Category Archives: Events

Seminar at UCLan – ‘Participation in the Corporate Parenting Agenda – Can a shift in the power relationship really happen?’

The Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation
University of Central Lancashire
Harrington Building, Room 338a

February 26, 2015 / 4-5:30pm

Participation in the Corporate Parenting agenda – Can a shift in the power relationship really happen?

Gavin Redhead
Children and Young Peoples Participation Officer, Children’s Services Department at Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

There is increasing emphasis on listening to the ‘Voice of the Child’, especially those children and young people who are, or have been, involved in the care system. For many of these children and young people, the opportunities to influence life changing decisions are often dependent on the relationship with their key workers. This can often prove challenging, given the bureaucratic nature of care processes and procedures. If services are failing to even evidence that they are listening, how can they hope to demonstrate that what they are being told is having an impact and influencing the decisions that are being taken for those children and young people.

Continue reading Seminar at UCLan – ‘Participation in the Corporate Parenting Agenda – Can a shift in the power relationship really happen?’

Art Opening: ‘We are all the same’ Children, War, and Humanity in Northern Uganda

Art exhibit by Liu Scholar and PhD candidate (Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality, and Social Justice at UBC) Beth W. Stewart. 

‘We are all the Same’
Children, War, and Humanity in Northern Uganda

Thursday January 15, 2015 @ 5pmLiu Institute for Global Issues, Vancouver, BC.

About Northern Uganda: 

For 20 years, the conflict between the rebel group the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and the Ugandan government forces destroyed the landscape, economy, communities, culture, relationships, and lives. And while the active conflict moved out of Northern Uganda by 2007, the legacy of war lives on in people’s everyday lives even as they actively reconstruct their world. As one frontline justice worker described to me in August 2014, “Our whole society is traumatized.”

About the collection:

Despite this difficult context, I believe that if we look and listen closely and creatively we begin to see impressive acts of resistance and resilience. This belief in human agency despite such dire constraints lies at the heart of each painting in this collection. The collection seeks to challenge our assumptions about war-affected people, and children especially, while also inviting you the viewer to bear witness to their stories and experiences.

Most of the paintings are collaborations with the children participants in the artist’s PhD research project. These are children who were born into the captivity of the LRA.

Questions, RSVP:

ACYIG 2015 Conference: Reminders and Travel Tips

The buzz is on about the 2015 conference of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group, if the recent AAA meetings were any indication!   This is a reminder of the deadline for submitting a proposal:  January 10, send to  The call for papers can be found here.

Also a couple of travel tips to make this conference even more affordable than it is already.  If you live within reach of Jet Blue Airlines, they have very attractive prices for flying into Long Beach Airport (LGB), an airport especially close to the venue, California State University at Long Beach.  Also, if you would like to find a roommate with whom to share a room, contact Aviva Sinervo at  Aviva’s communications committee is helping to put people in touch with others seeking to share a room.

See you in Long Beach!

Documentary screening “Play no matter what!”

Anthropology of Children and Youth Seminar

Documentary ‘Play no matter what!’ and the concept of Social Circus

Kim van Haaster, Director and producer of documentaries at Kim van Haaster Audiovisuele Producties

Monday December 15, 2014 10:30-12:00
VU University, Amsterdam, room Z-009(Metropolitan)

Kim van Haaster will introduce the concept of Social Circus that is closely related to the topic of the documentary ‘Play no matter what!’. The documentary was shot in Romania in 2013. After the screening there is time for questions.

Synopsis: Rachitoasa is the hilly hometown of Alexandra and Noni, two Romanian teenagers at the age of fourteen. There is not much else to do in Rachitoasa but to go school, work the land, help out in the household, or hang out on the streets. But one glorious day a bunch of funny looking, foreign people come to live in their village and stay a while. They turn the abandoned and rundown school building down the road into a colorful place for them to play! Ash and Jolien and the two teenagers become friends and hand-in-hand they play and figure out what they are good at and what is valuable in life. Playing is the most powerful way of learning, no matter the circumstances.  

Please also note the date and time of the other upcoming seminar:
Friday 16 January: 10.30-12.00

VU University is located at a 10-minutes’ walk from Amsterdam Zuid railway station. The Metropolitan Building is located opposite the University’s main building, across the tramway. Tram stop ‘De Boelelaan / VU’ is served by tram lines 5 and 51.

Feel free to communicate information of this seminar to other people who might be interested.

Could you confirm your participation in the 15 December seminar to us?

ACYIG Business Mtg & Social Hour – Sat 12/6, 6:30pm

Dear ACYIG Members,

We look forward to seeing you this Saturday, December 6th from 6:30-8:15pm for the ACYIG Organization Meeting held at the AAA’s in the Marriott Ballroom Salon 2.

The first hour is devoted to important interest group business and the second hour will include the social hour and book fair with a number of new and exciting publications.

We hope to see you! (Suggested donation: $5.)

Safe travels,

The ACYIG Board