Position Announcement – Human Development at Sonoma State University

The Department of Anthropology at Sonoma State University is recruiting an Assistant Professor of Human Development to join our faculty in August 2016. We are interested in candidates who take a cross-cultural approach to the human lifespan. Teaching and/or research specializations are open, but might include: conceptions of self and identity development, ethnopediatrics, ethnogeriatrics, the role of education (formal and informal) in development, and diversity (race/ethnicity, sex/gender, age, disability, etc.) across the lifespan.

The posting can be found at https://www.sonoma.edu/jobs/ with the position number 104036.


CFP: 2016 SCCR conference in Portland, Oregon

Dear colleagues,
I would like to invite you to consider attending the 2016 SCCR conference detailed below. We have invited several prominent scholars, Paul Harris, Catherine Panter-Brick and Barbara Rogoff, whose work is predominantly child focused. We hope to see you there!

Society for Cross Cultural Research Conference
February 17-20, 2016

Call for submissions

The deadline of November 1st for submissions of papers, posters and panel proposals for the Society for Cross Cultural Research conference in Portland, Oregon is fast approaching! Visit the SCCR website at http://sccr.vancouver.wsu.edu/
Continue reading CFP: 2016 SCCR conference in Portland, Oregon

Call for chapters on rural childhoods and the visual

We are developing an edited book with Rutgers University Press with the working title Visual Encounters in the Study of Rural Childhoods.The edited collection looks at rural childhoods from around the world with an emphasis on participatory and creative research practices. The development of the book comes out of a recognition that despite the growing interest in childhoods and spatiatality (including an interest in rurality), there is a paucity of critical (and practical) research that maps out both conceptually and methodologically the shifting influences on the lives of rural children, and that foregrounds the perspectives of children (present and past) themselves. This volume brings together two areas of study, children’s rural geographies, and visual studies (through for example, photographs, maps, picture books, films, art, and digital spaces), and in so doing considers questions such as the following: How does the visual romanticize, eroticize, or reflect rural childhoods? How are visual methodologies redefining rural childhoods and the associated social value systems (and vice versa)? We are particularly interested in work that takes up issues of rural childhood in diverse global contexts.  Continue reading Call for chapters on rural childhoods and the visual

CFP: Children in Popular Culture

Red Feather Journal (www.redfeatherjournal.org), an online, peer-reviewed, international and interdisciplinary journal of children in popular culture.

Red Feather Journal seeks well-written, critical articles for the Fall 2015 issue (deadline October 31, 2015) on any aspect of the child in popular culture.  Some suggested topics include: children in film, television, the Internet; children in popular literature or art; the child in gaming, cosplay, cons, or fan cultures; children and social media; childhood geography or material culture; or any other aspect of the child in popular culture. Continue reading CFP: Children in Popular Culture

Guatemalan youth navigate life and labor in Los Angeles

By Stephanie L. Canizales

Americans often associate factory work—and the violence and exploitation of manufacturing industries—with distant nations like China, Vietnam, India, and Cambodia. While stories of workers “transported like pigs,” trapped behind barred windows and locked doors, and protected from death by suicide nets trigger broad concern, they tend to ultimately be cast off as the problems of “foreign” societies.

The Emmy Award-winning documentary Made in L.A. brought the narrative of garment worker exploitation back to U.S. soil, but the film focuses on the experiences of adult women. My research thus addresses a critical and unexamined space of inquiry: It moves beyond media attention and scholarship on garment workers abroad or adult laborers in the U.S. to center on the experiences of garment working immigrant youth. This project uncovers the conditions these young people encounter and the ways labor exploitation affects the long-term integration of unaccompanied immigrant youth. 

Youth at work

Since 2012, I have conducted research with Guatemalan Maya young adults between the ages of 18 and 35. Most arrived alone in the U.S. between four and 19 years ago. Although violence and poverty push some youth to emigrate, others migrate because years of violence and poverty have led to political insecurity as well as broken educational and occupational structures. In other words, for some the primary motivation is less immediately about violence or poverty than it is the lack of education and job opportunities in Guatemala. Some youth are further motivated by the desire to prevent the replication of their own suffering in the lives of their younger siblings.

Read more at the Youth Circulations Blog…

New Publications from ACYIG’s Members

David Lancy, 2015: “Children as a Reserve Labor Force” Current Anthropology 56(4). (DOI:10.1086/682286)

Chantal Tetreault, 2015: Transcultural Teens: Performing Youth Identities in French Cités (Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-04415-4).


Deadline approaching for upcoming seminar: Feminism and the politics of childhood: Friends or foes?

The deadline is approaching to register an expression of interest to attend the upcoming seminarFeminism and the politics of childhood: Friends or foes? as a non-presenting participant.

If you wish to participate in the workshop as a non-presenter, please send an expression of interest of no more than 250 words outlining relevant academic and/or community-based experience by30th September 2015 to r.rosen@ioe.ac.uk (Subject line: PARTICIPANT Feminism and Childhood).

