Ida Fadzillah Leggett, PhD (University of Illinois, ACYIG Convenor)
NEOS Issue 15, Volume 2, Fall 2023
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Dear NEOS Readers,
As we approach the final months of 2023, I want to acknowledge another ending and thank the outgoing NEOS editors Jennifer Shaw and Rebecca L. Sanford, and welcome the new editors Manya Kagan and Chelsea Cutright. I wish them all the best and look forward to working with Manya and Chelsea on future NEOS publications.
We had a lively and productive ACYIG Reception at the 2023 AAA Conference in Toronto. It was wonderful to meet childhood/youth scholars from all over the world as well as see people face-to-face after years of virtual meetings. From the Reception and the ACYIG Board and Business Meetings, we noticed some common issues I would like to address. The main observation was that—while there were several conference papers presented on this issue—there was a relative dearth of AAA panels organized around issues of childhood or youth. Based on this, I would like to encourage more ACYIG scholars to not just engage with the topic, but also share to their work and research interests with a wider audience. If you are a scholar of childhood or youth, please consider:
- organizing a session or presenting a paper for the next AAA focusing on childhood and/or youth.
- organizing a session or presenting a paper for another conference, like the EASA (European Association of Social Anthropologists) Conference, to be held July 2024 in Barcelona.
- participating in graduate student-focused virtual workshops organized by our graduate student representatives. For more details please email Adriano de Francesco ( or Christopher Chapman (
- submitting your most recent article or book to be featured in the ACYIG Spotlight on Scholarship section of the ACYIG Webpage. For more information contact Julie Spray at
- entering your recently published book for the next ACYIG Book Prize in 2024.
Additionally, the ACYIG Board is beginning the process of organizing a Conference for Childhood and Youth Scholars. Are you interested in participating in the organization process? Please contact me at
Do you have any questions or comments about the ACYIG? Would you like to get more involved in any of our initiatives? Email me at
Ida Fadzillah Leggett
Convener, ACYIG