REMINDER: Time to register for the 2015 ACYIG Conference/Reduced hotel rates end after Feb. 2nd

We are really pleased with the groundswell of interest in the 2015 ACYIG Conference to be held March 12-15 at California State University, Long Beach! With over 60 presenters on topics as varied as child/youth architectures of play to the value of using child- and youth-centered ethnography to train teachers, the conference is shaping up to be one of our very best. Conference organizers are hard at work; Please look for an email posting the Preliminary Program for the conference around February 15th.

In the meantime, this is a reminder to please book your room(s) soon at the designated conference hotel, the Ayres Seal Beach Hotel. block of rooms has been held for our participants for the special price of $139 per night until February 2nd. To receive this reduced rate, call (562) 596-8330 and mention the conference code ACYIG before then.

Staying at the Ayres Seal Beach hotel is advantageous, because a free shuttle bus will leave this hotel each morning and head back to the hotel in the evening, providing you with transportation to our conference location on the California State University campus (about an 8 or 9 minute shuttle ride away).

And registering for the 2015 conference is also a snap at:

Thank you for registering for the Conference soon; the sooner folks register, the sooner we know how many will attend, and the better we can ensure space, food, and programming for all.

We look forward to seeing you soon,

Rachael Stryker
Convener, ACYIG