Category Archives: Calls for Papers: Conferences

SCCR 2016 conference


Society for Cross Cultural Research Conference

Portland, Oregon
February 17-20, 2016

Call for submissions

The deadline of November 1st for submissions of papers, posters and panel proposals for the Society for Cross Cultural Research conference in Portland, Oregon is fast approaching! Visit the SCCR website at

Registration:   Continue reading SCCR 2016 conference

CFP – Graduate student childhood studies conference

The Rutgers University – Camden Graduate Student Organization in Childhood Studies is pleased to announce our third graduate student conference, to be held 22-23 April 2016 in Camden, New Jersey. Graduate students and others at a similar stage of career in all disciplines who are engaged in research relating to children and youth are encouraged to submit proposals.

The title of this year’s conference is “Reimagining the Child: Next Steps in the Study of Childhood(s)”.
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CFP: International Froebel Society 7th Biennial Conference

What does it mean to understand Froebel? – Working on, with and according to Froebel today

Lutheran Froebel Training Institute
Kassel, Germany
23-25 June 2016

Nationally and internationally, we see today a broad variety of opportunities to value Froebel pedagogy in terms of both theoretical and/or practical interests. The range of readings and applications covers philologically exact reconstructions of the “authentic” Froebel as well as modernized interpretations and even some divergent forms of practical transfer into concrete kindergarten work. An important aim of the conference is to provide a forum for the different forms of work and research onwith and according to Froebel worldwide, and to offer opportunities for dialogue and mutual exchange about individuals’ access to and the handling of Froebelian pedagogy. Continue reading CFP: International Froebel Society 7th Biennial Conference

CFP – AAG2016 Panel on Journeying Young People

Please consider submitting an abstract to this proposed session on Journeying Young People: Practices, Methods, Experiences, Desires for the 2016 AAG in San Francisco.

AAG 2016 San Francisco 29/03/2016 to 02/04/2016

Co-organisers: Tracey Skelton ( and Amy Donovan ( and Please reply to both of us with any queries and with your abstracts.

1: the act of travelling from one place to another, especially when involving a considerable distance; a trip
2: A distance to be travelled or the time required for a trip.
3: A process or course likened to travelling, such as a series of experiences; a passage

Journeying: To make a journey, to travel, to move over or through, wayfinding, pathways, roving, roaming, peregrinations, jaunts, trips, excursions, mobility

Journeyer: one who journeys

Young people (here defined as teenagers and twenty somethings) are considered to be journeyers in many ways: through transitions, identity mobilities, roving their neighbourhoods, desirous of being somewhere else, forced into moving, dreaming of future travelling adventures, making excursions, finding ways and paths, roaming without direction. We wish to interpret the meanings of young people’s journeying and journeys in multi-layered and polysemic ways. We are interested in where young people go, how do they get there, what happens on arrival?  Continue reading CFP – AAG2016 Panel on Journeying Young People

CFP: Mobile Geographies of Learning at AAG 2016

112th Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers
San Francisco, California
March 29 – April 2, 2016

“Mobile Geographies of Learning”
Organizers: Jennie Germann Molz, College of the Holy Cross, USA;  Zsuzsa Millei, SPARG, University of Tampere, Finland
This session explores how education, learning and place making in educational spaces intersect with transnational mobilities, performances of national and global citizenship, and digital technologies.  We ask what kinds of knowledge, subjectivities, and geographies emerge as learning becomes more mobile and interconnected. For example, new technologies that support mobile and remote learning enable parents, teachers, and children to tap into the educational potential of global travel. From Herodotus to the 18th-century Grand Tour to contemporary study abroad and gap year programs, ‘travel has been pursued for the sake of knowledge’ (Adler 1989, p. 1382). This assumed affinity between global travel and education has inspired a range of alternative educational practices such as roadschooling and worldschooling.

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CFP: 2016 SCCR conference in Portland, Oregon

Dear colleagues,
I would like to invite you to consider attending the 2016 SCCR conference detailed below. We have invited several prominent scholars, Paul Harris, Catherine Panter-Brick and Barbara Rogoff, whose work is predominantly child focused. We hope to see you there!

Society for Cross Cultural Research Conference
February 17-20, 2016

Call for submissions

The deadline of November 1st for submissions of papers, posters and panel proposals for the Society for Cross Cultural Research conference in Portland, Oregon is fast approaching! Visit the SCCR website at
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CFP – Childist Landscapes

Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting
San Francisco, March 29 – April 2, 2016

Childist Landscapes: Geographies of child abuse and neglect, and the maltreatment of young people 

If one’s experience of life is rooted in one’s childhood, a richer understanding of social malaise could be gleaned by examining the most prevalent and widespread form of violence in society: the abuse, neglect, and maltreatment of children (Miller, 1981).  Continue reading CFP – Childist Landscapes