Tackling school sports injury Royal Society of Medicine

We would be very interested to know of anyone researching children’s and young people’s views and experiences of sport and of sports-related injuries, and adults’ perceptions of these topics.

The attached file gives details of an open conference at the Royal Society of Medicine London on 14th September Tackling school sports injury (6 CPD points)

Book your place here: www.rsm.ac.uk/events/EPF04

Registration is now open for this highly-anticipated meeting which will examine the latest research on childhood injury resulting from sport participation.

You will hear a leading panel of interdisciplinary specialists examine governmental policy, socio-cultural aspects and injury surveillance and prevention strategies. You also have the chance to join in with a debate on children’s autonomy and choice in competitive or alternative sports.

If you are working in these areas in any discipline, we hope you will contact us to tell us about your research.

Professor Priscilla Alderson UCL Institute of Education p.alderson@ioe.ac.uk

Professor Allyson Pollock Queen Mary University London allyson.pollock@GMAIL.COM

CSULB Human Dev Job Posting

Hello ACYIG!

Were you someone who wanted to stay after in So Cal after the conference?  We have a job posting for someone with a sociocultural specialty in adolescence and emerging adulthood to teach to our diverse student body.  We’re proud to have a strong contingent of ACYIG here, supportive connections with a number of departments including Anthropology, Sociology, and International Studies, and are only growing with over 700 majors.

Download the PDF with details here: 15 HDEV POSITION DESCRIPTION

Call for submissions: SPA’s 2016 Stirling Prize Competition

2016 Stirling Prize for Best Published Book in Psychological Anthropology

The Society for Psychological Anthropology (SPA) welcomes submissions for the 2016 Stirling Prize for Best Published Book. The Stirling Prize is awarded to a published work that makes an outstanding contribution to any area of psychological anthropology, including works exploring childhood, adolescence and aspects of human development. All books published within the last six years (2011-2016), including ones scheduled for publication later in 2016, are eligible for consideration. Continue reading Call for submissions: SPA’s 2016 Stirling Prize Competition

CFP Visualizing Diversity in Children’s Literature


Panel Sponsored by Children’s Literature Association Diversity Committee

2016 Children’s Literature Association Conference

The ChLA Diversity Committee seeks paper proposals for a panel on diversity and visual representation in children’s literature. Scholarship has increasingly become invested in examining and interrogating the ways the institution of children’s literature defines and practices diversity. This panel will specifically investigate how visual elements in children’s literature have been utilized in such definitions and practices. Papers may examine how visual-verbal narratives such as picturebooks, comics, graphic novels, photographic books, cartoons, and animated films define, approach, promote, conceal and/or ignore diversity; how tensions between visual and verbal modes create possibilities and problems in representing minority groups; how children’s literature has attempted to make the marginalized and “invisible” visible; and how texts appropriate, complicate and/or repudiate visual caricatures of minority groups. Continue reading CFP Visualizing Diversity in Children’s Literature

Workshop at King’s College London: Children’s benefit or burden?

Children’s benefit or burden?

A workshop about how young people have been used to promote ideas of the future and why this matters today

3 September 2015, King’s College London
NGOs, academics, museum professionals and policy makers working with, on and for children are invited to explore how and why children were mobilised and represented in the past – and what lessons this history offers us today. 

Continue reading Workshop at King’s College London: Children’s benefit or burden?

New Book: Remembered Reading Memory, Comics and Post-War Constructions of British Girlhood

by Mel Gibsonfrontcover_remembered_readi

A reader’s history exploring the forgotten genre of girls’ comics
Girls’ comics were a major genre from the 1950s onwards in Britain. The most popular titles sold between 800,000 and a million copies a week. However, this genre was slowly replaced by magazines which now dominate publishing for girls. Remembered Reading is a readers’ history which explores the genre, and memories of those comics, looking at how and why this rich history has been forgotten. The research is based around both analysis of what the titles contained and interviews with women about their childhood comic reading. In addition, it also looks at the other comic books that British girls engaged with, including humour comics and superhero titles. In doing so it looks at intersections of class, girlhood, and genre, and puts comic reading into historical, cultural, and educational context.


New Books on North African, Saharan and Amazigh (Berber) children’s toy and play cultures

Rossie, J-P. (2015). Saharan – North African – Amazigh Children’s Toy Catalogs: Donation to Centro per la Cultura Ludica in Turin. Braga: Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Catholic University of Portugal, 93, 179 ill.

Rossie, J-P. (2015). Saharan – North-African – Amazigh Children’s Toy Catalogs: Donation to Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne, first part: dolls and toy animals, Braga: Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy, Catholic University of Portugal, 72, 127 ill.

These books are available here:

Academia.edu https://independent.academia.edu/JeanPierreRossie

Scribd : https://www.scribd.com/jean_pierre_rossie

Sanatoyplay (website of the author): http://www.sanatoyplay.org (publications)