Winning Title for the ACYIG Newsletter!

In response to member feedback, we held a competition in March for a new title for the ACYIG Newsletter. Our intent was to professionalize the publication with a title that better reflects the peer-reviewed nature and high caliber of our authors’ work. We sought a new name would embody the spirit and future direction of ACYIG, be indicative of our membership’s common goals, and provide name-recognition. We were pleased to have numerous excellent suggestions from which to choose, and we extend our sincerest thanks to all those who participated in the competition.

The winning title, chosen by the Newsletter Advisory Board and the ACYIG Advisory Board is Neos, (Greek for young, fresh, new, or recent—e.g. babies, children, youth). This title was provided by Elisa Sobo of San Diego State University.

You can view the February 2015 newsletter at and review submission guidelines for the October 2015 issue of Neos at