) and the specific (the lived experiences of children)
  • Hierarchies of children’s rights in the digital age
  • Children’s rights in the digital age in the global North and global South

Empirical or practitioner pieces might address:

  • Children’s privacy rights and the role of peers and peer culture
  • Youth participation rights in the mediated public sphere
  • Historical shifts in children’s communication rights
  • Child protection in the global South: is the internet helping or hindering?
  • From principles to practice: applying arguments about digital rights in particular domains
  • Who is (or should be) ensuring children’s rights online – parents, government, industry?
  • Children’s creative workarounds to gain health resources online
  • Evaluating initiatives for e-learning and other digital educational programmes
  • How are children’s rights represented or abused in ‘big data’
  • Digital exclusion as a barrier to children’s communication rights
  • Rethinking possibilities for children’s identity and expression in the network society
  • Problems of reputation for networked youth
  • Public policy /multi-stakeholder governance regarding children’s rights in the digital age
  • Children’s information rights: what are the dilemmas?
  • Education for all – newly possible in the network society?
  • Grooming, hacking, cyberstalking, trolling and other crimes against children online
  • Meanings/limits of “voice” in participatory research on children’s rights in the digital age
  • The intergenerational dimensions of children’s rights

Please submit abstracts for either the ‘dilemma’ papers or ‘empirical/practitioner papers’ by 15th September 2015 to both editors – Sonia Livingstone ( and Amanda Third (

The editors will invite full papers from selected submissions by early October, with full papers to be submitted for independent review by 1st February 2016. It is anticipated that the special issue will be published via Online First by late 2016.

Postdoc at Oxford on Mothers: Early Intervention Ethics

University of Oxford Department of Psychiatry

Postdoctoral Researcher; Becoming Good: Early Intervention and Moral Development in Child Psychiatry (BeGOOD)

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Researcher to work on the Wellcome Trust-funded BeGOOD project, which is held within the Neuroscience Ethics & Society Team, led by Professor Ilina Singh, in the Department of Psychiatry. The post is based in the Department of Psychiatry, in the Warneford Hospital and is funded for 3 years.

Continue reading Postdoc at Oxford on Mothers: Early Intervention Ethics

2015 Summer – Issue of Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures

The Centre for Research in Young People’s Texts and Cultures is pleased to announce that the2015 Summer Issue of Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures is available.

The following sections are open access:

– Editorial, “YA Narratives: Reading One’s Age” by Mavis Reimer and Heather Snell

– Review essays by Lian BeveridgeNyala AliAndrea ZerebeskiNelly Duvicq, and Debra Dudek

Articles in this issue include:
Continue reading 2015 Summer – Issue of Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures

Families, Relationships and Societies: Special issue on fatherhood out now

The new issue of Families, Relationships and Societies (volume 4, number 2) is now available. This is a special issue on Contemporary fatherhood, guest edited by Tina Miller and Esther Dermott. The contents are listed below.
In case you missed it, Esther recently wrote a piece on fatherhood on the Policy Press blog – Food for thought for Father’s Day.

Conference: young people affected by sexual violence as change-makers in prevention efforts

Cumberland Lodge – ‘Young people affected by sexual violence as change-makers in prevention efforts’ a one day international colloquium on participatory practice and the ethical challenges it presents

Monday 28th September 2015, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, UK

This unique, inter-disciplinary conference will bring together leading children’s rights advocates, researchers and practitioners to explore the benefits, opportunities and risks of participatory working with young people affected by sexual violence.

Confirmed speakers include: International Child Rights Advocate Gerison Lansdown; leading academics, Professor Jenny Pearce OBE and Dr Kristine Hickle; and expert practitioners from PhotoVoice (UK), ECPAT International (Thailand) and Stichting Alexander (Netherlands).

This inter-institutional, inter-disciplinary event will provide an interactive space for discussions on creative and therapeutic tools for effective practice; ethical dilemmas and legal implications of participatory work; and the opportunities and challenges that social media presents for involving more young people in prevention efforts.

£45 registration fee including lunch and dinner, limited spaces available. Please register here:

Email: for further details.