CfP – Childhoods in Motion: Children, Youth, Migration, and Education Conference

Childhoods in Motion: Children, Youth, Migration, and Education Conference

March 3-5, 2017 | UCLA, Los Angeles, California

Co-Sponsored by: UCLA Center for the Study of International Migration AAA Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group, Council on Anthropology and Education

To ensure a dynamic and engaging conference, we strongly encourage innovative presentation formats from all disciplines. All submissions should include: author/organizer name(s) and affiliation(s); title; 500-word abstract; three key words; and space or A/V needs. Further information for each type of submission are included below:

  1. Individual Volunteered Paper: Individual paper presentations are 15 minutes long and will be grouped into organized sessions of related papers.
  2. Panel Session: This is a group of papers (no more than 4) submitted jointly for a single session. In addition to individual paper abstracts, submission materials must include a panel title, abstract, session chair, and discussant (optional). Panel sessions are 90 minutes in length.
  3. Roundtables: Roundtables typically raise a significant question to be discussed by multiple panelists, and offer unique opportunities for learning and exchange. In lieu of individual abstracts, roundtable proposals should include a single abstract identifying the targeted questions that panelists will address, and the names and affiliations of panelists. Proposals for roundtables should include at least 4 panelists. Roundtables are 90 minutes in length.
  4. Workshops: A workshop typically utilizes a structured, didactic format in which the organizer is a specialist and participants attend to learn the specialty. Workshops should be offered free of charge. Submissions should include the abstract, a short biography of the workshop leader, and any specific technology or space requirements. Workshops may be either 90 minutes or 3 hours.
  5. Performance/Other Presentation: We welcome innovative presentations (performance art, visual presentation, short-film, meet-the-author session, etc.) that relate to the conference theme. If you would like to propose a session in another format, provide a summary of the performance/presentation and any specific technology or space requirements. To discuss other possibilities, please email:

Submissions should be emailed to by December 2, 2016.

Stay tuned for conference registration and information.