Neos Call for Reviewers

Dear ACYIG Members,

We are expecting a high number of article submissions for the October 2015 issue of Neos and are in need of more peer reviewers. Peer reviewing is a great low-commitment way to get involved in ACYIG’s publication.

If you would like to review 1-2 short (1000-word) pieces for the October issue, the submission(s) will be sent to you around September 5, and I will need to receive your review(s) by September 15. Please email me at if you are interested in reviewing for this or future issues.

Many thanks to those anonymous reviewers who have served in the past, and I look forward to hearing from more of you!

Thank you,
Kate Grim-Feinberg

Workshop: History of Children and Childhood – Current State of Knowledge, Future Challenges



History of Children and Childhood – Current State of Knowledge, Future Challenges


The overall aim of the workshop is to map out the current research field of the history of children and childhood and to identify the key issues that engage childhood historians today. Moreover, the workshop sets out to identify and examine the kind of challenges the future holds for childhood history. Historiographic discussions will be encouraged, as will discussions of the role of theoretical perspectives in historical studies of children and childhood. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary dimension of history of children and childhood will be highlighted and reflected on.

The workshop will mainly concentrate on modern history of children and childhood. Global perspectives and international comparisons are important contributions to a research field that largely have been defined by studies from a North-American continent and European countries. Furthermore, discussions about the relevance of using historical knowledge of children and childhood for the understanding of today’s situation as well as using current knowledge of children and childhood in the exploration of historical events and situations are welcomed.

At Child Studies the historical perspective represents an important part of the overall interdisciplinary approach. The workshop is organized as a part of a search process for a new professor and a call for a new professor at Child studies, with a historical bearing, will be announced during the fall of 2015.

For more information:

If you wish to participate, please contact Karin Zetterqvist Nelson ( or Josefin Frilund ( Places at the workshop are limited, so the quicker the better!

Call for Proposals | Global Summit on Childhood

San José, Costa Rica | 31 March – 02 April 2016

A sustainable world begins with childhood. Join us and other individuals concerned about the status and outlook of childhood in a changing world.

Share your perspectives. The Call for Proposals deadline is 28 September 2015.

The 2016 Global Summit on Childhood will be held in San José, Costa Rica, from31 March – 02 April 2016. Participants at the summit will have the opportunity to explore the status and outlook of childhood from diverse perspectives and disciplines such as childhood studies, education, sociology, anthropology, public health, nutrition, architecture and design, neuroscience, and social work. The theme of the summit, “Creating a Better World for Children and Youth through Sustainability, Social Innovation, and Synergy,” is particularly timely, as 2016 marks the official implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals that will be adopted by the United Nations this September. These goals intend to guide a path toward inclusive and shared prosperity in a peaceful and resilient world. Since children and youth will be the torchbearers of this new world vision, we must embrace a shared vision of a better world for our children.

The Call for Proposals can be accessed herePlease feel free to share with your colleagues and networks.

Flexible sponsorship opportunities are also available to promote your program or organization.

For more information on the Global Summit on Childhood, visit, or email

Four recent book publiations by Rutgers-Camden faculty and graduates

The Department of Childhood Studies, Rutgers-Camden, USA  ( is excited to announce the recent publication of two books by recent PhD graduates, based on their dissertation research, and two by department faculty.

Congratulations to all!

Diane Marano (PhD, 2014) Juvenile Offenders and Guns: Voices Behind Gun Violence (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015) explores how and why twenty-five incarcerated young men of color acquired and used guns, how guns made them feel, and how they felt about the violence in which they participated as well as the violence to which they were exposed as victims and witnesses. Through their narratives, patterns emerge of boys attempting to become men in homes headed by mothers who struggled financially, the multiple attractions of the street that exceeded those of school, and the risks of the street lifestyle that prompted these youth to arm themselves.

