Category Archives: Calls for Papers: Conferences

CFP- Child and Teen Consumption

Child and Teen Consumption 2016 Conference
Aalborg University (Denmark)
27-29th April 2016

You can submit your abstract at this address:

The strict deadline for abstract submission is 1 September 2015.

Submitted abstracts can be max 1000 words and must contain a brief abstract of 50-100 words. Continue reading CFP- Child and Teen Consumption

CFP – Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or foes?


First call for papers

Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or foes?

Workshop at UCL Institute of Education, London, UK, 16-17th November 2015

This workshop will bring together community- and university-based academics and activists to unpack perceived conflicts between children’s interests and women’s interests (which themselves are heterogeneous) and, more broadly, intersections and antagonisms between various forms of feminism and the politics of childhood. Continue reading CFP – Feminism and the Politics of Childhood: Friends or foes?

CFP- The Great Outdoors?

Call for Papers


9th and 10th September 2015
Centre for Children & Youth, and Institute of Health & Wellbeing
University of Northampton

Organising committee:

John Horton, Faith Tucker, Michelle Pyer

Keynote speaker:

Professor Owain Jones (Bath Spa University)


This conference marks 15 years since the publication of Matthews et al.’s (2000) ‘Growing up in the countryside: children and the rural idyll’. This anniversary represents a timely moment for reflection on the state of research into children, young people and families in, and in relation to, ‘rural’ and ‘natural’ spaces. We suggest that this anniversary should prompt consideration of the complex ways in which rural and natural spaces have changed over last two decades, recognising the multiple, shifting ruralities and natures which constitute the everyday lives of children, young people and families in diverse international contexts. We also call for continued critical reflection upon the categories of ‘natural’ and ‘rural’ which are perhaps too-often conflated, sentimentalised and idealised in relation to childhood, youth and families.

In a context of growing policy/practitioner concern about the value of outdoor, natural and rural spaces (e.g. for education, play, health and well-being) and on-going conceptual/critical reflections upon ideas/norms about nature and countryside (e.g. via wonderfully rich theorisations of landscape, materiality, vitalities, human-nonhuman interactions, emotions/affects), we invite papers which focus on children, young people and families in relation to the following topics:

  • Managing natural and/or rural environments for children, young people and families;
  • Play and learning in natural and/or outdoor spaces;
  • Rural change and livelihoods in the Global South;
  • Health and wellbeing in natural and/or outdoor spaces;
  • Friendships, relationships and belonging in rural and/or natural environments;
  • Innovative concepts and research methods for exploring rural and/or natural spaces;
  • Community social norms and surveillance in rural and/or natural areas;
  • Participation, activism and citizenship in natural and/or outdoor spaces;
  • Concepts of rural idyll, nature deficit disorder and the great outdoors;
  • Changing contexts of policy and service provision for rural spaces;
  • Rural mobilities, economies and housing

Abstracts (c.200 words) should be emailed to: by 15th June 2015.

Further information:

Location: The conference will be held at Sunley Conference CentreUniversity of Northampton.

Conference registration: standard fee £160, postgraduate students £90.  Fee includes lunch on both days and conference dinner on 9th September.  Accommodation can be booked at Sunley Conference Centre (  Please note that there is an additional charge for accommodation.

Conference website:

Twitter: @CCYNorthampton #ccyevent


CFP – 2nd Childhood Studies Colloquium “What does Childhood Studies mean for research, policy and practice?”

The 2nd Childhood Studies Colloquium will be held in Dunedin on 20th and 21st October 2015 on the theme What does Childhood Studies mean for research, policy and practice? 

Children and young people deal with a vast range of widening inequalities in their social and physical environments. Researchers from many disciplines, practitioners, policy makers and activists often work individually to improve the life of our young citizens. While children and young people’s economic, social, cultural and physical wellbeing lie at the heart of such efforts, debates continue about what working under the umbrella term of ‘Childhood Studies’ actually means theoretically and practically to address the pressing issues facing children and young people in the 21st century. Continue reading CFP – 2nd Childhood Studies Colloquium “What does Childhood Studies mean for research, policy and practice?”

