Tenure Track Position in Primary Education/Child Development at U. Mass. Amherst

The Department of Teacher Education and Curriculum Studies (TECS) in the College of Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is seeking candidates to join a dedicated and accomplished community of faculty, students, and staff as an Assistant Professor, in Primary Education (Grades K – 2nd)/Child Development. This is a full-time tenure track position beginning in September 2014.

The College is NCATE-approved and offers a comprehensive program leading to undergraduate, Master’s and doctoral degrees. We share a fundamental commitment to social justice and the pursuit of educational excellence. Located in the beautiful Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts, the University of Massachusetts Amherst is the flagship campus of the Commonwealth’s university system and is a leading center of public higher education in the Northeast.

Faculty in Children, Families and Schools lead an undergraduate program in early childhood education, an elementary education licensure program as well as a Master’s and doctoral program. We are seeking a colleague to collaborate with and generate externally funded projects and contribute to the Department and College on service and leadership roles whose research and scholarly background evidence a foundation in child development with a particular interest in factors that influence the learning and development of primary grade level students (Grades K – 2nd).

Qualifications: doctorate in Education or a related Social Science or interdisciplinary area (e.g., Child Development, Early Childhood Education, Childhood Studies, Elementary Education, Human Development, Educational Psychology, or Psychology); expertise in child development as applied to primary learning, curriculum development and/or academic content areas relevant to primary grade learners, pre-service teacher preparation, family-school connections and/or applications of developmental theory to education policy and practice; established publication record or indication of considerable promise; experience teaching or strong potential to teach at the graduate and undergraduate level; and the ability to work effectively with learners or diverse cultures and backgrounds. Interest in urban education and a commitment to educator preparation preferred.

Responsibilities: Teach, advise students and fully participate in the Department’s graduate and undergraduate programs in child development; participate in preparing preservice and inservice early childhood and elementary teachers, including working closely with colleagues to develop clinical/professional development school sites; develop and maintain an active research agenda, including seeking funding from competitive federal and private agencies; and participate actively in shared governance of the Department and College.

Interested applicants should send a curriculum vita, letter of application, three letters of reference, transcripts, and samples of written work to: Professor Sally Galman, Search Committee Chair, c/o meddy@educ.umass.eduElectronic submission of applications preferred; paper applications can be mailed to College of Education, 124 Furcolo Hall, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003. For more information about the College of Education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, please visit our website atwww.umass.edu/education.

Review of candidates will begin October 1, 2013, and will continue until a qualified candidate is identified. Salary is commensurate with qualifications. Final appointment is contingent upon the availability of funds.

The University seeks to increase the diversity of its professoriate, workforce and undergraduate and graduate student populations because broad diversity is critical to achieving the University’s mission of excellence in education, research, educational access and service in an increasingly diverse globalized society. Therefore, in holistically assessing many qualifications of each applicant of any race or gender we would factor favorably an individual’s record of conduct that includes students and colleagues with broadly diverse perspectives, experiences and backgrounds in educational, research or other work activities. Among other qualifications, we would also factor favorably experience overcoming or helping others overcome barriers to an academic career or degree.

The University of Massachusetts Amherst is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. The College of Education is committed to increasing the diversity of the faculty, student body, and curriculum. Women, minorities, persons with disabilities, and other protected group members are encouraged to apply.

CFP: Generations and Protests: Legacies, Emergences in the MENA region and the Mediterranean

Call for Papers

Generations and Protests: Legacies, Emergences in the MENA region and the Mediterranean

The recent events in the Middle East, North Africa and elsewhere in the world brought forth the question of youth engagement and the development of new forms of protest. While much have been discussed, the demonstration of the interconnectedness between different protest “moments” in the long term or on a diachronic axis remains extremely thin if not absent. The aim of this collection is to inquire and problematize the relations that exist between different periods of protest, the type of actors they mobilize and the processes of memory they generate.

The articles of this collection will deal with these questions and others in

1. Referring to specific national contexts and narratives.
2. Reconsidering the limits of the present and reassessing the past in youth formations.
3. Analyzing the dynamic between generations and memory formations. 4. Examining the function of media technologies and modes and modalities of communication.
5. Exploring the productions of subjectivities in examining the types of counter-publics produced by different generations.
6. Identifying the correspondences and the complexities between contexts and temporalities.
7. Problematizing place and space and the conditions of emergence of protest mobilizations and contestation.
8. Developing new methodologies and approaches to youth/generation clusters in the MENA and the Mediterranean.
9. Exploring the limits of the concept of generation, particularly the ways in which certain groups framed their struggle as first and foremost between freedom vs. oppression, democracy vs. Totalitarianism, or New Regime vs. Old Regime.

Please send an abstract (minimum 450 words and not to exceed 550 words), a short biography (highlighting research and publications), and contact information by November 4, 2013 to professors Mark Ayyash and Ratiba Hadj-Moussa (mayyash@mtroyal.ca ; rhm@yorku.ca).

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by November 20, 2013.

Article submission deadline is May 22, 2014.

CFP: Children and Globalization

Call for Papers
The 10th Joint Area Centers Symposium
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
April 10-12, 2014

Children and Globalization: Issues, Policies and Initiatives

Keynote SpeakerDavid Oswell, Department of Sociology, University of London

“After Our Children’s Image: Human Rights, Capital and the Common”

Papers are solicited for the following panels:

1.     Cross-cultural and historical perspectives on childhood and children

2.     Children and migration

3.     Child labor

4.     International adoption

5.     Homeless/street children

6.     Children and sexuality: child marriages, sexual abuse, sex slavery

7. Children and war: victims, refugees, child soldiers; children and peacebuilding/conflict resolution

8.     Children’s rights

To submit a proposal, send the following to Valerie Hoffman (vhoffman@illinois.edu <mailto:aswillms@illinois.edu> ), Director of the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, by September 23, 2013:

–         a paper title and an abstract of approximately 250-300 words

–         an indication of the panel on which your paper would best fit

–         on a separate sheet of paper, provide a brief biography, with your name, institutional affiliation, position or title, and a short statement of your interests

The hotel accommodation and meals of accepted presenters will be paid for by the conference.
Joint Area Centers Symposia at the University of Illinois are sponsored by: the Center for South Asian and Middle Eastern Studies; the Center for African Studies; the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies; the European Union Center; the Center for Global Studies; the Center for International Business Education and Research; the International Forum on U.S. Studies; the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, the Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies, the Russian, East European and Eurasian Center, and the Program in Women and Gender in Global Perspectives.