Category Archives: ACYIG Updates

Call for Self Nominations: ACYIG Board Position of Student Representative

Dear ACYIG Members,

At the ACYIG Organizational Meeting in DC last week, it was announced that the ACYIG Advisory Board recently voted by acclamation to add a seventh member position to the Board.

This position is titled, STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE. Whoever serves in this position is charged with liaising with ACYIG graduate and undergraduate student members to communicate ideas, policies, and concerns from students between members and the ACYIG Advisory Board.  Continue reading Call for Self Nominations: ACYIG Board Position of Student Representative

ACYIG 2015 Conference: Reminders and Travel Tips

The buzz is on about the 2015 conference of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group, if the recent AAA meetings were any indication!   This is a reminder of the deadline for submitting a proposal:  January 10, send to  The call for papers can be found here.

Also a couple of travel tips to make this conference even more affordable than it is already.  If you live within reach of Jet Blue Airlines, they have very attractive prices for flying into Long Beach Airport (LGB), an airport especially close to the venue, California State University at Long Beach.  Also, if you would like to find a roommate with whom to share a room, contact Aviva Sinervo at  Aviva’s communications committee is helping to put people in touch with others seeking to share a room.

See you in Long Beach!

ACYIG Business Mtg & Social Hour – Sat 12/6, 6:30pm

Dear ACYIG Members,

We look forward to seeing you this Saturday, December 6th from 6:30-8:15pm for the ACYIG Organization Meeting held at the AAA’s in the Marriott Ballroom Salon 2.

The first hour is devoted to important interest group business and the second hour will include the social hour and book fair with a number of new and exciting publications.

We hope to see you! (Suggested donation: $5.)

Safe travels,

The ACYIG Board

Submit to the Next ACYIG Newsletter

ACYIG is now soliciting contributions for the February 2015 issue of our newsletter. We are accepting submissions on a rolling basis between Monday, December 15, 2014 and Monday, January 5, 2015. The final deadline for submission is Monday, January 5th, 2015. If possible, please notify me of your intent to submit by the start of the rolling period (i.e. December 15th). It is our hope that this timeline will facilitate an enhanced review and revision process.

All material should be sent to me at Please consider the following types of submissions:
Columns (1000 words or less, including references)

“Methods & Ethics in the Anthropology of Childhood,” in which members explore the methods and ethics associated with doing research on, or with, children

A “Childhood & _____________” column (you fill in the blank!), in which members discuss a topic of interest to their research

”My Favorite Ethnography of Childhood,” in which members discuss their favorite classic or contemporary ethnography of children or childhood and why

”My Experiences/Intersections with Interdisciplinary Research on Children,” in which members investigate the value, pitfalls, and lessons associated with combining anthropological research with that of other disciplines to study children


Letters to the Editor (200 words or less)

New Book Announcements

Professional Opportunities
*Job announcements
*Research Opportunities
*Grants/Prizes Available
*Calls for Papers/Abstracts
*Conference Announcements

Member News/Professional Updates
*Recent Appointments
*Grants Received
*Prizes Awarded
*Any other achievements or publications that members would like to announce

Photos from Fieldwork (with caption of 30 words or less)

Welcome our new Newsletter Editor!

We are excited to announce that Dr. Kate Grim-Feinberg will be taking over as Newsletter Editor effective December 2014. Please consider sending your inquiries or submissions for the February issue over the next few months ( The final deadline is January 5th, but we encourage notifying the Editor of your intent to submit by the beginning of our rolling submission deadline of December 15th.

See the Newsletter Submission Guidelines page for more information on submission types and policies.

View the most recent newsletter (October 2014)

View the newsletter archive

2015 Prizes – Submissions Now Open

UPDATE 12/29/14: Due to the need for AAA’s Executive Board to review all section and interest group prizes, the ACYIG 2015 prizes have been postponed. 

The ACYIG Prize Committee hopes that we will re-post the announcements for the ACYIG Prizes in mid-2015, for award at the end rather than at the beginning of 2015. 

We apologize for any inconvenience that postponing the Prizes may cause to our members and colleagues. Any further questions regarding the Prizes should be sent to

We look forward to updating you on further announcements about the Prizes, and we thank you for your patience as we work to establish this important recognition of our members’ contributions to the anthropology of children and youth!

ACYIG is currently accepting submissions for its 2015 prizes for Best Student Essay in Anthropology of Children and Youth and Best New Book on Children and Youth by an ACYIG Member.

Click on the following links for details: Continue reading 2015 Prizes – Submissions Now Open

February 2015 Newsletter Submissions & Introducing ACYIG’s New Newsletter Editor

The final deadline for submissions to the February 2015 newsletter is January 5th, but we encourage notifying the Editor of your intent to submit by the beginning of our rolling submission deadline of December 15th.

We are excited to announce that Dr. Kate Grim-Feinberg will be taking over as Newsletter Editor effective December 2014. Please send your inquiries or submissions for the February issue to kgrimfe2@illinois.eduNewsletter guidelines and information about types of submissions can be found on the Newsletter Submission Guidelines page.

ACYIG blog needs you!

We welcome submissions from ACYIG members for our blog!

The blog is a less formal venue for budding ideas, thoughts on critical issues that might not fit elsewhere, and a time-sensitive way to engage with a broader community of scholars and the public.

The topics are open, but here are a few ideas and possible themes:
  • children/youth in the news — Experts on topics that are coming up a lot in the current news write about their take on current events, parse out the news coverage or what isn’t being addressed, give deeper ethnographic insight into what is at stake, perhaps provide historical perspective, etc.
  • important issues related to children/youth that are NOT in the news — Things we know about as researchers that we wish had media coverage, and why.
  • photography from the field / brief photo essays
  • questions of ethics and the IRB — specifically in relation to research with minors and protected populations
  • the “anthropology of childhood and youth” outside of typical anthropology departments
  • status and future of being an “anthropologist of childhood/youth” in the U.S.; job advice & related
  • “why study children?” – novel perspectives and creative applications for thinking about the relevance of our discipline
  • notes from the field — open-ended reflections on research w/ kids
  • kids’ perspectives on participating in research
  • childhood and youth in popular culture, etc.
  • summaries of discussions that occur on our listserv (or other such community resources)

Please note that submissions are screened internally and decisions about posting pieces are made quickly, so this is of course not a formal academic publication nor is it to be considered peer reviewed. It is, however, a great way to get more people to view your ideas and publicize your work, and to help publicize the anthropology of childhood and youth!

For more information on submitting to our blog, please contact Bonnie Richard at