Véronique Gilbert is currently completing her PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of Edinburgh (UK). Her dissertation, Mokk Pooj: Gender, Interpretive Labour and Sexual Imaginary in Senegal’s Art/Work of Seduction, examines the evolving gender relationships exposed by and contested through the Senegalese art of seduction, mokk pooj. It explores how imagining and responding to men’s needs and desires allows women to negotiate power and exert agency in a Muslim, patriarchal, polygamous context.
Véronique holds an MA in Anthropology and a BA in International Development and Globalisation from the University of Ottawa, Canada. For her master’s degree, she conducted fieldwork in Dakar (Senegal) where she worked in a local organisation providing medical and social services to street children. Her first article, published in the French journal Autrepart, analyses street children’s agency and victimhood.
Prior to her postgraduate studies, Véronique worked for UNICEF Canada and the Paul Gérin-Lajoie Foundation in Montreal (Quebec). She also volunteered as a doula and worked or volunteered for various children and youth programs and associations in her native province of Quebec, Canada. Veronique is fluent in French and English, and speaks conversational Spanish and Wolof.
You can email Véronique for all of your NEOS needs.
Please join us in welcoming Véronique to NEOS and in thanking outgoing editor Kate Feinberg Robins for her outstanding service to NEOS.