CFP: Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts

Child Studies in Asia-Pacific Contexts (CSAC) is a multidisciplinary international journal that publishes papers on children’s development in diverse social and cultural contexts in Asia Pacific region. CSAC’s paramount aim is to examine biological, emotional, cognitive, social, and cultural development of children; the role of social and cultural contexts, such as family, educare setting, school, and community, in children’s development; the interaction between development and context; and its theoretical and practical implications, including social policies for children.

We publish in February and August and are now accepting papers for publication in the 2014 August issue.

The submission deadline for publication in the August issue has been extended to July 30, 2014. 

To submit, please visit our homepage at


Editorial Board:


Important Features of CSAC:

Committed to SPEEDY review and publication

One of the most important features of CSAC is speedy review and rapid publication.

For all submitted manuscripts, we strive to complete the first round review within 3 weeks and publish and accepted manuscript within 6 months of initial submission.


Authors’ Guidelines:

  • All manuscripts must be prepared in English.
  • Review paper is warmly welcome.
  • Submit your paper through the CSAC website:
  • To expedite the review process, please format your reference as the guideline.
  • Please visit journal homepage for more information and to view our issues.