CFP: Queer Friendship, ChLA 2015 Panel

CFP: Queer Friendship in Children’s and YA Literature (panel proposal)
Organizers: Sarah Sahn (U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) and Kristen Proehl (SUNY-Brockport)

Children’s Literature Association Annual Convention
Richmond, VA, June 18-20, 2015
In response to the 2015 ChLA conference theme, “the high stakes of children’s literature,” we are looking for one or two additional paper proposals that explore the role of queer friendship in children’s and/or YA literature for a proposed panel. We are open to a diverse array of approaches to this topic, as well as a wide range of different texts and genres. Possible topics include friendships between gender non-conforming children; friendships between LGBTQ adolescents and youth; race, sexuality, and same-sex friendships; friendships that complicate or defy categories of romantic and platonic love; friendships across differences in age and generation; the politics of queer friendship; and other topics. Please send 100-150 word abstracts and short bios to Kristen Proehl ( and Sarah Sahn ( by November 20, 2014.

CFP: International Childhood and Youth Research Network




Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 6.30.28 PMCall for Papers

Theory and Method in Child and Youth Research

We are pleased to announce the 3rd international conference of the International Childhood and Youth Research Network (ICYRNet) which is organized by the Center for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence and the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, European University Cyprus.    

Dates: 10-12 June, 2015
Venue: European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

Confirmed keynote speakers:

  • Jo Boyden, Professor and Director of Young Lives, Oxford University
  • Dan Cook, Professor of Childhood Studies, Rutgers University

Continue reading CFP: International Childhood and Youth Research Network

Asst. Prof in Curriculum and Instruction, ECE, Penn State

The Pennsylvania State University
College of Education
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Position Available: Assistant Professor in Curriculum and Instruction, with specialization in Early Childhood Education

Beginning:  Fall Semester 2015, negotiable

This is a tenure-track, 36-week appointment with the possibility of supplementary summer appointments in research and/or teaching.  Salary is commensurate with education and experience; full University benefits apply.  Penn State has a strong commitment to the diversity of its workforce.  We encourage applications from individuals of diverse backgrounds. Continue reading Asst. Prof in Curriculum and Instruction, ECE, Penn State

Paid PhD studentship on youth and aspiration

Oxford Brookes University
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
School of Education

To mark its 150th Anniversary, Oxford Brookes University is pleased to offer a number of full-time PhD Studentships across a range of subject areas in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, starting in January 2015. Applications are invited for a PhD Studentship in Urban Futures:  Aspiration, Inequality and Transitions to Adulthood among Young People in London and New York City. Continue reading Paid PhD studentship on youth and aspiration

CFP: The Role of Anthropology in Improving Services for Children and Families

Annals of Anthropological Practice
The Role of Anthropology in Improving Services for Children and Families

Cecilia Vindrola-Padros, Department of Applied Health Research, University College London, London, UK
Anne E. Pfister, Department of Applied Anthropology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA
Ginger A. Johnson, Anthrologica, Oxford, UK

“The richness in family studies over the next decade, we believe, will come from considering the diversity of family forms -different ethnic groups and cultures, different stages of family life, different historical cohorts- as men and women attempt to raise their sons and daughters.” -Cowan et al. 2014:xi Continue reading CFP: The Role of Anthropology in Improving Services for Children and Families

CFP: Theory and Method in Child and Youth Research

ICYRNetWe are pleased to announce the 3rd international conference of the International Childhood and Youth Research Network (ICYRNet) which is organized by the Center for the Study of Childhood and Adolescence and the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, European University Cyprus.  

Dates: 10-12 June, 2015
Venue: European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus

Confirmed keynote speakers:

  • Jo Boyden, Professor and Director of Young Lives, Oxford University
  • Dan Cook, Professor of Childhood Studies, Rutgers University

Continue reading CFP: Theory and Method in Child and Youth Research

February 2015 Newsletter Submissions & Introducing ACYIG’s New Newsletter Editor

The final deadline for submissions to the February 2015 newsletter is January 5th, but we encourage notifying the Editor of your intent to submit by the beginning of our rolling submission deadline of December 15th.

We are excited to announce that Dr. Kate Grim-Feinberg will be taking over as Newsletter Editor effective December 2014. Please send your inquiries or submissions for the February issue to kgrimfe2@illinois.eduNewsletter guidelines and information about types of submissions can be found on the Newsletter Submission Guidelines page.

New Book: Innocent Weapons

19781469618579Innocent Weapons: The Soviet and American Politics of Childhood in the Cold War

by Margaret Peacock

UNC Press (2014)

Innocent Weapons is a transnational history of the image of the child from 1945 to 1968. It explores the abundance of childhood images that Soviet and American politicians, propagandists, and protesters manufactured for the purpose of building international and domestic consensus for the Cold War. It examines how these efforts ironically led to a collapse of that consensus in the late 1960s as well as a fundamental shift in American and Soviet understandings of childhood. The book argues that leaders and propagandists in the United States and the Soviet Union used images of children in comparable ways to rally their populations behind their domestic and international policies, to pursue popular consensus, and to ensure the preservation of public order. When one reads the story of the Cold War through the lens of the child’s image, the ideological differences that seemingly differentiated the Eastern Bloc from the Western Sphere are tempered by the revelation that Soviet and American leaders and propagandists were in fact engaging in similar visual and rhetorical projects in order to sell a war, to preserve power, to justify policy, and to maintain order. These portrayals, which span the ideological and geographic boundaries of the conflict, reveal a story in which the producers of these images had more in common with each other than they did with their intended audiences. By viewing the Cold War as a dialectic between those who owned the means of image production and the intended consumers of those images, this story suggests that we must reexamine our previous understandings of the divides that defined the war itself.