Call for Papers: Children’s Geographies

Announcing Call for Papers: Children’s Geographies
North American Editor: Pamela Anne Quiroz

Children’s Geographies, a truly interdisciplinary and international
journal, publishes on the intersections of space and place in children’s and families lives. We encourage submissions from researchers whose work addresses these intersections in the fields of anthropology, geography, sociology, child, youth and family studies, and education. We publish empirical, theoretical and methodological articles (including the use visual media).

Early career scholars are especially encouraged to take a look at the journal’s website

Children’s Geographies is published by Taylor & Francis and has an impact factor of .86. The manuscript should not exceed 8000 words, including tables, references, captions, visuals, footnotes/endnotes.

If you are interested in submitting to Children’s Geographies and have any questions please email: K. Milam Brooks, Editorial Assistant,