CFP – Panel: “25 Years of Children’s Rights in Africa”

Please find below a symposium abstract submitted by myself and Dr. Samuel Okyere (University of Nottingham) to the organising committee for next year’s ASAUK conference in Sussex (Sept. 2014).

We are now inviting people to submit abstracts for individual papers to this panel. This must be done through the ASAUK website:

If this is not applicable to you I would appreciate it if you could forward this to any of your contacts who may be interested in this call.

Below is our panel abstract:

25 Years of Children’s Rights in Africa:
Assessing the Impact of the CRC and the ACRWC

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC) will both be celebrating their 25th anniversaries in November 2014 and July 2015 respectively. The CRC was hailed as a significant milestone in the promotion of children’s rights at the global level, just as the ACRWC was also lauded for its ambition to offer correctives and fill any gaps left by the CRC with respect to the rights of African children. The CRC in particular has made notable progress in informing amendments to constitutions as well as leading to the introduction of children’s rights acts into the legislative framework of a significant number of countries in Africa and elsewhere. Yet, expectations that the CRC and ACRWC would have a positive and significant impact on the lives of African children have not necessarily been realised. Overall, progress of the two international treaties has been constrained by a number of factors. Most notably, the CRC stands accused of attempting to impose Western ideals on African societies, while the ACRWC has paradoxically witnessed poor ratification by African countries including some which were involved in its formulation.

As both international treaties approach their 25th anniversaries, the panel aims to take stock of their progress and the impact they have had on the lived experiences of children in various social, cultural, economic and political contexts across sub-Saharan Africa. Papers adopting sociological, anthropological and social policy perspectives will be particularly welcomed.

Best Wishes,


Dr. Afua Twum-Danso Imoh
Lecturer in the Sociology of Childhood/Editor of Childhoods Today

Department of Sociological Studies,
The University of Sheffield,
Northumberland Road,
S10 2TU,
Tel: (+ 44 114 22) 26444
Fax : (+ 44 114) 2768125

Call for Contributions to the October 2013 ACYIG Newsletter

ACYIG is now soliciting contributions for the October 2013 issue; the deadline for submission is Monday, September 16th, 2013. All material should be sent to Newsletter Editor, Aviva Sinervo at asinervo(at)

Please consider the following types of submissions:

Columns (1000 words or less, including references)

“Methods & Ethics in the Anthropology of Childhood,” in which members explore the methods and ethics associated with doing research on, or with, children

A “Childhood & _____________” column (you fill in the blank!), in which members discuss a topic of interest to their research

“My Favorite Ethnography of Childhood,” in which members discuss their favorite classic or contemporary ethnography of children or childhood and why

“My Experiences/Intersections with Interdisciplinary Research on Children,” in which members investigate the value, pitfalls, and lessons associated with combining anthropological research with that of other disciplines to study children


Letters to the Editor (200 words or less)

New Book Announcements

Professional Opportunities
*Job announcements
*Research Opportunities
*Grants/Prizes Available
*Calls for Papers/Abstracts
*Conference Announcements

Member News/Professional Updates
*Recent Appointments
*Grants Received
*Prizes Awarded
*Any other achievements or publications that members would like to announce

Photos from Fieldwork (with caption of 30 words or less)

For inquiries and expressions of interest, and to make submissions, please contact Newsletter Editor, Aviva Sinervo at asinervo(at) Specific formatting guidelines are available upon request.

CFP: Journal Autrepart: “The child in development policies and programmes”

“The child in development policies and programmes”
Issue #72 of the journal Autrepart
Charles-Édouard de Suremain and Doris Bonnet (Guest Editors)

This special intends to examine the construction of the child as a
specific subject/object in development policies and programmes, based on
research and field work conducted in developing countries. It aims to
analyse the systems of representations, discourses and practices of
development projects involving children in various social, cultural and
demographic contexts. It seems crucial, at a time when they are mobilised
by a number of development projects, to discuss the notion of child—and,
by extension, that of childhood.

