Ida Fadzillah Leggett, PhD (University of Illinois, Convenor, ACYIG)
NEOS Issue 14, Volume 2, Fall 2022
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Dear NEOS Readership, 2022 has been a year of transition for the ACYIG Advisory Board. Let me first introduce myself: I am Ida Fadzillah Leggett, the new Convenor for ACYIG and an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Middle Tennessee State University. I would also like to welcome to the Board Courtney Helfrecht as our new Secretary, Adriano De Francesco as Graduate Student Representative, Seran Demiral as our Membership Coordinator, and Lee O’Donnell and Manya Kagan as our Book/Paper Prize Committee Members. We would also like to welcome Anne Marie Bedard, Manya Kagan, Chelsea Cutright, and Chang Liu to the NEOS Editorial Board, while thanking Matilda Stubbs, Kim Garza, and Sujatha Subramanian for their past contributions to the team. We are still seeking additional Book/Paper Prize Committee Members, a Conference Chair, and a Web Coordinator. Please email me at if you are interested! Many thanks go out to Elise Berman, the outgoing ACYIG Convenor, for her patience and advice in this moment of flux.
Other important information to share involves ACYIG activities held at the 2022 AAA Conference in Seattle in November. ACYIG sponsored a virtual Roundtable — Session 3-145 “Growing Up in Unsettled Landscapes: New Directions in the Anthropology of Childhood and Youth” on Friday, November 11 from 10:15am-12:00pm. And we also hosted an in-person Reception and informal book fair — Session 2-988 on Thursday, November 10 from 4-6pm. We appreciate those who came and visited, partook in the refreshments provided, and brought a copy of your book to display and share with others in the field. If you have any questions about these events or ideas about future events, please let me know.
Finally, I would like to highlight a new feature on the ACYIG website: a Spotlight on Scholarship feature created by Julie Spray to showcase new and important work being conducted by scholars of childhood and youth. Please take a look at this feature, and if you would like to contribute your own, visit the author guidelines page to submit your work today.
I look forward to hearing from you and hopefully meeting you all in person at future Meetings.
Ida Fadzillah Leggett
Convenor, ACYIG