All posts by ACYIG Web Manager

Victorian Childhood event at Ragged School Museum

The next Children’s Literature/Children’s Lives event will be on Friday April 4th, 5pm, at the Victorian Classroom, in the Ragged School Museum, just around the corner from Queen Mary.

Erica Davies, Oliver Gibson, “In Search of Fresh Air: Health, Environment and Child Welfare in Late Victorian Britain”

The director of the museum, Erica Davies, and Queen Mary PhD student Oliver Gibson will be talking about the work of the museum and how institutions like Barnardo’s charity responded to late Victorian ideas about environmental influences on health and well-being, especially the role afforded to green space or “nature” in promoting physical and moral health.

This is another great chance to combine attending an academic talk with exploring a children’s museum.

For more information about the research cluster, and a map, please see

Brunel U – MA in Children, Youth and International Development

MA in Children, Youth and International Development

This innovative interdisciplinary programme, based at Brunel University, is one of the first worldwide to cater specifically for those working, or interested in working, in the field of children, youth and international development. Taught by highly motivated, internationally recognised, research-active staff, it has been running for five years, and has attracted students from diverse disciplinary and occupational backgrounds and more than 40 different countries.

The course is designed to equip students with the conceptual understanding and breadth of knowledge required to critically evaluate policy and practice in the area of children, youth and international development. It also develops the skills necessary to design and undertake research relating to children, youth and development. Former students have progressed to careers with government, international organisations and NGOs as well as doctoral study.

The full time course requires attendance two days a week across two terms (September to April), followed by 6 months spent researching and writing a dissertation. During term 2, options include a work placement or participation in an academic exchange with the Norwegian Centre for Child Research in Trondheim.

The course commences in late September. We do not operate strict application deadlines, but partial scholarships are available on a competitive basis to international students who apply for the course by 25th May. It is advisable for international applicants to apply by early June in order to secure a UK study visa. Discounts are also available for UK-based applicants with first class degrees and to graduates of Brunel University.

Further details, are available on the Brunel website For further information,

Seminar at the Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation

The Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation

Monday 12 May
4-5.30pm, Harrington Building room 337

Embedding children and young people’s participation in health and social care, presented by Louca-Mai Brady, University of the West of England

Using youth led research to create change in the NHS, presented by Dan Moxon, People Dialogue and Change

This seminar is free and refreshments are provided.  Seminars usually finish by5.30pm and are followed by an informal meeting of The Centre, at which all are welcome.

To reserve a place go to Eventbrite at:  Reservation will assist us with ordering refreshments and notifying you of late changes.

For all other queries email


CFP: Kinship as Exclusion AAA Panel DUE March 21st

2014 AAA Panel Call for Papers

Kinship as Exclusion

Deadline: March 21st 2014


Geoffrey Hughes (

Sandhya K. Narayanan (


Janet Carsten

Professor of Social and Cultural Anthropology

University of Edinburgh

Susan McKinnon

Professor and Chair of Anthropology

University of Virginia

           Discussions of kinship and family, both in popular culture and more scholarly accounts, tend to turn on themes of love, connection and the formation of new social bonds and support networks. This is reflected in anthropological definitions of kinship that emphasize “mutuality of being” or “shared substance.” However, kinship and family also have a darker side: violence, disconnection and the breaking of bonds. Take, for instance, the biblical account of kinship in which the first family (Adam and Eve) produces the first murder (Cain and Abel). What is lost in accounts of kinship when its inclusionary aspects become divorced from its exclusionary aspects? Clearly, it will not suffice to replace the tendency to view kinship as positive with a tendency to view it as negative, but how can research on kinship productively engage with its ambivalence as a social institution? How can we enrich ethnographic accounts of kinship by paying attention to the fact that, when kinship determines the distribution of labor, property and other resources, people may be forced to confront a zero-sum proposition? The provision of care to some people means less care for others; the provision of a share of inheritance may diminish the amount available to others; offers of mutual defense to some could mean the denial of that offer of mutual defense for others. In these situations, what are the factors that help or coerce people to make such divisive decisions? Who is excluded and what exactly are the categories of kin that emerge through kinship’s inclusionary and exclusionary dynamics?  This panel aims to answer these questions by borrowing heavily from both classical anthropological theorizations of kinship as well as new kinship studies, with its useful problematizing of categories like nature, the self and self-interest. We welcome submissions from scholars working across the globe on projects embracing a broad range of classical and contemporary theoretical commitments.

Please send an abstract of 250-300 words to Geoffrey ( and Sandhya ( by March 21st 2014. We will respond to everyone by the 25th.


Workshop series: Epistemology, methods, and history of the sciences of childhood

Dear Colleagues,

The « Sciences de l’enfance, enfants des sciences » group is pleased to invite you to the Ateliers Campus Condorcet, a series of workshops on “Epistemology, methods, and history of the sciences of childhood.”

The first two workshops will be held on March 27 (“Feelings and Emotions“) and April 7 (“Kinship and Parenthood“) from 14h to 17h, at the bâtiment Le France, 190 av de France 75013 Paris, 638 room.

Registration is required (

Please see the attched program, and kindly disseminate it in your networks.