The first question in this call relates to the multiplicity of children
figures created by development policies and programmes, particularly in
the last two decades. Obvious examples of these figures include children
affected by AIDS, malnourished children, working children, children
victims of abuse, torphan children… but also to child soldiers, the wizard
children, or even the “vulnerable children” of the international
organizations. What do these figures have in common and what
differentiates them? What and who justifies the existence of these
figures? Can or should children be categorised based on the status they
have—or are given—in the society they belong to, on a specific development
projet at a given time, or in reference to the criteria defined by
international organisations such as the World Health Organization, the
International Labour Office, or United Nations International Children’s
Emergency Fund? Particular attention will be paid to the adverse effects
of this categorisation trend, including the stigmatisation of the
concerned children at the local level.

The second question we wish to address is the segmented nature of
development projects and the lack of a comprehensive vision of the child.
The rationale of development projects provided to donors implies
“targetting” specific populations. One project, for instance, is
interested in the education of children political refugees while another
focuses on the vaccination of children under two years in a marginal
neighbourhood of a large city. But doesn’t this approach generate a
multiplicity of unrelated projects? Doesn’t the lack of a comprehensive
vision of the child as a social agent reduce the impact of the often
costly actions implemented “for the child’s sake”? And doesn’t the
establishment of “children’s rights” making universal rights mandatory,
imply a change in the goals of development projects?

The third question contributors may focus on is that of the participation
of children in development projects—or rather their lack of participation.
While it is difficult to work on children as a research object, it is
possibly even more difficult to work with children and for children as
social subjects/actors. And there is no escaping the fact that most
development projects avoid considering children’s participation in their
design and implementation. This is the case, for example of the projects
seeking social reintegration for street children and child soldiers. Are
the leeways of children bounded solely by those laid down by the adults?
With the possible exception of children too young to talk, aren’t the
children the agents of their own lives, in one way or another? Don’t
children transform, in their own way, the projects of which they are the
“beneficiaries”? The aim is here to delineate the contours and limits of
the “participation” of children in development projects, beyond slogans
that are more or less ideological.

The discussion has methodological implications, as working for children
requires determining how it is possible to work on and with them. It also
has theoretical consequences as it raises the issue of the child as an
actor, as well as the outlines and limits of the concepts of agency and
empowerment applied to childhood. It finally has operational effects on
the development projects concerning children. A project is all the more
“acceptable” that it is understood and appropriated by the population
whose life it is supposed to improve.

Autrepart invites for this issue contributions from the various
disciplines of social sciences. The relationship between the outcomes of
development projects, the research carried out, the methodology and the
concepts used must be analysed in the light of specific cases. This is why
the proposed contributions will clearly specify the characteristics and
organization of the society to which the child belongs.

Proposal (title and abstract not exceeding 150 words) must be sent to the
journal Autrepart before 15th september 2013

The articles selected have to be submitted by 15th november 2013

Book reviews on the topic of this issue must be sent to the journal
Autrepart before 15th December 2013

Revue Autrepart — 19 rue Jacob — 75006 Paris
Merci d’envoyer vos messages à la revue à : autrepart@ird.fravec copie �

CFP: 5th International Conference on Adoption and Culture

The 5th International Conference on Adoption and Culture
Adoption: Crossing Boundaries
March 27 – 30, 2014
Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida

Call for Proposals – Due August 1st – Single Papers Welcome

ASAC’s biennial conferences feature stories and histories of adoption as explored by writers, artists, and scholars across the disciplines,especially the humanities. Adoptions and the lives of adoptees always involve crossing boundaries, whether the boundaries of families, the boundaries of races, the boundaries of nations, the boundaries of aboriginal peoples and others, the boundaries of communities, the boundaries of law, or all of these borders. This conference takes up these themes and threads, and also encourages other kinds of boundary-crossing—boundaries between disciplines; between adoptees, birthparents, adoptive parents, and social workers; boundaries between creative writers, scholars, and activists. And we extend our topic across other boundaries by considering similar issues with regard to foster care and assisted reproduction.

The conference includes academic work from a wide range of scholarly disciplines and areas—literature, film and popular culture and performance studies, cultural studies, history, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, religion, political science, law, women’s and gender studies— as well as film, creative writing, graphic art, music, drama, or productions in other media. We encourage interdisciplinary panels, presentations, and productions.