Marianne Modica (PhD, 2014Race among Friends: Exploring Race at a Suburban School (Rutgers University Press, 2015) argues that attempts to be colorblind do not end racism—in fact, ignoring race increases the likelihood that racism will occur in our schools and in society. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in a “racially friendly” suburban US high school, Modica finds that race affects the daily experiences of students and teachers in profound but unexamined ways—particularly through student friendships and administrative practices.,5632.aspx

Associate Professor Lauren Silver has published System Kids: Adolescent Mothers and the Politics of Regulation (University of North Carolina Press, 2015). This intriguing study considers the daily lives of adolescent mothers as they negotiate the child welfare system to meet the needs of their children and themselves. Combining critical policy study and ethnography, and drawing on current scholarship as well as her own experience as a welfare program manager, Lauren Silver demonstrates how social welfare “silos” construct the lives of youth as disconnected, reinforcing unforgiving policies and imposing demands on women the system was intended to help.

Associate Professor Sarada Balagopalan Inhabiting ‘Childhood’: Children, Labour and Schooling in Postcolonial India (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014) redresses the limits of the notion of ‘multiple childhoods’ commonly deployed as a way to recognizes the heterogeneity of children’s lives and experiences. This ambitious ethnography redresses these limits by drawing on the everyday experiences of street children and child labourers in Calcutta to introduce the postcolony as a critical, and thus far absent, lens in theorizing the ‘child’. Through capturing a moment in which global, national and local efforts combined to improve and transform these children’s lives through school enrolment and new discourses of ‘children’s rights’, this ethnography makes a vital point about the complexity and contemporaneity of their extensive practices of dwelling generated by the exigencies of survival within postcolonial ‘development’.


Rutgers-Camden Childhood Studies PhD and MA applications for graduate study now being accepted; funding available

Applications now being accepted for Ph.D. and MA programs. Ph.D. application deadline: January 10, 2016. Up to 5 years’ funding available for PhD students.

The Department of Childhood Studies at Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey USA (, opened its doors in September 2007 as the first Ph.D. granting program in Childhood Studies in North America. In addition to the Ph.D., the multidisciplinary program offers BA and MA degrees. Graduate students in the program (, come from a variety of backgrounds and bring with them an impressive array of educational and life experience. The Masters of Art program continues to grow and produce new and innovative leaders in their field.

Department faculty ( represent diverse areas of scholarship—including psychology, literature, sociology history, geography, education, media studies, critical race and post-colonial studies and methods—who, through research, public engagement and teaching, contribute to the expansion of the dynamic field of childhood studies.

The Department of Childhood Studies is excited to announce the recent publication of two books by recent PhD graduates, based on their dissertation research, and two by department faculty. Please go to for details.

Applications are now being accepted for the Fall 2016 entering doctoral class; applications for the Masters of Arts program are accepted year-round.Deadline for applications for doctoral study is January 10, 2016Funding is available on a competitive basis for qualified applicants . Visit the Graduate Admissions website

Call for “Memories of Brian Sutton-Smith” submissions for Neos

Dear Colleagues,

As many of you know, our esteemed colleague Brian Sutton-Smith passed away on March 7, 2015. We are issuing a call to share your memories of Dr. Sutton-Smith and/or his work for the October 2015 issue of Neos. If you have a memory to share, please submit a 250-300 word narrative to the Neos Editor at by Friday, September 11.

If possible, please let me know ahead of time of your intent to submit. The “Memories” section of Neos will not be peer reviewed. Please refer to the February 2013 issue of the ACYIG Newsletter at for an example of how this section was done in the past.

Neos is also accepting article and feature submissions through Friday, September 4. Submission guidelines are available at

Thank you,
Kate Grim-Feinberg

Kate Grim-Feinberg, Ph.D.

Editor, Neos: A Publication of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group

Call for Papers: Children’s Geographies

Announcing Call for Papers: Children’s Geographies
North American Editor: Pamela Anne Quiroz

Children’s Geographies, a truly interdisciplinary and international
journal, publishes on the intersections of space and place in children’s and families lives. We encourage submissions from researchers whose work addresses these intersections in the fields of anthropology, geography, sociology, child, youth and family studies, and education. We publish empirical, theoretical and methodological articles (including the use visual media). Continue reading Call for Papers: Children’s Geographies