2023 ACYIG Book Prize Call for Nominations

The Anthropology of Childhood and Youth Interest Group (ACYIG) is pleased to announce our inaugural Book Prize competition. The ACYIG Book Prize Committee will award $300.00 to an anthropologically-focused book published in 2022-2023 that is cutting-edge, well-written, and contributes significantly to our understanding of children and youth.

Those nominated (self-nominations accepted) must be members of ACYIG. Nominations should be accompanied by four copies of the book, and a letter from the nominator (no longer than 500 words) addressing the book in terms of: (1) originality; (2) relevance to the anthropology of childhood and/or youth; (3) potential for significant impact on the field. No edited volumes or textbooks will be considered.

The awardee will be chosen in Fall 2023, and the Book Prize Committee review of the winning volume will be included in the Spring 2024 edition of NEOS, the flagship publication of ACYIG.

Nomination Letter Deadline: Monday, September 25, 2023

Committee confirmation email will be sent by: Monday October 9, 2023

Books must be sent to Prize Committee by: Monday, October 16, 2023

  • Please send nomination letter by email to

Ida Fadzillah Leggett, AYCIG Book Committee Chair


  • Within the nomination confirmation email, nominators will receive instructions on where to send four copies of the book.
  • The ACYIG Book Prize winner will be announced in Fall 2023.

Questions? Please email Ida Fadzillah Leggett at Ida.Leggett@mtsu.edu

Latest Spotlight on Scholarship: Adrian Craney on young people leading positive social change in Fiji and Solomon Islands

The ACYIG is delighted to present our latest Spotlight on Scholarship: Aiden Craney’s Youth in Fiji and Solomon Islands: Livelihoods, Leadership and Civic Engagement.

Image showing young people holding climate protest signs in front of an ocean with canoes
Young climate activists campaigning for an Advisory Opinion on the climate crisis from the International Court of Justice in Suva, July 2023. Image courtesy of Greenpeace Australia Pacific



Spotlight on Scholarship

Latest Spotlight on Scholarship: Kathrine van den Bogert shares about Girls Who Kick Back; her new ethnography on street soccer, gender and Muslim youth in the Netherlands

The ACYIG is delighted to present our latest Spotlight on Scholarship: Kathrine van den Bogert’s Street Football, Gender and Muslim Youth in the Netherlands: Girls Who Kick Back.

Image showing teenage girls of varying ethnic background, some wearing hijabs, playing soccer
Image credit: Shutterstock

Spotlight on Scholarship

Find out how to submit your work to the Spotlight on Scholarship

2 Postdoc opportunities at Universitat de Barcelona

FOODCIRCUITS is an ethnographic project leaded by Professor Seth M. Holmes (PhD, MD), that focuses on the social and embodied connections between migrants and the societies of which they form part, as well as how these connections become invisibilised. The project will follow the people who interact with specific fruit and vegetables in three food circuits (specifically, asparagus from Germany, oranges from Spain and strawberries from California) to investigate the embodied experiences of migrant farm labourers, supply chain workers and consumers. The project will be based in in-depth participant observation ethnography with migrant farmworkers, transportation and supply chain workers, and consumers of fruits and vegetables. In this regard, the focus will be in the relationship with food of all parties involved, including children and youth, whom aspirations for themselves and the foodsystem may be different from those of their parents.

One of the post-docs we are now recruiting will lead the Spanish Oranges Circuits. The other one will lead the Californian Strawberries circuit. In addition, each post-doc will have the opportunity to spend time as a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley.

The following links provide more information on the project, the positions, and the application process, which deadline is May 23:

  1. Spanish oranges circuit: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/104428
  2. Californian strawberries circuit: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/104409

There will be some flexibility related to the job description and application requirements.

For more information, contact Mateu Font i Mugnaini, Research manager, mateufontimugnaini@ub.edu

Latest Spotlight on Scholarship: Maija-Eliina Sequeira asks, “What happens when children disagree?”

April 2023

What happens when children disagree?

Sequeira, Maija-Eliina. 2023 “Fairness, Partner Choice, and Punishment: An Ethnographic Study of Cooperative Behavior among Children in Helsinki, Finland.” Ethos https://doi.org/10.1111/etho.12385.


Read Maija’s article here

Maija Sequeira is a doctoral researcher at the University of Helsinki. She is interested in how children learn and use social hierarchies in their everyday lives, and uses experimental and ethnographic methods in Finland and Colombia to explore this from both cross-cultural and developmental perspectives.

Find out how to submit your work to the Spotlight on Scholarship

Spotlight on Scholarship – A New ACYIG Feature

We are excited to announce a new feature at ACYIG – Spotlight on Scholarship!

If you or someone you know has published in the anthropology of children and youth, please consider submitting that article for the Spotlight on Research feature. This feature will not only provide scholars an opportunity to share their research but also help ACYIG bring attention to the work being published in regard to childhood and adolescence.

Our first author is José Enrique Hasemann Lara. His article, “Care in Ruination: Accessing Children’s Critiques of Health Through Playwriting,” explores what writing plays with children can tell us about their perspective on their worlds.

Dr. Lara holds a Ph.D. in anthropology (UCONN, 2021) and an M.A. in applied biocultural medical anthropology (USF, 2011), and M.P.H. in global communicable diseases (USF, 2011). His past research has focused on public health, inequality, racialization, and the unequal distribution of access to public goods in the urban landscapes of Tegucigalpa and Comayagüela, Honduras.

Please visit the Spotlight on Scholarship page to find out more! If you are interested in sharing your work, please visit our author guidelines page and submit your work today.

NEOS Spring 2022 Issue is Here!

The newest Co-Editors of NEOS are pleased to share the Spring 2022 Issue (Volume 14, Issue 1), focused on Global South research and childhoods. The issue features two collections of commentaries and articles. It also features a new section on equity and furthering key conversations in child and youth studies. We hope readers enjoy this important set of pieces from brilliant scholars and authors in and beyond anthropology.

We are grateful to all authors, NEOS Editorial Team members, and reviewers who worked to make this issue possible! If you are interested in volunteering for ACYIG or NEOS, please complete the Volunteer Form.

NEOS is the flagship publication of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group (ACYIG) of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). All articles within this bi-annual, refereed publication are open access. Please disseminate widely. Thank you!