We invite proposals for papers and panels that:

* Analyze literary, cinematic, dramatic, musical, visual, dance, popular culture, or performance art representations of boundary crossing in adoption, foster care, or other nonstandard means of family formation or child care, and boundary crossing in narratives of the lives of adoptees, adoptive parents, and/or birthparents

*Study boundary-crossing in adoption and other reproductive, family and caring structures in historical, anthropological, philosophical, sociological, legal, religious, political, gendered, LGBTQ, and/or psychological perspectives.

*Promote dialogue between people positioned differently with regard to adoption because of their life experience, profession, and/or discipline.

We expect that most papers will run about 20 minutes and that panel proposals should allow some time for discussion (assuming that panels will be about an hour and fifteen minutes ).

We also invite creative presentations (writing, film, drama, graphic arts, other media, etc.) on border crossing in relation to adoption.

Writing samples should ordinarily be less than 10 pgs. Please send 200-word proposals for papers or samples of creative work, a cv or resume along with your proposal, and links if you are working in visual or multimedia, to Give your proposal, cv, and/or writing sample a title that includes your last name.

Proposal deadline August 1, 2013

Conference program planning committee includes:

Eric Walker, Department of English, Florida State University, co-chair

Marianne Novy, University of Pittsburgh, co-chair

Karen Balcom, McMaster University

Emily Hipchen, University of West Georgia

Margaret Homans, Yale University

CFP – “A World of Babies” going into a second, revised edition, seeking new chapter submissions

Dear Colleagues,

In 2000, Cambridge University Press published a collection of essays that we edited, A World of Babies: Imagined Childcare Guides for Seven Societies. We have recently been contacted by the publisher, who has invited us to produce a new, substantially revised edition because the book has sold extremely well. In fact, he tells us it’s one of the press’s longstanding best sellers, and it continues to be taught regularly.

For the new edition, we plan to update the book by replacing a few of the current chapters with some new ones focusing on some of the following places and/or topics not represented in the original book:


• contemporary/urban Europe

• contemporary/urban Asia (especially China, Japan, or India)

• contemporary Middle East (especially Israel or Palestine) or North Africa

• contemporary African-American communities in the US

• contemporary Latino/a communities in the US

• contemporary/urban Latin America (e.g., Rio de Janeiro, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Havana, Port-au-Prince, Ciudad Juárez)

• contemporary/urban sub-Saharan Africa other than francophone West Africa

Topics: Raising children . . .

· in diasporic and/or refugee contexts

· in the midst of conflict or war

· in the context of racism, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, or other politically and emotionally challenging circumstances

· in the context of urban poverty

· by single mothers

We have a special interest in the period encompassing pregnancy, childbirth, and the first two years of life, but some of the original chapters also include information about middle childhood. In this new edition, we might also consider briefly extending discussions into the adolescent years, where relevant.

If you are interested in contributing to this new edition, please send us a short note indicating:

the focus of a chapter you would be interested in writing for the collection;

your willingness to write a chapter that would closely follow the unusual format of the book’s existing chapters. Please keep in mind that all new chapters will follow the style of the first edition: each chapter is written as an imagined “childcare manual” authored by a fictive child-rearing expert who is a member of the particular society. In the first edition, our ethnographically imagined indigenous experts include: mothers, a grandmother, a diviner, and a minister. Although the format is fictional, the scholarly base for each chapter is fully supported with well-documented ethnography. We lay out the intellectual rationale for this unusual format in the introduction to the first edition of the book and will further develop that in a new introduction to the second edition.

the nature and extent of your field research on childhood in your ethnographic region, including which language(s) you conducted your research in;

a list of, and links to, some of your publications (books and/or articles) on related topics that would give us a clearer idea of what you might discuss.

If you’re unfamiliar with the book, the publisher’s page for the book is here: <> .

You can also browse through selected chunks of it online at: <> .

We are hoping to complete this revised, second edition by the end of next summer (2014).

We look forward to seeing your brief proposal!

All best,

Alma Gottlieb

Professor of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Fall 2013: Visiting Professor of Anthropology, Princeton University

Spring 2014: Visiting Scholar in Anthropology, Brown University


Judy DeLoache

William Kenan Professor Emerita of Psychology, University of Virginia