CFP: Children as objects of humanitarian intervention

We seek participants for a session we are organizing for the AAA NGO and Nonprofit Interest Group conference “NGO-graphies” 17-18 November 2015 — just ahead of the AAA Annual Meeting — in Denver.

More info here: 

Session title:
Children as objects of humanitarian intervention: NGO industrialization and commodification of disadvantaged childhoods

Session organizers:
Kristen Cheney, International Institute of Social Studies (Children & Youth Studies)
Aviva Sinervo, San Francisco State University (Anthropology)

Theme Definition:
Within days of the April 25th Nepal earthquake, local and international child-focused NGOs were soliciting assistance for children in need, often focusing on children left orphaned by the earthquake. Though similar actions taken after the 2004 tsunami in Southeast Asia and the 2010 earthquake in Haiti increased child trafficking and led to unnecessary institutionalization, NGOs continue to reify categories of “children in need” in order to raise funds for assistance – often endangering the very children they intend to help.

Humanitarian discourse and practice provide a good frame to examine how entire transnational charitable industries create and mobilize categorizations of disadvantaged childhoods to direct global resource flows. Yet this inquiry into the objectification of childhood must also consider the experiences of children themselves as they respond to, reject, embrace, or work within NGO narratives of their lives. This session will reflect on how NGOs’ targeting of children (re)creates particular types of vulnerable child identities and even creates demand for ‘savable’ children – perpetuating the need for services that cater to them. The consequences of such processes will be analyzed with regard to their effects on child recipients.

Panelists will internally circulate short papers in advance according to critical questions of common interest from the session chairs. This will facilitate engagement amongst the panelists prior to the meeting (collaborative response). The session will also be flipped such that during the session each panelist will present a brief 5-10 minute overview of their paper, and then audience members will be invited to engage in a moderated discussion of the emergent themes in the papers.

Prospective Participants:
We seek participants covering a range of commodified ‘disadvantaged childhoods’ in a variety of geographical areas. If you are interested in participating, please send an email to and by Wednesday 13 May identifying the ‘disadvantaged childhood’ category and geographic region you would like to discuss. Please provide a few lines on how your research addresses the theme definition above and how you would present that research within the given structure/format (max 200 words).

CFP: Nation and Childhood Panel – Oulu, Finland – December 3-4, 2015

Nation and Childhood(s): The Cultural Politics of the Borders of Childhood
Annual Conference on Cultural Studies/Kulttuurintutkimuksen päivät
December 3-4, 2015
University of Oulu
Oulu, Finland

This interdisciplinary workshop will focus on examining the limits and possibilities of nationhood, and what those limits and possibilities mean for childhood and the experiences of childhood. We warmly welcome contributions from all scholars interested in this topic. The workshop will be held in English.

Download the PDF Call for Papers here.

If you have any inquiries please address to

Paper proposals (max 300 words) should be sent to by the August 17, 2015. 

CFP – SCCR 2016 Conference

Society for Cross Cultural Research 2016 Conference
Portland, Oregon – Feb 17-20, 2016

SCCR is a multi-disciplinary organization with members sharing a common devotion to the conduct of cross-cultural and comparative research. Since its founding in 1971, SCCR has attracted professionals and students from the social science fields of Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology, and related fields including Archaeology, Education, Nursing, Family Studies, Social Work, Human Development, Psychiatry, Communications, Ethnic Studies, and Business.  The SCCR conference provides a unique atmosphere encouraging attendees to get to know each other better, form lasting relationships, and provide genuine support to their fellow colleagues and students. Conference organizers invite you and your students to consider organizing a symposium or presenting individual papers or posters.


Ed Hagen
Paul Harris
Catherine Panter-Brick
Barbara Rogoff
Tony Johnson, Invited lecture

Continue reading CFP – SCCR 2016 Conference