“Tiny Katerina” is a short film by Ivan Golovnev, filmmaker and ethnographer, from the Urals, Russia (http://www.berlinale-talents.de/bt/talent/ivan-golovnev/profile). The film, recommended by David Lancy, shows vividly the learning through participation model that is so prominent in studies of children’s learning where schooling exerts minimal influence. This webpage provides an overview of the film and the filmmaker: http://www.kinokultura.com/2013/41-gray.shtml. Ivan, who can be contacted at golovnev.ivan@gmail.com, has agreed to make the film available to the Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group. The video can be viewed through Vimeo by using the password TINY:https://vimeo.com/143388752.
Berlinale Talents is a six-day creative platform for emerging filmmakers. It consists of the Summit programme, Project Labs, Studio programmes and workshops.