Call For Papers

Spring 2021 Call for Papers

Theme: In the Pursuit of Racial Justice in Child & Youth Studies  

NEOS welcomes submissions for the Spring 2021 issue: In Pursuit of Racial Justice in Child & Youth Studies. This upcoming issue aims to uplift scholarship that centers the voices, experiences, and leadership of Black and Indigenous children and youth. Acknowledging the ubiquitous and persistent racial and social injustices in US society and globally, we are committed to using NEOS as a platform for amplifying research and activism on equity, access, and the dismantling of white supremacy. This special issue thus also serves as a catalyst for a new standing column in NEOS dedicated to racial and social justice. For this catalyst issue, we are especially interested in:

  1. research that explores the impacts of anti-Black racism, police brutality, social and structural inequalities, and policy changes on children and youth of color;
  2. articles that analyze intersecting oppressions that maintain, perpetuate, and complexify the impacts of racism against Indigenous communities and anti-Black racism on children/youth;
  3. submissions that explore the ways children and youth navigate, struggle with, grieve, cope with, and make sense of racial injustices and the pursuit of more equitable futures;
  4. articles that explore child/youth experiences of joy, empowerment, resilience, resistance, political activism, healing, and liberation in the context of racial (in)justices; and
  5. submissions that speak to the dismantling of white supremacy within the ivory tower and in anthropological endeavors with children/youth.

We invite short-form original research articles (1,000 words max, excluding references), as well as commentaries (500 words max, excluding references) that address the issue’s theme. NEOS also welcomes original research articles that—while not necessarily directly connected to the CFP theme—highlight recent “hot off the press” research in the field. Submissions by Black and Indigenous authors will be prioritized for publication.

NEOS is an open-access publication of the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group (ACYIG) of the American Anthropological Association (AAA). We publish research on childhood and youth from scholars working across the four fields of anthropology, as well from those interdisciplinary fields in conversation with anthropological theories and methods. Articles published in NEOS undergo a double-blind peer-review process and commentaries are reviewed by the NEOS Editorial Team.

The deadline for submissions is Feb 17, 2021 (end of the day). Rolling submissions prior to February 17 are also welcome.  While not required, authors are encouraged to submit a brief message about their intent to submit to the Editors by February 3, 2021. The NEOS Editorial Team may be reached at

Visit our website for further information on NEOS, as well as submission guidelines and instructionsYou may access the submission portal for the Spring 2021 Issue here.