Category Archives: Calls for Papers: Conferences

CFP – 3rd International Conference: International Childhood and Youth Research Network

Theory and Method in Child and Youth Research

June 10-12 , 2015
European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

We are pleased to announce the 3rd international conference of theInternational Childhood and Youth Research Network (ICYRNet) which isorganized by the Center for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence and the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, European University Cyprus.    

Confirmed keynote speakers:

  • Jo Boyden, Professor and Director of Young Lives, Oxford University
  • Dan Cook, Professor of Childhood Studies, Rutgers University

Continue reading CFP – 3rd International Conference: International Childhood and Youth Research Network

CFP – (De)constructing childhoods in daily life relationships in MENA countries

49th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA)
 November 21-24, 2015 Denver, Colorado

(De)constructing childhoods in daily life relationships in Middle East and North African countries

Childhood does not occur in a vacuum. Although largely viewed as a period of life isolated from the trials and tribulations of the adult world, childhoods of the modern and contemporary eras are deeply entrenched in complex and ongoing historically important phenomenon, such as colonization, war, and globalization.  Continue reading CFP – (De)constructing childhoods in daily life relationships in MENA countries

CFP- Conference on “Child and Teen Consumption: Cultural Contexts, Relations and Practices”

The conference will be organised by Aalborg University, Denmark and will take place from the 27-29 April 2016.

PhD workshop will also take place on the 26 April 2016.

A copy of the call for papers is attached and you will find all the information you need on the CTC 2016 website:

Deadline for submission of extracts: 1 September 2015.

CFP: Panel on research methods for migrant/transnational kids & families

12th IMISCOE Conference: Rights, Democracy and Migration
Geneva, 25-27 June 2015

Second and final Call for Papers for a research panel proposal on: ‘The methodological challenges of conducting research with children of migrants (including teenagers and young adults) within (transnational) families’ 

 An increasing number of studies seek to consider the experiences and perspectives of migrants and their children (including teenagers and young adults) within the relational and intergenerational context of the transnational family. These studies present a range of research challenges in relation to accessing and recruiting participants; negotiating with ‘gatekeepers’ (i.e. parents or guardians); securing informed consent from both adults and children; and managing age, gender and other power dynamics within families. Researchers in these areas need to employ a reflexive practice in relation to procedural, ethical and methodological issues.  Continue reading CFP: Panel on research methods for migrant/transnational kids & families

CFP: The cross-sectionality of gender and mothering within transnational families

12th IMISCOE Conference, Geneva, 25-27 June 2015
Conference theme: “Rights, Democracy and Migration”

Call for Papers for a Research Roundtable Panel to be proposed under the following theme: ‘The cross-sectionality of gender and mothering within transnational families: strategies for the maintenance of spirituality, language, culture and identity between generations.’  Continue reading CFP: The cross-sectionality of gender and mothering within transnational families

ACYIG 2015 Conference: Reminders and Travel Tips

The buzz is on about the 2015 conference of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group, if the recent AAA meetings were any indication!   This is a reminder of the deadline for submitting a proposal:  January 10, send to  The call for papers can be found here.

Also a couple of travel tips to make this conference even more affordable than it is already.  If you live within reach of Jet Blue Airlines, they have very attractive prices for flying into Long Beach Airport (LGB), an airport especially close to the venue, California State University at Long Beach.  Also, if you would like to find a roommate with whom to share a room, contact Aviva Sinervo at  Aviva’s communications committee is helping to put people in touch with others seeking to share a room.

See you in Long Beach!

CFP – Extending Play: The Sequel

Are we the species that plays—or are we better understood as the species that repeats?

Walter Benjamin suggests that, “For a child repetition is the soul of play.” Is play always at its core a form of re-play, an iteration of an earlier moment that resists a complete recurrence, yet is found in a series or sequence? We accept replication as a matter of course: Successful games and films always already have a sequel in the works, fashion is fueled by a recycling of its past, and images are increasingly manipulated to mimic the earlier eras of photographic technique. But what is the impact of these repeats, echoes, and continuations? And how do we understand the experience of play as a chain of sequels in the age of digital surrogates, cybernetic archives and networks of distributed storage?  Continue reading CFP – Extending Play: The Sequel