We are looking forward to meet you there.


the organizing committee,

Giuseppe Bolotta (U. de Milan Bicocca)

Damien Boone (U. Lille 2/Ceraps)

Gladys Chicharro (U. Paris 8, EXPERICE)

Natacha Collomb (CNRS, CASE)

Dorothée Dussy (CNRS, Centre Norbert Elias)

Alice-Sophie Sarcinelli (EHESS/Iris)

« Sciences de l’enfance, enfants des sciences »,

vous invite à trois demi-journées de l’ateliers

« Epistémologie, méthodes et histoire des sciences de l’enfance »

 qui seront suivis par une journée d’étude conclusive



Bâtiment Le France

190 avenue de France, Paris 13ème

Salle 638


Le 27 mars 2014, de 14h à 17h

« Sentiments et émotions »


Marie Campigotto (Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales, Université de Liège)

« Explorer des mondes religieux enfantins ? Une ethnographie auprès d’enfants entre 6 et 9 ans à Liège (Belgique) ».

Axelle Neyrinck (Ehess, Centre d’Études Interdisciplinaires des Faits Religieux)

« Le médiéviste et l’enfance. Réflexions autour de la figure des saints Innocents »

Thomas Stodulka (Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Freie Universität Berlin)

« The Researcher’s Affects and Emotional Economies on the Streets of Java – towards a radical empirical anthropology »


Discutants :  Dorothée Dussy et Giuseppe Bolotta


Le 7 avril 2014, de 14h à 17h

« Parentés et parentalités »

Aurélie Fillod-Chabaud (Institut Universitaire Européen)  

« Enfance et séparation conjugales. La question des parents non gardiens et de leurs enfants. »

Yann Favier (Université Rennes 2)

« Réflexions sur le dualisme parenté/parentalité et sa traduction juridique. »

Francesca Nicola (Università di Milano Bicocca)

« Politics of parenting in a post-welfare era. The case of parents of kids with ADHD in the USA. »


Discutants : Natacha Collomb et Gladys Chicharro


Les autres séances :

–       « Politiques » date à préciser

–       Journée d’étude conclusive, septembre 2014



Giuseppe Bolotta (U. de Milan Bicocca)

Damien Boone (U. Lille 2/Ceraps)

Gladys Chicharro (U. Paris 8, EXPERICE)

Natacha Collomb (CNRS, CASE)

Dorothée Dussy (CNRS, Centre Norbert Elias)

Alice-Sophie Sarcinelli (EHESS/Iris)


Inscription souhaitée auprès de

CFP: The Emotions of Migration

*International Workshop Series: The Emotions of Migration*

*Workshop 2*
Young People's Migration Within and Throughout Asia: Managing Emotions,
Identities and Relationships

Date: 19 August 2014 to 20 August 2014

Venue: York Centre for Asian Research and the Children' s Studies Program
(Department of Humanities) York University, Toronto Canada

*Call for papers*: Workshop 2 calls for empirical research papers --
historical and contemporary -- on children and young people's
emotional experiences of migration within and throughout Asia.
Papers should focus on mixed feelings of (but not limited to)
elation, loneliness, hope, frustration, confusion, relief, fear,
freedom and disappointment in the migration process.

There is a preference for participant-centred research in
South and Southeast Asia prioritizing the following themes:

1. Migration for work and marriage in a historical context
(especially in plantations and estates)
2. Contemporary experiences of moving for work, marriage and
school --  managing mixed feelings
3. Left Behind -- adjusting to absence and creating and maintaining

*Submission and Funding: Please submit contact details and paper
abstract (maximum of 300 words) by April 4th 2014 to:
Dr. Kabita Chakrabortry <>.

Successful applicants will be notified by late-April and are required
to send in a complete draft paper (6000 - 8000 words) by July 8, 2014.
Partial or full funding will be granted to successful applicants.
Participants are encouraged to seek alternate funds for travel from
their home institutions


Reminder/Extended CFP: The War On Boys?

We are extending the deadline of a special issue of Thymos: Journal of Boyhood Studies themed “TheWar On Boys?” to May 1, 2014. The full call for papers is at . Guest editors are Máirtín Mac an Ghaill (Newman University, UK), Chris Haywood (Newcastle University, UK) and Jonathan A. Allan (Brandon University, Canada). APA-styled manuscripts and queries should be sent to .

More on Thymos:

Best wishes,

Diederik F. Janssen, MD (Editor: CS&M, Thymos)

CFP: Young People’s Migration Within and Throughout Asia: Managing Emotions, Identities and Relationships

*International Workshop Series: The Emotions of Migration*

*Workshop 2*
Young People’s Migration Within and Throughout Asia: Managing Emotions,
Identities and Relationships

Date: 19 August 2014 to 20 August 2014

Venue: York Centre for Asian Research and the Children’ s Studies Program
(Department of Humanities) York University, Toronto Canada

*Call for papers*: Workshop 2 calls for empirical research papers —
historical and contemporary — on children and young people’s
emotional experiences of migration within and throughout Asia.
Papers should focus on mixed feelings of (but not limited to)
elation, loneliness, hope, frustration, confusion, relief, fear,
freedom and disappointment in the migration process.

There is a preference for participant-centred research in
South and Southeast Asia prioritizing the following themes:

1. Migration for work and marriage in a historical context
(especially in plantations and estates)
2. Contemporary experiences of moving for work, marriage and
school —  managing mixed feelings
3. Left Behind — adjusting to absence and creating and maintaining

*Submission and Funding: Please submit contact details and paper
abstract (maximum of 300 words) by April 4th 2014 to:
Dr. Kabita Chakrabortry <
<> >.

Successful applicants will be notified by late-April and are required
to send in a complete draft paper (6000 – 8000 words) by July 8, 2014.
Partial or full funding will be granted to successful applicants.
Participants are encouraged to seek alternate funds for travel from
their home institutions

