Category Archives: ACYIG Updates

Neos highlights—Teaching Race Awareness in Young Children

Are you feeling inspired by the AAA Meeting to bring new texts and tools into your classroom? As you plan next semester’s classes, consider Richard Zimmer’s argument to include one of the classics: Mary Ellen Goodman’s Race Awareness in Youth Children. Check out Zimmer’s tips on how to use this text to get your students thinking critically about their own racial biases in the October 2015 issue of Neos (pp. 11-12):

Interested in writing for the February 2016 issue of Neos? Email this week with your submission (see for submission guidelines).

Call for Early Neos Submissions

Dear ACYIG Members,

As you recover from the AAA Meeting, please consider adapting your conference paper for publication as a Neos article. If you attended a session that inspired you, consider writing about it!

ACYIG is now soliciting early article submissions for the February 2016 issue of Neos. Submissions received by the priority deadline of Friday, December 4, 2015 will be reviewed for the February issue. We will also accept contributions during our regular rolling submission period of Monday, December 14Monday, January 4, but articles received after December 4 will be pushed back to the next issue. All material should be sent to

Please consider the following types of article submissions for our priority deadline of December 4:

ARTICLES (1000 words or less, including references)

Methods & Ethics in the Anthropology of Children and Youth, in which members explore the methods and ethics of doing research with children or youth. 

Childhood and _______ (you fill in the blank!), in which members discuss a topic of interest to their research.

My Experiences/Intersections with Interdisciplinary Research on Children and Youth, in which members investigate the value, pitfalls, and lessons associated with combining anthropological research with that of other disciplines to study children and youth.

An Ethnography of Children or Youth that has Impacted My Work, in which members discuss their favorite classic or contemporary ethnography of children or youth. Note that this should NOT be written as a book review, but rather as an account of how a particular ethnography has impacted your theoretical or methodological approach, or how it might be used in your teaching.

Children and Youth in Our Lives and Our Work, in which members discuss the challenges and triumphs of balancing their own lives with their research, focusing particularly on the field work stage.

Other contributions will be accepted during the regular rolling submission period of December 14January 4:


Letters to the Editor (250 words or less), in which members comment on Neos and/or its contents.

Photos from the Field, which should be accompanied by a caption of 30 words or less explaining the context of the photo.

New Book Announcements (250 words or less), which must include the title, author, publisher (and the book series, if applicable), date of publication, and listing price of the book, in addition to a description of the contents. If possible, please send, as a separate attachment, a digital image of the book cover.

Member News (200 words or less), in which members may submit job announcements and research opportunities; grants/prizes available; calls for papers and conference announcements; recent appointments; grants received and/or prizes awarded; publication announcements; and other professional achievements.

Correction Notices may be submitted to the editor if Neos has printed an error in a previous issue.

Please refer to the General Submission Guidelines on our website at for more detailed information.

We look forward to receiving your submissions!


Kate Feinberg Robins and Aviva Sinervo
Co-Editors for February 2016 issue of Neos

Neos highlights—Childhood & Migration

Are you looking for a quick and accessible read to get your students thinking about youth migration? Check out Jayne Howell’s column “‘There’s No Place Like Home?’ Rural Students’ Perspectives on Leaving Home to Study in Oaxaca, Mexico” in the October 2015 issue of Neos (pp. 6-7): Continue reading Neos highlights—Childhood & Migration

Neos October 2015 Issue Now Available!

The October 2015 issue of Neos, formerly known as the ACYIG Newsletter, is now available for your reading pleasure at

Some highlights:

New Publications from ACYIG’s Members

David Lancy, 2015: “Children as a Reserve Labor Force” Current Anthropology 56(4). (DOI:10.1086/682286)

Chantal Tetreault, 2015: Transcultural Teens: Performing Youth Identities in French Cités (Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-04415-4).


Call to Fill Three Open ACYIG Board Positions

Dear ACYIG Members,

At the end of this year, three of our colleagues – Cindy Dell Clark, Elisa Sobo, and myself –will be finishing their terms on the ACYIG Board. This means that I will be stepping down as ACYIG Convener. This is part of the Board’s planned rotation schedule, and I would like to publicly thank Cindy and Elisa for all of their help the last several years in supporting ACYIG. They have been a vital and active part of ACYIG’s success, and the Board can’t thank them enough!

I am also pleased to announce that Board Member, Lauren Heidbrink, has generously stepped up to become ACYIG’s Convener, starting January, 2016. Welcome to Lauren!

With these departures, there are now three open Board positions to be filled.

Per tradition, ACYIG conducts open Board appointments whenever possible. The ACYIG Board appoints new Board members from among a pool of candidates who have submitted letters of interest in open positions.

Board appointments are two-year positions (with a possibility to renew for a third) and typically require attendance at the annual meeting of the AAA and one biennial ACYIG joint conference during one’s tenure.

ACYIG Board member duties include: maintaining official interest group status with AAA; optimizing professional opportunities for members available via AAA; overseeing and growing professional presence within and outside AAA; and organizing the biennial ACYIG joint conference.

Right now, the ACYIG Board is looking for colleagues to apply for the following Board positions:

1)      Membership Coordinator [communicates with AAA to keep membership data up to date; manages the listserv and supervises the CRNs]

2)      AAA Liaison [coordinates with AAA to ensure ACYIG acts within AAA parameters and rules]

3)      Conference Co-coordinator for 2017 [works with conference partners to advertise conference and review/coordinate ACYIG panels; organizes review of ACYIG-sponsored AAA panel(s)]

If you would like to be considered for one of the three open positions above, please email one to two paragraphs to Dr. Rachael Stryker at by Sunday, November 1, 2015stating why you would like to become an ACYIG Board member and what you feel you can bring to the position. Please be sure to include your name, title, affiliation (academic or otherwise) and email/phone number so that we can respond to you, and clearly list the position that you are interested in.

The ACYIG Board will make decisions by November 15, 2015, and notify you soon after. Your duties as an ACYIG Board Member begin on January 4, 2016.

If you have any questions about ACYIG Board member duties or the open Board appointment process, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am very happy to answer them.

Again, thank you to all Board members present and future who make the difference for ACYIG!


Rachael Stryker
Convener, ACYIG

Neos Call for Reviewers

Dear ACYIG Members,

We are expecting a high number of article submissions for the October 2015 issue of Neos and are in need of more peer reviewers. Peer reviewing is a great low-commitment way to get involved in ACYIG’s publication.

If you would like to review 1-2 short (1000-word) pieces for the October issue, the submission(s) will be sent to you around September 5, and I will need to receive your review(s) by September 15. Please email me at if you are interested in reviewing for this or future issues.

Many thanks to those anonymous reviewers who have served in the past, and I look forward to hearing from more of you!

Thank you,
Kate Grim-Feinberg

Call for “Memories of Brian Sutton-Smith” submissions for Neos

Dear Colleagues,

As many of you know, our esteemed colleague Brian Sutton-Smith passed away on March 7, 2015. We are issuing a call to share your memories of Dr. Sutton-Smith and/or his work for the October 2015 issue of Neos. If you have a memory to share, please submit a 250-300 word narrative to the Neos Editor at by Friday, September 11.

If possible, please let me know ahead of time of your intent to submit. The “Memories” section of Neos will not be peer reviewed. Please refer to the February 2013 issue of the ACYIG Newsletter at for an example of how this section was done in the past.

Neos is also accepting article and feature submissions through Friday, September 4. Submission guidelines are available at

Thank you,
Kate Grim-Feinberg

Kate Grim-Feinberg, Ph.D.

Editor, Neos: A Publication of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group