All posts by ACYIG Web Manager

CFP: Maps and Mapping in Children’s Literature

Literature for children and young adults is a rich source of material for the study of literary maps, one that has been largely overlooked, despite the growth in academic interest in this area of study. We are therefore seeking contributions for a proposed collection on maps in children’s literature that will bring together the best current thinking on the topic, which will become a resource for scholars, and provide a springboard for further study in this area, particularly in terms of interdisciplinary and international discourses. Continue reading CFP: Maps and Mapping in Children’s Literature

CFP: Childhood and Pethood

Call for Papers
Childhood and Pethood: Representation, Subjectivity, and the Cultural Politics of Power

Abstracts (500 words) due November 1, 2014
Articles (7,000 words) due July 1, 2015

While scholars of children’s literature and childhood studies frequently discuss representations of animals in children’s texts, there is little discussion of the often parallel ways in which these texts construct animal and child subjectivity. Continue reading CFP: Childhood and Pethood

Online Graduate Courses in Children and Youth Studies

Accepting applications now for 2015

The Graduate Certificate and Masters of Childhood and Youth Studies are designed to meet the needs of people working, or intending to work, with children, young people and their families. These courses are targeted toward professionals working in fields as diverse as social work, welfare, family services, health, education, family dispute resolution, sport and recreation, law, juvenile justice, international community development, research and policy development.

The Masters course includes studies in:

  • Child protection and participation
  • Young people’s social and emotional wellbeing
  • Children’s rights
  • Young people and the law
  • Supporting children through difficult times
  • Drugs, alcohol and sexual health
  • Embracing diversity
  • Program evaluation
  • Research with and for children
  • Workplace leadership
  • Professional portfolio development

The courses are offered externally/online from Southern Cross University, Australia. This allows you to apply your learning immediately in your workplace. There is a strong focus on authentic and professionally-relevant assessment – no written examinations. You can enroll in a full award, or undertake single units as accredited professional development and continue on to the awards at a later date. Students who have completed a Bachelor degree in a similar discipline may receive advanced standing towards the Masters award. If you are interested in this course, please don’t hesitate to contact us via reply email and we can forward you a detailed Prospective Student Guide.

We are also always very happy to talk to you about the course and whether it would meet your professional needs, or those of others in your organisation. Dr Chris Morgan, Course Coordinator, Postgraduate Coursework Programs, School of Education, Southern Cross University, Australia. Phone:+61 2 6620 3018 – Email:

CFP: a special issue of Libri & Liberi on Alice

Libri & Liberi: Journal of Research on Children’s Literature and Culture invites proposals for papers to be considered for publication in a Special Issue to be published in 2015 on all aspects of research dedicated to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll and cultural and social contexts related to children and childhood in 1860s.

We are interested in papers focusing on the decade of the appearance of the book, in different national milieus, both British and non-British. Papers on publications for children and reader practices at the time, as well as those on various aspects of reception of Alice books, translations, adaptations in other media and cultural status in non-British contexts would be particularly welcome.

Papers should comprise up to 10,000 words.
Deadline: April 15, 2015.

Libri & Liberi also invites contributions to be considered for publication in itsregular issues.

Libri & Liberi is published twice a year in printed and electronic form ( by the Croatian Association of Researchers in Children’s Literature (

Libri & Liberi publishes peer-reviewed academic papers on various topics in the field of children’s literature and young adult literature and on related topics, on their wider cultural contexts, and on their intercultural contacts in the fields of literature and the media. The journal particularly appreciates interdisciplinary approaches and intermediality.

We will be pleased to consider for publication original manuscripts in English, German and Croatian. We invite authors to send a manuscript or a short summary and the title of the paper they intend to submit for publication or

At present L&L is referenced in MLA International Bibliography and MLA Directory of Periodicals; ULRICHSWEB − Global Serials Directory; CEEOL (Central and Eastern European Online Library); ROAD; Hrčak (Croatian Portal of Academic Journals). Articles from Libri & Liberi are also accessible through EBSCOhost research databases.

We are looking forward to any inquiries and will gladly reply to your questions.