All posts by ACYIG Web Manager

CFP: Children and Globalization

Call for Papers
The 10th Joint Area Centers Symposium
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
April 10-12, 2014

Children and Globalization: Issues, Policies and Initiatives

Keynote SpeakerDavid Oswell, Department of Sociology, University of London

“After Our Children’s Image: Human Rights, Capital and the Common”

Papers are solicited for the following panels:

1.     Cross-cultural and historical perspectives on childhood and children

2.     Children and migration

3.     Child labor

4.     International adoption

5.     Homeless/street children

6.     Children and sexuality: child marriages, sexual abuse, sex slavery

7. Children and war: victims, refugees, child soldiers; children and peacebuilding/conflict resolution

8.     Children’s rights

To submit a proposal, send the following to Valerie Hoffman ( <> ), Director of the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, by September 23, 2013:

–         a paper title and an abstract of approximately 250-300 words

–         an indication of the panel on which your paper would best fit

–         on a separate sheet of paper, provide a brief biography, with your name, institutional affiliation, position or title, and a short statement of your interests

The hotel accommodation and meals of accepted presenters will be paid for by the conference.
Joint Area Centers Symposia at the University of Illinois are sponsored by: the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies; the Center for African Studies; the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies; the European Union Center; the Center for Global Studies; the Center for International Business Education and Research; the International Forum on U.S. Studies; the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies, the Russian, East European and Eurasian Center, and the Program in Women and Gender in Global Perspectives.

CFP: New, open source journal

Inaugural Issue: Call for Papers
Wheelock International Journal of Children, Families, and Social Change

The Wheelock International Journal of Children, Families, and Social Change ( ) is an online, open-access, interdisciplinary forum for substantive conversations about understanding and improving the lives of children and families throughout the world. Our scope is unique and broad: peer-reviewed scholarly articles as well as essays by policy makers, advocates, educators, NGOs, and practitioners. We seek contributions that infuse intellectual rigor with moral and social purpose, and offer action strategies to address old problems and new opportunities. We aim for a broad and inclusive readership. Our goal: to enhance understanding and to foster change and progress.

The journal is currently accepting manuscripts for our inaugural issue from both established and emergent scholars and leaders. We publish a range of contributions, including case-studies, comparative analyses, advocacy, and policy articles. All submissions are carefully reviewed by relevant scholars and leaders in the field to maintain the highest standards of rigor and insight. Submissions to the Research & Scholarship section will be double-blind, peer-reviewed. We also welcome submissions from outside academia.
Relevant topics include education and schools, parenting and childrearing, globalization, gender, new pedagogies, work, service learning, art and music, violence, urbanism, health, media, technology, and more. We ask authors to formulate perspectives that are cutting-edge, and to write for a wide readership that expands beyond the traditional confines of any single discipline. We invite submissions that learn from the past, explore the present, and look ahead to a bright future. We welcome authors from a variety of disciplines: history, education, women’s studies, literature, psychology, feminism, family studies, religion, childhood studies, anthropology, sociology, social work, critical theory, political science, and development studies. The journal seeks to build intellectual bridges between scholarly disciplines and to bring together theory and practice, scholarship and activism, the academy and the “real world,” developed and developing nations. Our scope is global in focus and outreach.  We offer the journal at no charge to readers and eagerly invite contributions from thought leaders around the world.

For further information, submission guidelines, the Editorial Board, and to sign up for updates, please visit our website: . You are also welcome to contact the Editor (Eric Silverman) a

The Wheelock International Journal of Children, Families, and Social Change, like our institutional host Wheelock College, is committed to creating a just world for children and families.  Join us in this important work.

ACYIG Book Fair contributions

Dear ACYIG Members,

Mark your calendar! We are excited to announce that this year’s ACYIG Organization Meeting and Book/Social Hour will be held at the AAA Meetings on Saturday, November 23, 2013: 7:00pm – 9:30pm in Williford A at the Chicago Hilton. The first hour is devoted to interest group business and the second hour will include the Social/Book Hour with light refreshments. (Suggested donation: $5.)

If you are interested in displaying your book(s) during the Book/Social Hour, please contact Lauren Heidbrink at: by Saturday, October 12th . This will confirm your space and give you time to work with your publisher to secure copies of your book for sale. Should you have any questions, please let me know.

Warm regards,


Lauren Heidbrink, MA/MS, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Social & Behavioral Sciences
College of Arts & Sciences
NATIONAL LOUIS UNIVERSITY | 122 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60603 Tel/fax: 312.261.3409


The Child in the World Conference

the child in the world

A one-day international conference organised as part
of an AHRC-funded collaborative project between
Queen Mary, University of London and the V&A
Museum of Childhood.

For full conference details and speaker biographies, go to

How to book
Contact or 020 8983 5205.
The registration fee is £40 (£20 concessions). Spaces are limited so please
book by 1 November 2013.

V&A Museum of Childhood
Cambridge Heath Road, London E2 9PA
Saturday 9 November 2013
10.00 ­ 17.00


CFP: Race, Crime, and Children

CFP:  Race, Crime, and Children. Special Winter Issue Red Feather Journal 

In the wake of the tragic murder of Trayvon Martin, the young African American teenager killed as he was walking home in suburban Florida, the intersections of youth, crime and race have been brought to the forefront of public discourse and media scrutiny. In this discourse,  American youth,  and particularly young people of color, are frequently romanticized, demonized and/or criminalized.  Red Feather Journal seeks to provide a forum for dialogue among scholars about the intersections of race, crime, children, and the media. How do cultural junctures like Trayvon Martin’s murder and racial profiling bring to the fore popular notions about childhood itself? What part does race play in constructions of, and cultural discourse about, childhood in a global context? Red Feather Journal  invites the submission of  scholarly articles from a variety of disciplines that explore these issues.

