Latest Spotlight on Scholarship: Meghanne Barker’s “Throw your Voice”

The ACYIG is delighted to present our latest Spotlight on Scholarship:

Cuties: Exploring Blurred Boundaries Between Puppets and Children in Kazakhstani Culture

Left image:Two girls sit at the bottom of a slide. Each has a floppy hat on her lap. The girl on the left has a plastic pony inside the hat, its legs visible. The girl on the right has a tall, thin doll lying on top of the hat. Right image: Children dressed in tutus and curly wigs stand with hands posed in air
Image credit: Justin Barker

Barker, Meghanne. 2024. Throw Your Voice: Suspended Animations in Kazakhstani Childhoods. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

A dog named Kashtanka finds herself lost and alone. Her master, a carpenter, has taken her out but wandered off. A new master takes her in, feeds her, and teaches her to perform. She is well-fed but becomes bored in this new life, restricted to a single room and an endless routine. Then, one night, the gander who lives with her dies suddenly. She replaces him in the master’s act in the circus. At her debut, her first master is in the audience. He calls out to her, and she jumps back into his arms. She returns to her first home. [read more]