Category Archives: Announcements


ACYIG is now soliciting submissions for the February 2018 issue of Neos. We are accepting submissions on a rolling from Monday, December 4, 2017. The final deadline for submission is Friday, January 5, 2018. If possible, please notify me of your intent to submit, so that I can identify peer reviewers in a timely manner.

All material should be sent to me at ACYIG.Editor@gmail.comContinue reading CALL FOR NEOS SUBMISSIONS

NEOS October 2017 issue now available!

The October 2017 issue of Neos is now available for your reading pleasure at

Some highlights:

  • Why My Son is Learning Cantones
    (Jermaine Gordon-Mizusawa (Chinese U of Hong Kong))
  • Protecting the Privacy of Child and Youth Participants
    (Jaycee L. Bigham (U of California, Santa Barbara))
  • Childhood, Food, and Health: Self-Expressions of Transition and Identity (Preety Gadhoke and Barrett P. Brenton (St. John’s U))
  • NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS Let us know what you think! Share your reactions in a Letter to the Editor at


NEOS February 2017 issue now available!

The February 2017 issue of Neos is now available for your reading pleasure at

Some highlights:

  • Childhood and the Anthropology of Violent Radicalization (Marisa O. Ensor (Georgetown U))
  • Adolescence and Global Mental Health: Perceptions of Emotional Wellbeing in Tijuana, Mexico (Olga L. Olivas Hernandez (U of California – San Diego), Sol D’Urso (UCSD), and Janis H. Jenkins (UCSD))
  • Childhood and Digital Civics: How Fieldwork with Youth Highlights the Need to Rethink Civic Education in Canada (Megan Cotnam-Kappel (U of Ottawa))
  • NEW BOOK ANNOUNCEMENTS Let us know what you think! Share your reactions in a Letter to the Editor at

Neos highlights—Interdisciplinary Action on Pediatric Injury

Applied anthropologists often work in fields that have not been adequately explored through ethnographic or qualitative methods. See how researcher Nazia Hussain comes to understand the impact of anthropology within the field of injury prevention in “Positioning Anthropology at the Intersection of Pediatric Injury and Motor Vehicle Collision: A Need for Interdisciplinary Action,” pp. 9-10 of the October 2016 issue of Neos (


ACYIG is now soliciting submissions for the February 2017 issue of Neos. We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis between Thursday, December 15 and Thursday, January 5 2017. The final deadline for submission is Thursday, January 5 2017.

If possible, please notify me of your intent to submit by the start of the rolling period (December 15), so that I can identify peer reviewers in a timely manner. Continue reading CALL FOR NEOS SUBMISSIONS

Neos highlights—Raising Spirit and Decolonizing Methods

On a clear prairie day this August, I found myself sitting at the Board of Education of the Piikani Nation listening to two staffers respond to photographs of Blackfoot families engaged in childrearing. The photos had been taken by parents associated with Opokaa’sin Early Intervention Society, a non-profit devoted to Aboriginal children and families in southern Alberta….

Continue reading Neos highlights—Raising Spirit and Decolonizing Methods

Meet the new NEOS Editor – Véronique Gilbert

Véronique Gilbert – NEOS Editor

Véronique Gilbert is currently completing her PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh (UK). Her dissertation, Mokk Pooj: Gender, Interpretive Labour and Sexual Imaginary in Senegal’s Art/Work of Seduction, examines the evolving gender relationships exposed by and contested through the Senegalese art of seduction, mokk pooj. It explores how imagining and responding to men’s needs and desires allows women to negotiate power and exert agency in a Muslim, patriarchal, polygamous context. Continue reading Meet the new NEOS Editor – Véronique Gilbert