International submissions are encouraged.

Red Feather Journal adheres to the MLA citation system. Authors are welcome to submit articles in other citations systems, with the understanding that, upon acceptance, conversion to MLA is a condition of publication. Red Feather Journal is indexed through EBSCO host and MLA bibliography.

Interested contributors please submit the paper, an abstract, and a brief biography (with full contact information) as attachments in Word to

Deadline for submissions for the Special Winter issue is November 30, 2013.

Debbie Olson
University of Texas at Arlington
Department of English

Save the Date: ACYIG Organizational Meeting and Social/Book Hour at AAA Meetings

Dear ACYIG Members,

I hope that everyone is having an excellent summer. We now have scheduling details about the ACYIG Organization Meeting and Social/Book Hour during the 2013 AAA Meetings in Chicago. Please save the date!

The ACYIG Organization Meeting and Social/Book Hour will take place at the American Anthropological Association Meetings on Saturday, November 23, 2013.

The Organization Meeting will take place from 7:00-8:15 PM, and the Social/Book Hour will take place from 8:15-9:30 pm. Refreshments and light snacks will be served.

Both events will take place at the Chicago Hilton. The room is Williford A.

Please note! If you have recently published a book and would like to promote it at this year’s Social/Book Hour, please contact Lauren Heidbrink at:  Lauren will post more calls for participation in the Book Hour in the coming weeks.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in Chicago!


Rachael Stryker
Convener, ACYIG

Job Posting: Assistant & Associate Professor, Childhood Studies


The Department of Childhood Studies, Rutgers University気amden, New Jersey, USA invites applications for two positions:  Assistant Professor (tenure-track) and
Associate Professor (tenured) of Childhood Studies to commence on
1stSeptember 2014.

Building on the strengths of its established, internationally recognized
program, the Department seeks outstanding scholars whose research interests
and projects address the lives or contexts of children and childhood from
an interdisciplinary perspective.  All areas in the social sciences and
humanities are welcome, including interdisciplinary fields such as
performance studies, gender studies and disability studies. The
disciplinary affiliation of an applicant is of less importance than the
quality of his/her research and the demonstrated appreciation for
multidisciplinary approaches to the study of children and childhood.  We
are particularly interested in receiving applications from those whose work
addresses the following areas, broadly conceived, and can speak to both
national and transnational contexts: children’s sexualities, literacies,
media, health behavior, geographies and disabilities.  We seek applicants
with experience supervising doctoral students and interest in contributing
to leadership roles within the department.

Established in 2007 as the first doctoral-granting granting program in
childhood studies in the USA, the Department graduated its first Ph.D.
students in May 2013. Childhood Studies offers a robust, multidisciplinary
curriculum for BA, MA, and Ph.D. degrees.  The Department has hosted
several major international conferences, sponsors an array of lectures and
symposia, and annually welcomes visiting scholars from around the world. It
enjoys an active faculty and graduate student body whose work often
integrates scholarship with social engagement.

Rutgers University Camden, a beautiful, urban campus expanding to
accommodate the growth of Southern New Jersey, is located just across the
Delaware River from Philadelphia.  Rutgers is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.  The University and our Department
seek to attract an active, culturally diverse faculty of the highest
caliber.  Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Candidates can learn about the campus and the Department of Childhood
Studies at and by contacting
Department Chair, Dr. Lynne Vallone. Applications should include a cover
letter indicating the ways in which their research adds to the Departmentケs
strengths and focusing on how their teaching and research may enhance a
multidisciplinary program, along with a CV and no more than two
publications for the Associate Professor position and one for the Assistant
Professor position.  Applicants to the Assistant Professor position should
forward three letters of recommendation while applicants to the Associate
Professor position should forward a list of at least three potential
referees.  Applications — electronic submissions are encouraged–should be
sent to or to Dr. Lynne Vallone, Department of
Childhood Studies, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 405-407
Cooper Street, Camden, NJ 08102 USA.  The positions will remain open until
filled, but completed applications received by 7 November 2013 will receive
fullest consideration.

New Issue: Children, Youth and Environments Journal

The new issue of the Children, Youth and Environments Journal includes ten articles from the U.S.A., Canada, Denmark, and Norway, mostly focused on school grounds and playgrounds.

See below for the detailed table of contents.  The issue is available at:

Subscribing to the CYE Journal is easy: make a (tax-deductible) $35 payment via a secure online transaction on  Complete the form  and enter “For CYE Journal” in the comment field. Forward the electronic acknowledgement that you’ll receive to: You will get access with a user name and password.

Individual subscriptions are for one full year of unlimited access to three new issues and all back issues from 1984 onwards. The fee for students is US $15.00 upon submission of proof of status (current student card or letter from advisor).

We hope that you will share this announcement with appropriate professional networks, listservs, and interested others.

Louise Chawla

Fahriye Sancar

Willem van Vliet–

Children, Youth and Environments
A Journal of Research, Policy and Applications
University of Colorado