Participation in the seminar:

The seminar will be held on the 16th and 17th November 2015 at IOE UCL, London, and will bring together community-based and academic scholars and activists to unpack the intersections and perceived antagonisms between various forms of feminism and the politics of childhood, focusing on the ways that these fields attend to those positioned as women and as children.

The seminar is arranged to foster dialogue and participation amongst a small group of participants who work on seminar themes from within different paradigms, varying disciplines, and diverse contexts. Speakers will have 5 minutes to present their pre-circulated paper, with the bulk of the time set aside for discussion amongst both presenting and non-presenting participants.

We therefore ask that all selected participants commit to:

  • Pre-read all working papers (approximately 4,000 words each) and come prepared to discuss these papers.
  • Attend the entire 1½ day seminar (afternoon 16th Novemberand full day 17th November 2015).

Further information:

Key questions the seminar will address are:

  • How do we ensure the well-being of children and women, particularly in contexts where their interests may (appear to) be in conflict?
  • How might a conversation between feminism and the politics of childhood speak to these tensions?
  • What are the implications of theorising women and children together?

Confirmed papers:

  • Leena Alanen (University of Jyväskylä)

Feminist Studies – Childhood Studies: Towards a post-constructionist reconciliation

  • Priscilla Alderson (UCL Institute of Education)

‘Women and children first’?

  • Erica Burman (Manchester Institute of Education, University of Manchester)

A necessary struggle-in-relation?

  • Claire Houghton (The University of Edinburgh)

Domestic abuse and devolution: Power to all the people?

  • Berry Mayall  (UCL Institute of Education)

Women’s ideas about childhood, England 1900-1920

  • Erica Meiners (2015 Soros Justice Fellow, Northeastern Illinois University)

Defending Women: Child saving in the US carceral state

  • Geetanjali Misra (CREA, New Delhi)

Sexuality, gender, and the rights of girls and women in South and Southeast Asia

  • Ann Phoenix  (UCL Institute of Education)

“I have never called her mum”: Mothers and children defined and divided by children’s ‘best interests’

  • Geraldine Pratt (University of British Columbia)

Children and their migrant mothers: Rhetoric and politics in global neoliberalism

  • Rachel Rosen  (UCL Institute of Education)
    Jan Newberry (University of Lethbridge)

Love, labour and appropriation: Reconceptualising social reproduction with women and children in the frame

  • Rachel Thomson (University of Sussex)
    Lisa Baraitser (Birkbeck College)

Pushing the envelope: Thinking through childhood and maternal studies

  • Ohad Zehavi (Tel Aviv University)

Becoming-woman, becoming-child, becoming-minoritarian

For more information, see https://feminismandchildhood.wordpress.com/

Supported by:

UCL Grand Challenges

Call to Fill Three Open ACYIG Board Positions

Dear ACYIG Members,

At the end of this year, three of our colleagues – Cindy Dell Clark, Elisa Sobo, and myself –will be finishing their terms on the ACYIG Board. This means that I will be stepping down as ACYIG Convener. This is part of the Board’s planned rotation schedule, and I would like to publicly thank Cindy and Elisa for all of their help the last several years in supporting ACYIG. They have been a vital and active part of ACYIG’s success, and the Board can’t thank them enough!

I am also pleased to announce that Board Member, Lauren Heidbrink, has generously stepped up to become ACYIG’s Convener, starting January, 2016. Welcome to Lauren!

With these departures, there are now three open Board positions to be filled.

Per tradition, ACYIG conducts open Board appointments whenever possible. The ACYIG Board appoints new Board members from among a pool of candidates who have submitted letters of interest in open positions.

Board appointments are two-year positions (with a possibility to renew for a third) and typically require attendance at the annual meeting of the AAA and one biennial ACYIG joint conference during one’s tenure.

ACYIG Board member duties include: maintaining official interest group status with AAA; optimizing professional opportunities for members available via AAA; overseeing and growing professional presence within and outside AAA; and organizing the biennial ACYIG joint conference.

Right now, the ACYIG Board is looking for colleagues to apply for the following Board positions:

1)      Membership Coordinator [communicates with AAA to keep membership data up to date; manages the listserv and supervises the CRNs]

2)      AAA Liaison [coordinates with AAA to ensure ACYIG acts within AAA parameters and rules]

3)      Conference Co-coordinator for 2017 [works with conference partners to advertise conference and review/coordinate ACYIG panels; organizes review of ACYIG-sponsored AAA panel(s)]

If you would like to be considered for one of the three open positions above, please email one to two paragraphs to Dr. Rachael Stryker at rachael.stryker@csueastbay.edu by Sunday, November 1, 2015stating why you would like to become an ACYIG Board member and what you feel you can bring to the position. Please be sure to include your name, title, affiliation (academic or otherwise) and email/phone number so that we can respond to you, and clearly list the position that you are interested in.

The ACYIG Board will make decisions by November 15, 2015, and notify you soon after. Your duties as an ACYIG Board Member begin on January 4, 2016.

If you have any questions about ACYIG Board member duties or the open Board appointment process, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am very happy to answer them.

Again, thank you to all Board members present and future who make the difference for ACYIG!


Rachael Stryker
Convener, ACYIG